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Author Topic: New guy just started playing. Thought I'd join in and do an active play topic.  (Read 15858 times)


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Sorry if I'm violating some sort of rule, but I always enjoy posting up stuff like this as I play a new game. I found DoomRL awhile back by accident, and the concept was enough to pique my curiousity and prompt a download. I played the original Rogue quite a bit back in HS (about 10 years ago) and really enjoyed it, so a Doom Rogue-like was definitely an interesting concept. The game had just been sitting in my backlog until last weekend, when I finally decided to dust it off and give it a try.

One week later, I'm still playing 3+ hours a day, kicking demons in the face and dying in the Arena xD

I started a playthru on ITYTD, because I figured it would be a good way to get a feel for the game. I went with a Marine (for the HP bonus mostly) and took Iron Man. I was immediately impressed with how polished and natural the game felt. It definately captures the feel of both Doom and Rogue, a combination I wouldn't normally believe is possible. I eventually opted to master in shotguns, since they seemed like a very reliable source of damage, and had little trouble blasting my way thru the game. Cyberdemon got a BFG to the face (repeatedly until dead), and Spider Mastermind got a face full of rockets from the Missile Launcher I scavenged from The Wall. GG, WP etc.

I really enjoyed the special levels. The Wall was very impressive. I wonder how many people missed the goodies on the other side the first time they got there?

All in all, I really enjoyed it. Since then I've been playing on HNTR, since I read in the wiki that many levels are disabled in ITYTD. I had still been playing Marine-with-Shotguns (usually a double shotgun), but have been unable to win again, until yesterday. I also did a few AoB runs to get the Melee Demon kills neccessary for Demon rank. Yesterday I finally found this board by accident, and spent 2 hours reading everything in the Beginners Guide. I understood much of it, but the lessons on Gift Dropping were invaluable. Also, the explanation on shotgun spreads helps me understand why I've been losing. I was EXCLUSIVELY using a double shotty, when I probably should have been carrying a Tactical shotty for radar shooting (since the double shotty is pretty much useless for that).

I've started doing pistol runs today, since I need to get a few caceodemon kills for that rank, and am really enjoying it. Currently alt-tabbed out of my game to type this. I managed to find a sweet Shielded Armor on level 3 from a vault, and found enough mod packs to make 2 High Powered pistols. I have to reload alot (ALOT), but the plus side is that it straight up kills everything so far. I just got Trigger Happy, and will pick up Bullet Dance on my next level.

I think I'll try a Technician pistol specialist next time tho. Seems like I'll prolly run in to ammo and reloading problems later with my current build, and the guaranteed max damage per shot on Sharpshooter sounds niiiiiiiiiccccceeee.

Funniest moment so far: On the second floor of a shotty run, doing good. Took Reloader and then Badass, preparing to go to the Arena (Badass so that the Supercharge there wouldn't decay as fast). I had found a Blue armor and a Double Shotgun (!) from a vault and was like "Yeah. I'm gonna stomp my way thru hell this time." I was just wrapping up a level, collecting powerups and messing with switches... One switch turned everything into lava... I facepalmed and laughed to myself. First time I'd gotten that effect. So much for that run.


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Welcome, and congratz! Seems like you're coming along quite nicely.

That nasty effect with the lever is just one of the death-traps that KK has put in to torment us. >:D

I'm not sure by the wording of your post if you meant the whole level turned to lava or only one bit of the floor - generally, if there's a lever that can turn the whole floor of the level into a certain fluid then you'll get a level feeling at the start of the level. All of those messages mean something important that can greatly affect how you go through the level.

Welcome once again, and feel free to stop by the IRC if you're into that sort of thing.
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Welcome aboard. I was a long-time fan of roguelikes before I stumbled onto DoomRL myself, and like you found it to be an excellent blend of mechanics. Nothing too obscure, but enough "secrets" that it still has plenty of depth. The medals/badges/difficulty and challenges system also gives it plenty of replay value, with each one being different enough to not feel like a grind.

I'm more of an intermediate player these days (I should be by now), but it's always great to hear newer players thoughts and experiences of the game. The forum is always pretty helpful, as is the wiki. Just remember that if you ask for advice, expect to get it, but remember that it's all flavoured by people's opinions, favoured play-style, and their knowledge and experience of game.

Anyway, looking forward to your tales and experiences in DoomRL.


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LOL Just did The Wall on my pistol run, and my indiscriminate use of rockets there blew up my backpack!

