Very nice run indeed! :D I'm surprised that you threw away the shotgun, but perhaps that's just a reflection of my different playing style, since I really value having a shotgun around for the knockback, or for damaging multiple enemies at once, or for bullet resistant enemies. (For example, a crowd of lost souls around a pain elemental can be taken out with a single shell, whereas with rapid-fire weapons, it'll take you several shots to take out one at a time)
LuckyDee, I agree with your assessment of Triggerhappy; I'm not fond of that trait for the very reason you said: It wastes extra ammo when targeting smaller enemies, not to mention you have to reload more often. (Unless you have ammochain, of course) I suppose that's just one of those things that different people are going to have different strategies for, though. Also, I agree with what other people said about eagle eye; one or two levels is a *huge* benefit to rapid-fire builds and I think you'll find that your ammo usage is considerably more efficient.
On an unrelated note, maybe you should set the default name to Total Biscuit; it seems to be lucky! :)