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Author Topic: New guy just started playing. Thought I'd join in and do an active play topic.  (Read 16407 times)


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I think my brain just broke trying to do that math! I get the basic idea tho. I've noticed movespeed issues especially with demons while trying to stay out of range using Shottyman and a double shotgun. Occasionally they jump two spaces.

Been using tactical shotguns quite a bit to supplement my pistols tonight. IDK if I can ever go back to a shoot/reload gun again. Being able to unload 5 consecutive shotgun blasts is NICE.

Quick question: Aside from my guns of choice, what should I prioritize for assemblies? I keep wanting to make a set of tactical boots but can't find enough T packs :(

I found a nano just now and can't decide if I want to make a powered red or not.


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I keep wanting to make a set of tactical boots but can't find enough T packs

Oh yes you can....

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I think my brain just broke trying to do that math! I get the basic idea tho. I've noticed movespeed issues especially with demons while trying to stay out of range using Shottyman and a double shotgun. Occasionally they jump two spaces.

Been using tactical shotguns quite a bit to supplement my pistols tonight. IDK if I can ever go back to a shoot/reload gun again. Being able to unload 5 consecutive shotgun blasts is NICE.

Quick question: Aside from my guns of choice, what should I prioritize for assemblies? I keep wanting to make a set of tactical boots but can't find enough T packs :(

I found a nano just now and can't decide if I want to make a powered red or not.

For the love of all that is holy make a powered red armor if you have the means to do so - assuming you don't have any ranks in whizkid.

It gives 5 protection and 60% fire resistance, making it a great tool to help you through the game - and regenerates, so you don't need any other armor.

As for assemblies, you'll pretty much always want a set of tactical boots (Which are 2x agility mods by the way - not T packs). Make them as soon as possible if none of your other assemblies require A mods.

I assume you're keenest on shotguns - it's most important to make a tactical shotgun. On a gunrunner build you'll want an elephant gun.
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LOL I meant A packs. T packs are stuck in my head b/c of grappling boots in AoB runs.

Shamblers in Deismos lab just got me :( Had a really good run going too. Tactical shotty, and a nanoskin red armor. Came in with 4 large medkits and equipped a shell box in my off hand so I'd have plenty of ammo. They still shredded me :( I needed one more bulk pack to make a stormbolt pistol...

I do tend to use shotguns most, but mainly b/c pistols don't do much damage at first. I've been swapping back and forth as needed.


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Got a lucky break this time maybe. Vault on floor 2 had some unbelievably useful stuff. Green armor, Blue armor, Combat shotgun, and a rocket launcher! Pretty sure I can handle the Arena this time :D


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LOL I meant A packs. T packs are stuck in my head b/c of grappling boots in AoB runs.

Shamblers in Deismos lab just got me :( Had a really good run going too. Tactical shotty, and a nanoskin red armor. Came in with 4 large medkits and equipped a shell box in my off hand so I'd have plenty of ammo. They still shredded me :( I needed one more bulk pack to make a stormbolt pistol...

I do tend to use shotguns most, but mainly b/c pistols don't do much damage at first. I've been swapping back and forth as needed.

Unless you're doing a pistol run, once you get your hands on a shotgun you shouldn't need to touch the pistol again - you should have enough ammo and can pick up a
chaingun along the way.

As for Deimos Lab - I can't really recommend going there. I've still yet to work out how to do that - my strategy has been to avoid it.

Good luck on the arena!
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LOL I meant A packs. T packs are stuck in my head b/c of grappling boots in AoB runs.
Just for the record, grappling boots are less useful than they sound, due to the movespeed penalty. -10% sounds like not that much, but combine that with armor, which almost always comes with a penalty. Tac boots (or antigrav boots, if you're lucky) are IMHO almost always a better choice as they actually improve your movespeed.

And about Deimos Lab: You're on HNTR, right? Then it's likely you don't have Sharpshooter yet (or any master trait, for that matter). OTOH, shotguns combined with running tactics are very useful. You have to run just outside their melee range to minimize the damage dropoff, run circles around them and shoot as much as possible. Also, do your best to fight only one at a time. Double / super shotguns make this task a lot easier.
I believe it's little surprise that the Shamblers are fairly easy with a chainsaw and Berserker. Getting through the Lab to fight them, that's another matter ...
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And about Deimos Lab: You're on HNTR, right? Then it's likely you don't have Sharpshooter yet (or any master trait, for that matter). OTOH, shotguns combined with running tactics are very useful. You have to run just outside their melee range to minimize the damage dropoff, run circles around them and shoot as much as possible. Also, do your best to fight only one at a time. Double / super shotguns make this task a lot easier.
I believe it's little surprise that the Shamblers are fairly easy with a chainsaw and Berserker. Getting through the Lab to fight them, that's another matter ...