That said, Bullet Dance+ 2 HP Pistols really does a number on hell knights and barons of hell. Sucks having to reload so much, but I'm straight up killing everything.

Gonna miss that backpack tho :(


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The secret to the wall is aiming for either the top or the bottom then camping on your side of the wall - as you can see, indiscriminate use of rockets can blow up your goodies. If you hang around the top/bottom on your side you can still use the rocket launcher to gib corpses as well as having sufficient cover to deal with enemies by cornershooting or one at a time.
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LOL dead. Hit the Halls of Carnage and couldn't figure out how to open the doors, so I used my rocket launcher to make a few. Started to run out of room near the end, and got swarmed by 4 hell knights and 3 caceodemons. With no health packs.

Oh well, time to try Sharpshooter Techincian.

Wish I'd thought to check the wiki BEFORE I died. Didn't realize I could just pop the doors with my shotty. Oops.

Also, the Abbysal Plains is HARD with pistols. I prolly should have ran back and used my tactical shotgun more. I kept getting swarmed with lost souls (which is why I was out of medkits).


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Oh, and I forgot to ask sooner. Can somebody possibly point out a good build for each weapon class for me? I've just been pretty much getting a Mastery and then building tankiness (Ironman, Tough as Nails, etc). IDK if I should sub-specialize, go for a second Mastery (the general one for each class usually), or just build supporting skills.

Like last run, after I got Bullet Dance I started on Reloader so that I could keep my HP pistols full... I generally like to get at least one rank in Badass if playing as a Marine, since it can make a massive difference in HP (esp if you find a Supersphere).


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Wow... This run is starting off nicely. Just cleaned out the second floor, and I've already found 6 small medkits, a large medkit, 3 green armors, and a blue armor. Plus it had a berserk pack and 2 small health globes, so I'm going into the Arena ready to shred.


*expects to have all the demons in the Arena first wave spawn withing vision range*


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Yep. And the caceodemon was just offscreen, so when I opened up with my shotty, he joined in the fun. Dead.

Gotta love Rogue-likes, lol.


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LOL dead. Hit the Halls of Carnage and couldn't figure out how to open the doors, so I used my rocket launcher to make a few. Started to run out of room near the end, and got swarmed by 4 hell knights and 3 caceodemons. With no health packs.

You can open doors by-

Wish I'd thought to check the wiki BEFORE I died. Didn't realize I could just pop the doors with my shotty. Oops.

Oh, nevermind.

Also, the Abbysal Plains is HARD with pistols. I prolly should have ran back and used my tactical shotgun more. I kept getting swarmed with lost souls (which is why I was out of medkits).

With pistols, Abyssal Plains is probably the easier of the two levels to take. You have ample cover and can choose when to engage enemies instead of being swarmed - this is unlike the City of Skulls, where pulling the lever destroys all the walls in the level and literally causes you to become swarmed.

Keep in mind that Lost Souls have a 50% bullet resistance, so in actuality they have 20 hp when attacking them with pistols. 

The best way to deal with this pair of special levels with pistols is having an ammochain with Sharpshooter (MSs) or having Gun Kata (MGk) with plenty of ammo - I haven't tried bullet dance so I can't say how it will work with these levels.

Oh, and I forgot to ask sooner. Can somebody possibly point out a good build for each weapon class for me? I've just been pretty much getting a Mastery and then building tankiness (Ironman, Tough as Nails, etc). IDK if I should sub-specialize, go for a second Mastery (the general one for each class usually), or just build supporting skills.

Like last run, after I got Bullet Dance I started on Reloader so that I could keep my HP pistols full... I generally like to get at least one rank in Badass if playing as a Marine, since it can make a massive difference in HP (esp if you find a Supersphere).

It all depends on what you want to do - certain challenges and difficulties will nudge you towards certain builds.

I can't really give a good build for every weapon class because everybody plays differently - so if you'd like some more specific advice then feel free to narrow it down (Sorry!). However, as for general advice, I will say this - TaN and Iro are very overrated unless you're doing a specific challenge/action. For an example of what I mean, take a look at this mortem by 2dev. 100% kills on nightmare without powerups or mods on weapons - and he only took one level in ironman because he had nothing else to pick. I wonder why that could be? ;)


Yep. And the caceodemon was just offscreen, so when I opened up with my shotty, he joined in the fun. Dead.

Gotta love Rogue-likes, lol.

