A few thoughts on all this. I like knuckledusters as a weapon, sounds great for a fists only run (and is very Doomish). Maybe a high-knockback special/unique variant as well (you punch them so hard that they go flying backwards. Powerfist perhaps?).
I'd love to have a polearm-style weapon in DoomRL as well, even as a unique. Heaven's Halberd perhaps, with an alt-fire with one extra squares range? (ie: 24 potential squares to hit, even corner-meleeing I guess). Who knows? Spears or halberds or any polearm really don't seem all that Doomish, but anime/romance of the three kingdoms/dynasty warriors references should be fine.
Also, just as a thought, could boot mods change around melee damage, even just punching damage? Thumping people properly takes good footwork as well as good hands and it could even be considered kicking/kneeing them. Maybe a +2 damage for bulks, +15% speed for techs and an extra side of damage for powers? Ag mods already help enough for melee. You could make it so that assemblies add no abilities to your melee, but basic modding does, therefore making it a real choice and trade-off. It would add a new aspect to modding and make your boots a far more important item slot for at least a few game-types and challenges. Plus, a PBT set of boots would be a pretty nice use of mods and traits, rather than the normal Ag, assembly or nothing options right now.
Anyway, just some ideas on it to consider......