They seem to hunt the player when teleporting - I could never get one out of my LOS for over 4 turns or so. They also regenerate. Could you elaborate on how you run rings around them? That'd almost require .7 firing/movement time, dodgemaster and a pen and paper to keep track of turns.
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This run has been hella lucky so far. I hit level 7 just as I cleared Hell's Armory, and had been planning on getting Whiz Kid then since I have a TON of mod packs in my bag atm (including enough to make a storm bolt pistol)... But then I realized I could DEFINATELY take the shambler there with Sharpshooter.

If I can reach lvl 8 w/o dying I might be OK this run. I already have a set of tactical boots. I found a Super Shotgun in Hell's Armory, but IDK if I should take it or keep a tactical shotty. I don't think I'll need the sheer power of a super shotty tho. Stormbolt should do the job.

I still need armor tho. Mine all got shredded during the fight with the bruisers bros :/ I have a set of red w/ 154% and 1 blue I found in Hell's Armory, but I wish I could get a decent armor.

Speaking of calling it a day, prolly time to quit. It's almost 5 AM here, and I've been playing for about 12 hours, lol.

I'll keep all the cool stuff I mentioned with me, so if you guys have any advice about what to keep/make I'm gonna include a screencap of my inventory.


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Honestly, Aki, I've just gotten "A feel" for their general timing when it comes to running around them. Sometimes I guess wrong but I usually get through it burning maybe 1 large medpak.

Inventory: I usually only keep my main weapon type and a rocket launcher, so you might be taking up excess room for a shotgun when a rocket launcher can still provide knockback and flexibility.

I have no idea how many rockets you actually need, but I would suggest throwing a bulk on the RL if you don't have a specific assembly in mind for it (And if you do, bulk might be included).


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:( Depressed now. I loaded up that save and was standing 2 spaces away from 6 demons, and they were all standing around a barrel. It was a fairly enclosed space too, but I tried to run directly away. Two former humans got in the way and I got surrounded. When I tried to clear an escape, I blew up the barrel and one of the former humans fragged me in the aftermath.

Oh well, I think we all know the RNG actively hates players anyway. Back to the drawing board.

As to inventory, I've been relying on a shotgun early game to kill demons, but I'll try an shotgun-less game post Arena next. I've definitely noticed a fall off in shotgun dmg late game without MAD. Once I got MSs I could even reliably put down lost souls in 2 shots, even with their high bullet resistance.

The large stockpile of rockets I was packing was designated for The Wall. I hadn't got there yet, and I knew I'd need alot of rockets. I generally carry the Missile Launcher you find there, plus 3 stacks of rockets.


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:( Depressed now. I loaded up that save and was standing 2 spaces away from 6 demons, and they were all standing around a barrel. It was a fairly enclosed space too, but I tried to run directly away. Two former humans got in the way and I got surrounded. When I tried to clear an escape, I blew up the barrel and one of the former humans fragged me in the aftermath.

Oh well, I think we all know the RNG actively hates players anyway. Back to the drawing board.

I spawned 1 square away from a pack of 7 demons and a few squares away from a pack of imps and barons - I missed 4 times in a row with brute 3 while not running and it cost me the game.

Missed 4 times at 98% in a row.

But dying is fun. :>
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When I read what happened with the lava lever in your first post, I remembered that happening to me at least once or twice.  Were you able to get to the stairs in time, or did you fry your feet off like I did the time that I remembered?  The crazy thing? 
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Nah, I was low on health anyway, so I said **** it and quickly walked to death it 2 steps. I could have prolonged the agony by burning medkits, but why bother/


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Hmm... Doing pretty well this run, but am low on medkits... and armor... and have the option of going to the Spider Lair.

Do I even have a CHANCE of winning? IDK if I can pull it off. I don't like skipping levels tho :( Decisions decisions... I DO know I have no interest in the BFG.
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