If you're not berserked and meleeing, as soon as you hit the arena dive for cover (press tab to run if you're swarmed). This will help you immensely if you're not already doing so.
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I really need to use Run more. I always forget that's an option :/

As to my preferred builds... Looks like I tend to use builds with alot of stopping power. High single shot damage. Hence the use of double shotguns, HP Pistols, and now trying out Sharpshooter. Not really a fan of burst weapons because of inventory space and ammo efficiency. I only like melee weapons for the AoB challenge, tbh. Just too much risk in having to close with everything, and it takes considerable investment in a melee build to be anywhere close to efficient (although I gotta admit, a AoB run is ALOT of fun if you can get it going smoothly. Piercing Chainsaw with 3 levels of Brute is awesome).


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I really need to use Run more. I always forget that's an option :/

As to my preferred builds... Looks like I tend to use builds with alot of stopping power. High single shot damage. Hence the use of double shotguns, HP Pistols, and now trying out Sharpshooter. Not really a fan of burst weapons because of inventory space and ammo efficiency. I only like melee weapons for the AoB challenge, tbh. Just too much risk in having to close with everything, and it takes considerable investment in a melee build to be anywhere close to efficient (although I gotta admit, a AoB run is ALOT of fun if you can get it going smoothly. Piercing Chainsaw with 3 levels of Brute is awesome).

I think you underestimate the power of melee builds - they're supposed to suppliment other weapons earlier on and shine late game. (And also, you can get by with just Bru-Bru-Ber).

As for single shot damage, you could try a Gunrunner build. That would help you become used to using the run function as well as take most of the difficulty. Here is the build I personally used. Perhaps that'd be a good starting point?

Did you learn anything from looking at that Mortem of 2dev's?
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I've thought about trying a Gunrunner build next time I do a shotty run. Seems like certain classes build certain weapons better. For instance, it looks like the Marine build burst the best since Ammochain eliminates ammo issues. Scout seems to do shotguns best, since between Shottyhead and Gunrunner they can just blast for days without even aiming. Technician seems to do pistols best. Melee is a bit of a crapshoot. Vampyre can be very good at times, but it's hard to pass up the resistances offered by simply having a knife in your offhand with Malicious Blades. I'm sure Blademaster is good too, but I don't know enough about the mechanics of it to understand how :/

As for learning anything... It's hard to say. I still can't read a mortem very well. It looks like he went with a fairly pure melee build, with a side focus of dodging. I can understand how that works in principle, but not WHY it's effective.


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Wow, no wonder I'm struggling with the Agony Elemental... 4 Armor vs Shrapnel dmg= Diddly. That's a pain in the ass. Lost souls resist bullets, Agony elemental resists shrapnel.

Next time, I'll just lob in enough missiles to clear the room.


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Sorry about the response. I took a while longer to do some things then I thought it'd take.

I've thought about trying a Gunrunner build next time I do a shotty run. Seems like certain classes build certain weapons better. For instance, it looks like the Marine build burst the best since Ammochain eliminates ammo issues. Scout seems to do shotguns best, since between Shottyhead and Gunrunner they can just blast for days without even aiming. Technician seems to do pistols best. Melee is a bit of a crapshoot. Vampyre can be very good at times, but it's hard to pass up the resistances offered by simply having a knife in your offhand with Malicious Blades. I'm sure Blademaster is good too, but I don't know enough about the mechanics of it to understand how :/

I think you're on the wrong track. Rather then certain classes doing certain weapon familes better, it's more accurate to say that certain builds can suit certain playstyles and challenges better.

For example: doing a shotgun run. Keep in mind that cornershooting is always a valid option no matter what class. Scouts would give you the most dynamic playstyle, with access to gunrunner and shottyhead. This would be focused around dodging and using movement to control enemies and spawns and stay on your feat.

Techs allow you access to Fireangel, which allows you to laugh off anything that's an explosion. Which is imps, cacodemons, hell knights, barons of hell, mancubi, revenant, arch-viles, barrels, and cyberdemons. Essentially, this allows you to counteract the damage dropoff of shotguns by simply walking right into the face of a big bad guy and shooting him while laughing as his pitiful attacks do nothing to you. NOTHING AT ALL! MUHAHA!

Marines give you access to Army of the Dead, which changes all your shotguns into armor piercing weapons - greatly increasing their damage against foes with high natural armor or worse, barons that have picked up a unique or exotic armor. This saves you ammo and allows you to cornershoot faster and harder...if such a phrase can be applied to cornershooting.

