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Author Topic: Nightmare Anomaly  (Read 13112 times)


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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2013, 16:52 »

I think your problem lies in relying soley on rapidfire weapons. Shotguns (especiall DB ones) and RLs work with any build, and are the best thing for this situation.
You probably read my original message, and missed my posts where I elaborated on the fact that I'm plenty aware of the situations in which shotguns are useful, and I've actually been quite explicit in stating in this topic that I'm not even close to relying on rapidfire weapons. It's hard not to get a bit annoyed typing this again, but I think that's more to do with the fact that my keyboard is a pain! I think I need a keyboard that's easier to type on! :D
As I said, thanks for the advice. It's all stuff i've tried to do, and it hasn't worked for me despite ridiculously good runs on kit (massive medikit banks, monolithic armour etc), but your post gives me some hope that if i throw a few more hours at it, eventually this terrible luck I must be having will stop.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 18:06 by Sylph »
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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2013, 20:28 »

As a further note --managed to get past the level 3 times in a row now. Thanks in a large way to posts in this topic. I even manged it quite cleanly without a rocket launcher or phase device! (although I didn't find a rocket launcher at all, and tried to tackle the lab without it, which lost me that game)

My tactic, now, is pretty simply clearing one side of the chained court with no berserk, then using berserk to clear the other side, and taking the mods, then using the 4 berserk packs and leaving the level. Twice, this got me to the anomaly with berserk running. Once, it didn't work. Obviously I also try phase devices if I have them, and finally I make sure to rocket jump after walking 11 tiles out of the door.
More than anything else, though, I'm ensuring that I run *right*, and making a point to kill only demons and imps with a shotgun + shell box, only turning on cacodemons if absolutely necessary, while always running *right*. The bruisers don't take more than a single large, sometimes I can even do them without taking damage, so they're no real trouble. i think my biggest mistakes were traveling left to get back into the starting room, and being binary about fighting or fleeing the level, when in fact a half-and-half approach seems to work rather well.

Also to note, going for the berserk run seems to *seriously* reduce the chances of finding a phase device or a rocket launcher in time. Gonna keep experimenting with matters of priorities until I get something that feels semi-reliable...
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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2013, 00:36 »

Sorry if I came across as "Now hear me n00b, this is the way." I tend to put advice down as a lowest-common-denominator style, rather than assuming any experience on the part of the poster. It sometimes helps others that read the forums that aren't as experienced at the game as the original poster, it's not meant to be an indictment against your abilities. Sorry if it came across that way.

Congrats on getting through the anomaly a few times as well :)


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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2013, 06:09 »

Sorry if I came across as "Now hear me n00b, this is the way." I tend to put advice down as a lowest-common-denominator style, rather than assuming any experience on the part of the poster. It sometimes helps others that read the forums that aren't as experienced at the game as the original poster, it's not meant to be an indictment against your abilities. Sorry if it came across that way.

Congrats on getting through the anomaly a few times as well :)
Aww, you didn't come across badly! You came across as someone who was trying to help, and didn't have any way of knowing my playstyle! Your kind of advice was totally the reason I made this topic, and when I said I was getting annoyed typing, it was because my laptop has chiclet-style keys, which don't work with long fingernails. (I actually cut them all off after making that post, and it had the bonus of making doomrl itself much less annoying, so that's a nice bonus!) :D

Oh, btw, i just got a double-diamond win (!) and posted about it in the nightmare lounge (sadly, not with the rapidfire build I was trying for here), and while trying had quite a few more tries at the berserk rush from chained court->anomaly. I've concluded that it's not worth it for a technician - I think maybe you're better off scouring level 6 and 7 for rocket launchers, phase devices, and invulnerability globes (none of which tend to drop before level 6) than skipping them in the hope that you can keep your chained court berserk all the way to the anomaly.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2013, 13:58 by Sylph »
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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2013, 12:38 »

Note on right usage of RL:
1. Blow the right door with smth. Pistol, chaingun, plasmagun or with RL. Last one is only if you're desperate.
2. Stand near the line where walls disappear and start running.
3. Equip red armor, jump right. You're nearly guaranteed to jump past the doorplace.
4. If not sure, then reload and jump again.
5. Reload before bruisers, r-jump between them.
6. Yay, it took you 1 small medpack and 3 rockets at worst.
( - ?) Arch-Vile Chaos Lt. Colonel [26|20|18|16|12|2]


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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2013, 13:57 »

Note on right usage of RL:
1. Blow the right door with smth. Pistol, chaingun, plasmagun or with RL. Last one is only if you're desperate.
2. Stand near the line where walls disappear and start running.
3. Equip red armor, jump right. You're nearly guaranteed to jump past the doorplace.
4. If not sure, then reload and jump again.
5. Reload before bruisers, r-jump between them.
6. Yay, it took you 1 small medpack and 3 rockets at worst.

Wow, I always thought I was landing in front of the door simply because that's how far I would travel. Didnt think the door was stopping me! How stupid was I!
I remember testing rocket jumps in CC+, and I don't remember going anywhere near that far! I guess I should do some more experimentation, but I'm loathe to experiment in live games, and don't bother with that savegame file malarky. :/

Thinking though - the bruisers are pretty easy to take down without being very damaged, and probably worth the experience to a lot of PC, yes?

oh, and thanks for the tip!
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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2013, 04:08 »

Bruisers can give a lot of exp, however beware of sudden sudden nightmare rape-party from behind. Not likely, but can screw you over if you take too much time at killing them.
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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2013, 00:30 »

Does running speed effect rocket jumps? I'm pretty sure anti-knockback does (so take off your boots/don't level into TaN/BA), and anti-grav boots should increase rocket jumping distance, but I'm not sure about running speed.

I'll have a fiddle with it after I've played a fair bit of prospectorRL (new release, so its bug-checking time).


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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2013, 14:49 »

I'm starting to think the problems I'm having on this level are all down to when I'm using a phase device. I'm suspicious that it might be better to lead the ambush to the left before phasing - phasing as soon as I trigger the ambush *very* consistently gets me in more trouble than if I had not phased at all, and I've lost quite a lot of characters to it, where I believe not phasing at all wound have been much more successful.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 18:04 by Sylph »
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Re: Nightmare Anomaly
« Reply #24 on: December 01, 2013, 00:12 »

I'm pretty sure that just a superstition, although I know the feeling. Depending on what type of game I was playing, I used phases more than a couple of times - usually right at the start - and they landed me in about every possible spot in the level. Including the starting room, iirc.

But mostly in the room between the ambush and the Brothers.
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