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Author Topic: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)  (Read 5811 times)


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Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« on: October 04, 2013, 04:05 »

In another part of my very ad-hoc series, I thought I'd put up a savegame for one of the newer HARD levels, so whoever wants to can get in some practice on it. Limbo, ie: the even eviler Mortuary.

How different is Limbo to the Mortuary? Very. For one, it's harder. Second, there's lava all over the place. Third, stuff just seems to be harder to kill. It gives the same rewards as the Mortuary, but it'll kill you deader, quicker (like the original wasn't bad enough). Knockback into said lava destroys as much life as the enemies do, groups end up spread out more (making BFGs and rockets less effective, though shotguns are slightly better) and there's a higher chance of viles spawning near you (not exactly a bad thing, except that they tend to surround you more often).

So this save is just a little thing for newer players to get a bit of practice with if they want. It also gives me somewhere to leave a save online so I can practice a bit from different PCs when I'm bored. It is save-scumming, so preferably do it in a fresh install of DoomRL ( so you won't end up changing your player record (there's no 100% kill-rate or anything on the save, but best to not sully your records with my feeble attempts).

The save makes the level as easy as possible, with as many options for tackling it as I could get into one save. It's a MFa run on HNTR, with WK(2) and Jug for weapon switching. Heaps of shells, cells and rockets and an onyxed red armour. A tac shotty, a F.DB shotty, a laser rifle, a bulked BFG and a rather silly missile launcher. There's a bit of other random stuff (nukes, phases, a medikit and a skull) to try stuff out with as well. You start with a fair bit of invincibility, berserk, and a heap of life, so you'll be good to muck around a bit if you want.

It was just one of those freak runs where the game front loads mods and weapons at you, even before you can use them, but it's handy for practicing a few different styles of play in Limbo.

It actually doesn't get easier than this, so hopefully players can get a bit of a feel for the level with the save. The filename is: "save_fireangel_limbo." Copy it to your DoomRL directory and remove everything from the filename other than the word "save."  Load up DoomRL and press continue.

Have fun (and rocket everything. Or plasma it. Whatever.)
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 04:17 by Sambojin »


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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 04:37 »

This looks like a cool idea, although i'm not going to take advantage of it. (I prefer to work it out myself and surprise die 8D. Thanks for sharing!

I would have thought that Limbo would be easier due to the layout - Less corpses, around the same cover (Does it have cover at the start? I don't remember), and less room for monsters to move. I guess not though - and either way, it's still gonna be hella nasty.
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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 06:33 »

It really just depends. I play on console mode mostly, so I was taking plenty of damage due to walking through lava (which looks the same as blood splatters in text mode). After a bit of a play around, I'd have to agree, it probably is a lot easier than the Mortuary once you know the layout. Radar-shooting the islands etc make it not too much of a trouble really. Oh well. I'll leave the save up just for a laugh (it's quite therapeutic to go berko with rockets and BFGs sometimes).


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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 08:45 »

Limbo being easier or harder than Mortuary?
IMHO, it depends. Those lots of lava are your friend there for easy corpse disposal, the layout tends to be helpful with that as well. The fact that the monsters revived tend to be clustered is great for rocket launchers and BFGs.
Sometimes, a number of Viles tend to spawn right close to you in the center. This is not necessarily a bad thing - once, three Viles spawned right in my LOS. Too bad for them that I was on a full-blown MSs killing spree, so none of them had even a chance to move before being turned to corpses as well. Also, if luck is on your side, no Viles may spawn in one half of the layout (happened to me as well), making the level much less dangerous.
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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2013, 12:45 »

I am playing a HMP Archangel of 666 right now, I got a cybernano red armor, a ripper-chainsaw, a nano shotgun, a nano plasma-rifle, enviroboots, cerberusboots, a nucler plasma-rifle, a ton of medpacks, a Hellstaff, a napalm launcher... currently I am on level 204. The character is a Blademaster, maxed out experience, 100% kills so far.

Anyone interested in a save of that? To have some fun or whatever? Let me know, I am sure this is taking me a few more days to complete.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 12:47 by chag »


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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2013, 14:29 »

Ummm ... With all due respect to your accomplishments, this would well justify a topic on its own, instead of hijacking someone else's topic.
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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2013, 16:19 »

Hijacking...? He was offering a save, I was offering a save - thought I wasn't being that off-topic. I would have considered it spamming rather to open up a new thread for this. I don't consider a HMP run that specutacular, I was just thinking some people *might* want to have some fun with all the nano-guns and stuff. But ok, sorry for hijacking Sambojin's thread.


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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2013, 18:26 »

Well, the topic did say "Limbo training 101" -- so unless your save was for Limbo, I'd say, create a new thread.

We'll know if you're spamming and will gently inform you.  "Topics" are usually more specific to content rather than "he was offering X, I am offering X".

It's subtle, but you'll figure it out.  =)
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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2013, 19:16 »

Alright, made a new thread :)


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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2013, 22:11 »

Sorry if you felt offended, chag, that was definitely not my intent.
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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2013, 05:28 »

I was not so offended but rather massively confused :) But hey, everything solved now, made a new thread.


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Re: Limbo training 101 - with saves (massive spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2013, 23:47 »

Honestly, considering the weird tangents I sometimes go off in and the incorrect information I sometimes post, I'm fine with it. It wasn't really a hijack or derail, simply an addition. Maybe we should just make up a saves mega-thread to keep the forum tidy. Some people hate the save-scumming aspect of it, but it's a good way of showing some of the cooler/rarer stuff that comes up in the game and giving people a go at it. If you're more experienced as a player it tends to fall into the "a bit of convenient fun" category rather than being a spoiler of any sort.

The lot's'o'nano save sounds fun. I'll try it out the next time I load up DoomRL.
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