Three different playstyles and neither is really eons above the other. Of course, if you are locked into one playstyle (for example, you always tank everything), then one class will stand out above the others - because it co-operates with your idea of playing. However, that doesn't mean that any class does any weapon family "better" objectively then one another.

As for learning anything... It's hard to say. I still can't read a mortem very well. It looks like he went with a fairly pure melee build, with a side focus of dodging. I can understand how that works in principle, but not WHY it's effective.

The reason 2dev is manly is because he's a coward. Let that roll around in your head for a little while.

Essentially, the reason that he did so well was because of his movespeed - in that particular run, he got the Dragonslayer, which gives a permanant berserk bonus (60% bonus speed to all actions), but in other runs that he's done he has agility modded boots, armor, and taken as many ranks in Hellrunner as he can. The same goes for his firing speed - if he can attack 3 times with 9d9 before anything can even conceive that he's there, then he can't take damage from everything because it's dead.

DoomRL isn't a turn based game. You decide what you do with your action, but everything is measured in time. The base time for an action is 1 second; ideally you'll want to get this as low as possible. Why? Here's an example:

You have a movespeed of 1 second. You move into the view of an Archvile, which has a speed of 160% = it's base action time is 1/1.6 = 0.625 seconds. The player character always moves first and then the enemies move - so you move into it's view range at the cost of one second. The arch vile then has 1 second to retaliate - with the first 0.625 seconds it charges it's attack, and then (depending on fractional time, which isn't worth going into right now) since you can't move yet, it gets another go and blasts you in the face for 20 damage, knocking you back and leaving you wondering what just happened.

But if you were to have hellrunner 3 (as an extended trait), you would have a 0.55 second movespeed - allowing you to move into the view of the archvile and then plan your next move while it sits there like a derp. As far as it's concerned, it still has another 0.075 seconds before it can even start charging it's attack - allowing you to decide whether to engage it or move out of it's line of sight and find cover.
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I think my brain just broke trying to do that math! I get the basic idea tho. I've noticed movespeed issues especially with demons while trying to stay out of range using Shottyman and a double shotgun. Occasionally they jump two spaces.

Been using tactical shotguns quite a bit to supplement my pistols tonight. IDK if I can ever go back to a shoot/reload gun again. Being able to unload 5 consecutive shotgun blasts is NICE.

Quick question: Aside from my guns of choice, what should I prioritize for assemblies? I keep wanting to make a set of tactical boots but can't find enough T packs :(

I found a nano just now and can't decide if I want to make a powered red or not.


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I keep wanting to make a set of tactical boots but can't find enough T packs

Oh yes you can....

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I think my brain just broke trying to do that math! I get the basic idea tho. I've noticed movespeed issues especially with demons while trying to stay out of range using Shottyman and a double shotgun. Occasionally they jump two spaces.

Been using tactical shotguns quite a bit to supplement my pistols tonight. IDK if I can ever go back to a shoot/reload gun again. Being able to unload 5 consecutive shotgun blasts is NICE.

Quick question: Aside from my guns of choice, what should I prioritize for assemblies? I keep wanting to make a set of tactical boots but can't find enough T packs :(

I found a nano just now and can't decide if I want to make a powered red or not.

For the love of all that is holy make a powered red armor if you have the means to do so - assuming you don't have any ranks in whizkid.

It gives 5 protection and 60% fire resistance, making it a great tool to help you through the game - and regenerates, so you don't need any other armor.

As for assemblies, you'll pretty much always want a set of tactical boots (Which are 2x agility mods by the way - not T packs). Make them as soon as possible if none of your other assemblies require A mods.

I assume you're keenest on shotguns - it's most important to make a tactical shotgun. On a gunrunner build you'll want an elephant gun.
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LOL I meant A packs. T packs are stuck in my head b/c of grappling boots in AoB runs.

Shamblers in Deismos lab just got me :( Had a really good run going too. Tactical shotty, and a nanoskin red armor. Came in with 4 large medkits and equipped a shell box in my off hand so I'd have plenty of ammo. They still shredded me :( I needed one more bulk pack to make a stormbolt pistol...

I do tend to use shotguns most, but mainly b/c pistols don't do much damage at first. I've been swapping back and forth as needed.


