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Author Topic: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer  (Read 5672 times)


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Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« on: February 06, 2007, 09:00 »

Zen teachings say there's something to learn with every seemingly simple, trivial action. The action stressed here's waiting and well-timed reactions - this trait'll cut a wait action's duration in half. That means better control over enemy movement while waiting, especially with very fast moving targets.
Now, of course, I seriously doubt Zen followers have *this* volatile rampage in mind, but hey, I'm sure there's something to learn here, too ;)

It's a one-ranker, either a basic trait, or if it should prove more useful than I expect, an advanced trait unlocked by either EE(1-2) ("More chi, gwasshappa!") or Hellrunner(2).

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2007, 09:02 »

Lol, well apart from being completely undoomish this reminds me of a Joke Trait I wanted to implement after Dualgunner -- the GUN KATA xDDDD
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Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2007, 09:12 »

What was it supposed to do? :)

Why undoomish? FPSs in general reward player reactions, and while firing duration can't be changed, players that can get that shot in at just the right time're always going to be more successful.
I think this might be a good way to reflect that.
But yeah, the focus on action. Maybe this one'd better fit berserk, where tactical use of time is all that counts. But in that case, skip the name :)


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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2007, 09:26 »

Why undoomish?

Using Zen teachings for an action game is just wrong :P

Lol, well apart from being completely undoomish this reminds me of a Joke Trait I wanted to implement after Dualgunner -- the GUN KATA xDDDD

Some day someone could do a Joke Doom total conversion, like those jokewads out there (although some of them suck horribly), when the source code is available. That way all the crazy ideas could get implemented. :P
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2007, 10:59 »

I had an idea to make "Master Traits" as the "next level". You could only get one master trait per game, and it would require a few advanced traits. It would always be just 1 level, and always be ubercool ;]. Also, Master Traits could have "non-requsites" trairs that you CAN'T have to choose the master trait.

Gun Kata could be a master trait for the Pistol path...
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Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2007, 00:08 »

For those that don't know, The Gun Kata technique is a "Fake-fu" (false martial art) featured in the Equilibrium universe.

The Gun Kata is centered around the most efficient fighting style possible. A practitioner is more efficient in combat by a ratio of no less than 120% and is deadly with any weapon.

In the movie the protagonist has preformed the following Gun Kata related feats: (In roughly chronological order)

1) Killed an entire room full of rebels using only a pair of pistols in zero light conditions without getting shot once

2) Killed 30 shock troops in less than a minute

3) Killed 8 or so shock troops in less than 30 seconds via pistol whip

And so on and so forth.

If you have not seen equilibrium then I thoroughly recommend you do. Hire it, Torrent it or do whatever. It's a must see movie.


Back to Master Traits.

I like the idea, what bonuses were you thinking of applying to feats like Gun Kata?

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2007, 06:35 »

Yes, if there is somebody that hasn't yet seen Equilibrium, please do it! It's realy worth the time. For me personaly it's even better than the Matrix*, despite the inferior special effects.

* Before anyone asks -- the Matrix was a single movie with two absurdly budgeted and poorly executed fanfilms made thereafter xD
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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2007, 11:56 »

The choreography in the movie is pretty damn good aswell.


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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2007, 08:51 »

I'd love to see Gun Kata implemented, having been a fan of both Equilibrium and UltraViolet. Would make gameplay very interesting. Or you could save it for that ShadowrunRL we've been bugging you to make. :D


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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2007, 13:05 »

A trait in itself (And the whole idea of Master Traits) seems damn nice, though I dont like Equilibrium that much. Didnt catch my interest too much.


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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 10:41 »

Equilibrium was cool! I liked it more than Matrix.

I wonder what would gun-kata look like... you can shoot two enemies at the same time, have 100% hit even in coward mode, and 100% dodge bonus in aggressive? And requirements: hellrunner2, dualgunner2, finesse2, and reloader2 :-)
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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2007, 18:02 »

Eeck!  You put gun kata in DoomRL, then you pretty much damn mirror my Threshold project. =((.
Eh...I kidden.  I'm not mad.  Might not even finish after I've done started, but I know exactly what y'all guys talking about.

I have the movie, and pretty much read about gun k...darn it, let me just tell you about it.

Well, the way I've emplemented in Threshold, it's two guns which you can target two enemies at once, and can pistol whip at a fast rate.  Also when you reload, you perform a clip toss, which you target two enemies and discharge your clip and do damage as you would when you attack.  I also added deflect which is a badass move I got from 'ONE' where you send a bullet back with the butt end of your gun.

*sigh* I like to finish with the game so I could show you guys, but I pretty much dropped the project.  If I can, I'll try.

..but screw that, back to whatever y'all chitchattering about.
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Re: Trait suggestion: Zen Slayer
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2007, 14:04 »

A few suggestions for master traits. You could make some/all of them require that you take them as quickly as possible, so that you can't take any non-required traits before the master trait if you want to have them. In the case of gun-kata, you could reason this like "only those who truly dedicate themselves to the art of gun-kata can master it".
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