Been going through the rules you listed as 'must read', and it's all a lot more straightforward than I expected. It's also a lot more elaborate than I expected, but I more or less knew what I got myself into, so I'll try not to complain too much (:
With DnD being the rules-heavy game it is, and you as a player more or less being encouraged to use them to the full extent (as opposed to doing something stupid like create a character that has actual psychological/emotional depth whoops) I do believe I've found a pretty big flaw in the combat rules. It's not something that can be exploited in any give situation, but still... Here's what:
DnD expects you to work out combat situations on a tile grid, and by the time you get to the rules about line of sight, line of effect, cover and concealment, it becomes apparent why. Now take the rules on Targeting What You Can't See (p.281). Let's say my character has been blinded while using some kind of ranged attack at one or more enemies which he was perfectly able to hit on his previous turn. The TWYCS rules proceed to explain how my character can glean information on his enemies positions and instruct me to then pick a square and "...only the DM knows whether you guessed the wrong square or your attack just missed.".
Well, I'm actually part of a 5 player group, and since all the other players can see just fine, the grid with all the little buggers drawn/placed on it remains on the table. "Hmmmmmm.... I'm blind, failed every check concerned with tracking my enemies... I'm gonna go out on a limb and fire my arrow on that square containing the model/drawing of the Orc Warlord. It's a long shot, but I'm feeling Lucky."
Sure, there's ways to tackle this, but you'd expect a game that constructed such an intricate web of rules to found itself on would be a bit more sensible about this. And of course I still have about 350+ pages of rulebook left unread, so the answer might well be found there.
So someone please set me straight: how does the rulebook tackle this, and if not, how will this be tackled on the PBF?