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Got a lucky break this time maybe. Vault on floor 2 had some unbelievably useful stuff. Green armor, Blue armor, Combat shotgun, and a rocket launcher! Pretty sure I can handle the Arena this time :D


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LOL I meant A packs. T packs are stuck in my head b/c of grappling boots in AoB runs.

Shamblers in Deismos lab just got me :( Had a really good run going too. Tactical shotty, and a nanoskin red armor. Came in with 4 large medkits and equipped a shell box in my off hand so I'd have plenty of ammo. They still shredded me :( I needed one more bulk pack to make a stormbolt pistol...

I do tend to use shotguns most, but mainly b/c pistols don't do much damage at first. I've been swapping back and forth as needed.

Unless you're doing a pistol run, once you get your hands on a shotgun you shouldn't need to touch the pistol again - you should have enough ammo and can pick up a
chaingun along the way.

As for Deimos Lab - I can't really recommend going there. I've still yet to work out how to do that - my strategy has been to avoid it.

Good luck on the arena!
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LOL I meant A packs. T packs are stuck in my head b/c of grappling boots in AoB runs.
Just for the record, grappling boots are less useful than they sound, due to the movespeed penalty. -10% sounds like not that much, but combine that with armor, which almost always comes with a penalty. Tac boots (or antigrav boots, if you're lucky) are IMHO almost always a better choice as they actually improve your movespeed.

And about Deimos Lab: You're on HNTR, right? Then it's likely you don't have Sharpshooter yet (or any master trait, for that matter). OTOH, shotguns combined with running tactics are very useful. You have to run just outside their melee range to minimize the damage dropoff, run circles around them and shoot as much as possible. Also, do your best to fight only one at a time. Double / super shotguns make this task a lot easier.
I believe it's little surprise that the Shamblers are fairly easy with a chainsaw and Berserker. Getting through the Lab to fight them, that's another matter ...
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And about Deimos Lab: You're on HNTR, right? Then it's likely you don't have Sharpshooter yet (or any master trait, for that matter). OTOH, shotguns combined with running tactics are very useful. You have to run just outside their melee range to minimize the damage dropoff, run circles around them and shoot as much as possible. Also, do your best to fight only one at a time. Double / super shotguns make this task a lot easier.
I believe it's little surprise that the Shamblers are fairly easy with a chainsaw and Berserker. Getting through the Lab to fight them, that's another matter ...

They seem to hunt the player when teleporting - I could never get one out of my LOS for over 4 turns or so. They also regenerate. Could you elaborate on how you run rings around them? That'd almost require .7 firing/movement time, dodgemaster and a pen and paper to keep track of turns.
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This run has been hella lucky so far. I hit level 7 just as I cleared Hell's Armory, and had been planning on getting Whiz Kid then since I have a TON of mod packs in my bag atm (including enough to make a storm bolt pistol)... But then I realized I could DEFINATELY take the shambler there with Sharpshooter.

If I can reach lvl 8 w/o dying I might be OK this run. I already have a set of tactical boots. I found a Super Shotgun in Hell's Armory, but IDK if I should take it or keep a tactical shotty. I don't think I'll need the sheer power of a super shotty tho. Stormbolt should do the job.

I still need armor tho. Mine all got shredded during the fight with the bruisers bros :/ I have a set of red w/ 154% and 1 blue I found in Hell's Armory, but I wish I could get a decent armor.

Speaking of calling it a day, prolly time to quit. It's almost 5 AM here, and I've been playing for about 12 hours, lol.

I'll keep all the cool stuff I mentioned with me, so if you guys have any advice about what to keep/make I'm gonna include a screencap of my inventory.


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Honestly, Aki, I've just gotten "A feel" for their general timing when it comes to running around them. Sometimes I guess wrong but I usually get through it burning maybe 1 large medpak.

Inventory: I usually only keep my main weapon type and a rocket launcher, so you might be taking up excess room for a shotgun when a rocket launcher can still provide knockback and flexibility.

I have no idea how many rockets you actually need, but I would suggest throwing a bulk on the RL if you don't have a specific assembly in mind for it (And if you do, bulk might be included).


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:( Depressed now. I loaded up that save and was standing 2 spaces away from 6 demons, and they were all standing around a barrel. It was a fairly enclosed space too, but I tried to run directly away. Two former humans got in the way and I got surrounded. When I tried to clear an escape, I blew up the barrel and one of the former humans fragged me in the aftermath.

Oh well, I think we all know the RNG actively hates players anyway. Back to the drawing board.

As to inventory, I've been relying on a shotgun early game to kill demons, but I'll try an shotgun-less game post Arena next. I've definitely noticed a fall off in shotgun dmg late game without MAD. Once I got MSs I could even reliably put down lost souls in 2 shots, even with their high bullet resistance.

The large stockpile of rockets I was packing was designated for The Wall. I hadn't got there yet, and I knew I'd need alot of rockets. I generally carry the Missile Launcher you find there, plus 3 stacks of rockets.


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:( Depressed now. I loaded up that save and was standing 2 spaces away from 6 demons, and they were all standing around a barrel. It was a fairly enclosed space too, but I tried to run directly away. Two former humans got in the way and I got surrounded. When I tried to clear an escape, I blew up the barrel and one of the former humans fragged me in the aftermath.

Oh well, I think we all know the RNG actively hates players anyway. Back to the drawing board.

I spawned 1 square away from a pack of 7 demons and a few squares away from a pack of imps and barons - I missed 4 times in a row with brute 3 while not running and it cost me the game.

Missed 4 times at 98% in a row.

But dying is fun. :>
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When I read what happened with the lava lever in your first post, I remembered that happening to me at least once or twice.  Were you able to get to the stairs in time, or did you fry your feet off like I did the time that I remembered?  The crazy thing? 
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Nah, I was low on health anyway, so I said **** it and quickly walked to death it 2 steps. I could have prolonged the agony by burning medkits, but why bother/


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Hmm... Doing pretty well this run, but am low on medkits... and armor... and have the option of going to the Spider Lair.

Do I even have a CHANCE of winning? IDK if I can pull it off. I don't like skipping levels tho :( Decisions decisions... I DO know I have no interest in the BFG.


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Cyberdemon suicided, lol. Rocket to the wall from point blank range. Thought I was OK until I hit the Unholy Catherdral... And didn't know my frickin' guns wouldn't fire until I was surrounded by lost souls. Seriously, WTF?


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Hmm... Doing pretty well this run, but am low on medkits... and armor... and have the option of going to the Spider Lair.

Do I even have a CHANCE of winning? IDK if I can pull it off. I don't like skipping levels tho :( Decisions decisions... I DO know I have no interest in the BFG.

Without sufficient dodgechance and a good eye for enemy AI, as well as the ability to run for one of the teleporters and clear out the area, you can pretty much expect to take a few direct arachnotron volleys (1d5x5 plasma damage with great accuracy) to the face. If you can handle that and then keep the rest at bay dealing with them one at a time or something, go for it.

As for the BFG, I have to agree with you there - it seems pretty lackluster unless you can get the assembly for the Biggest Fucking Gun.

In regards to skipping levels - you WILL have to get used to this at some point. The Mortuary will kill you dead unprepared and put simply, you won't be able to clear the Unholy Cathedral on a pisto-

Cyberdemon suicided, lol. Rocket to the wall from point blank range. Thought I was OK until I hit the Unholy Catherdral... And didn't know my frickin' guns wouldn't fire until I was surrounded by lost souls. Seriously, WTF?

Yup, you found out the hard way.

The Unholy Cathedral is a melee-only level. Without a super secret strategy and generally being awesome, there's no way to get through it (Bar invunerability and a thermie or 10 invunerability packs next to the stairs down) without some level of melee competency.

As for the Mortuary? Let's just say that you'd be better off hitting those lost souls with your fists. Ha ha ha...

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Wow. I looked at Limbo in the wiki... Yeah, not headed there any time soon...

Think I'm done for the night. Maybe I'll go back to MAD runs after this :/ It just takes so long or a pistol run to get up to speed.


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Wow. I looked at Limbo in the wiki... Yeah, not headed there any time soon...

Think I'm done for the night. Maybe I'll go back to MAD runs after this :/ It just takes so long or a pistol run to get up to speed.

Limbo is easier (on lower difficulties at least) because there's less possible monsters and the starting area has more options available to you - you also have to release the sections to get to other arch-viles. You also should have a general idea of dealing with lava at that point, or at least a spare envirosuit if you get knocked back too far into it.

The Mortuary. Now that's pure evil.

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Although, the mortuary is on one of those times when the BFG certainly isn't lack-lustre. Not so much for its damage, but for its corpse-squishing abilities.

It is also a very nice place to restock a lot of ammo later on in the game. Assuming you don't use more getting out alive than you gain by killing monsters. You can just grab stuff, teleport and run, but it's not even half as fun.


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Wheeee! Had a great run yesterday! The RNG gods must love me!

 DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Bolt, level 12 Cacodemon Sergeant Major Marine,
 nuked the Mastermind at the Hell Fortress.
 He survived 157329 turns and scored 135540 points.
 He played for 2 hours, 10 minutes and 52 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 757 out of 778 hellspawn. (97%)
 He held his right to remain violent.

 He saved himself 8 times.

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 11
  Levels visited   : 11
  Levels completed : 10

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Cyberdemon's Head
  UAC Star (silver cluster)
  Aurora Medallion
  Explorer Badge
  Grim Reaper's Badge
  Hell Armorer Badge
  Hell Champion Medal

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 41/80   Experience 68772/12
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +1  ToDmg Melee +1

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Marine

    Ironman          (Level 3)
    Tough as nails   (Level 2)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 1)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 2)
    Shottyman        (Level 1)
    Army of the Dead (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Angelic Armor [7/7] (61%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   Jackhammer (8d3)x3 [6/9]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   power battery (x120)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [5/5]
    [b] tactical shotgun (8d3) [5/5]
    [c] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
    [d] BFG 9000 (10d6) [100/100]
    [e] Trigun (3d6) [6/6]
    [f] powered red armor [5/5] (92%)
    [g] fireproof red armor [4/4] (78%)
    [h] plasma shield [0/0] (88%)
    [i] shotgun shell (x15)
    [j] rocket (x11)
    [k] power cell (x70)
    [l] power cell (x70)
    [m] power cell (x70)
    [n] large med-pack
    [o] large med-pack
    [p] envirosuit pack
    [q] envirosuit pack
    [r] thermonuclear bomb
    [s] Hellwave Pack
    [t] shell box (x100)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Bullet     - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   
    Melee      - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   
    Shrapnel   - internal 0%    torso 50%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    102 former humans
    69 former sergeants
    19 former captains
    73 imps
    77 demons
    247 lost souls
    40 cacodemons
    29 hell knights
    22 barons of hell
    27 arachnotrons
    6 former commandos
    16 pain elementals
    6 revenants
    2 mancubi
    12 arch-viles
    1 nightmare demon
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 shambler
    1 lava elemental
    1 agony elemental
    1 Cyberdemon
    1 Spider Mastermind
    1 John Carmack
    1 Arena Master

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 5 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
  He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
  On level 6 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 7 he sneaked into the Phobos Lab.
  On level 7 he assembled a elephant gun!
  He broke through the lab.
  On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
  On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
  On level 9 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
  He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
  On level 10 he assembled a fireproof armor!
  On level 10 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 11 he found the Hellwave Pack!
  On level 11 he witnessed the Wall.
  He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
  On level 12 he found the City of Skulls.
  He wiped out the City of Skulls.
  On level 14 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
  He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
  On level 15 he found the Trigun!
  On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
  On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
  On level 18 he found the Shielded Armor!
  On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
  On level 19 he found the Jackhammer!
  He cracked the Vaults and cleared them out!
  On level 20 he was foolish enough to enter Limbo!
  He activated the Angel Arm on level 20!
  On level 20 he found the Angelic Armor!
  He managed to clear Limbo from evil!
  On level 22 he assembled a power armor!
  On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
  On level 22 he found the Necroarmor!
  He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
  On level 23 he assembled a tactical boots!
  Then at last he found Dis!
  He activated the Angel Arm on level 24!
  He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
  Then finally in Hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Carmack raises his hands and summons hellspawn!
 The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul
 dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. You are hit!
 Carmack raises his hands and summons hellspawn!
 The cacodemon dies. The cacodemon dies. The cacodemon dies. The cacodemon
 dies. The cacodemon dies.
 You reload the Jackhammer.
 The lost soul hits you.
 The lost soul hits you. The missile hits the lost soul. You are hit! The lost
 soul dies. The lost soul hits you.
 You are hit! You dodge! The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
 John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
 The cacodemon dies. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You defeated John
 Carmack! Press <Enter>...
 You feel relatively safe now.

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 77 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 58 of those were killed.
 1 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 11 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 7 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 5 killed the bitch and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.


Got super lucky and found a Trigun, then got a Invunerability Orb right before Limbo! Found a Jackhammer in the Vaults, which pretty much shreds JC :D


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Good win!

Psst: RNG already has "god" as a part of its name.
I computed, therefore I was.
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