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Author Topic: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC  (Read 172208 times)


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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #300 on: April 02, 2014, 12:12 »

3) Re: tactics and other scary words: this is all assuming that these NPCs are hostile/on Bortek's side. At least they didn't come running towards the sounds of screaming barbarians, snarling dire wolves and melting illusionists.
Well, the thing is, if they indeed do decide at some point that you are a hostile, you are neck deep in trouble. If they come into the room and surround you, there will probably not be a chance to escape.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 12:24 by slave »

Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #301 on: April 02, 2014, 12:13 »

If it was just enough map to give an idea how the room looks, without exact placement of people and all I guess I could manage those for future scoutings - you'd just have to remind me when that happens. Maps like the above, with enemies and all would be a major pain in the ass, at least in the moment (might change a bit once I a) get a new laptop with more ram those two-three months in the future so that I can jam more map and light/sight thingamagics without maptool choking and if b) if I manage to find better grid-fitting maps for future adventures)

Edit: Would like clarification should I bother with the 1-square repositioning or not, in case it becomes relevant later on

Edit 2: Consider this my last communication for today, any reactions to upcoming actions will happen tommorow
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 12:15 by Malek Deneith »
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #302 on: April 02, 2014, 12:18 »

No repositioning required. I'm not expecting full maps either, just a drawing of the floor plan with objects and (unmarked) grid.

Well, the thing is, if they indeed do decide at some point that you are a hostile, you are neck deep in trouble. If they come into the room and surround you, there will probably not be a chance to escape.

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #303 on: April 02, 2014, 14:04 »

I'm moving to A1, because I'm assuming (since I did not have to roll for stealth at my previous position) that I won't be noticed there (no need for stealth checks). However, since A1 gives me a helluva lot more cover, I'm guessing that the information I can gain while staying there is pretty limited. Would I at least be able to listen in on the conversation that takes place or am I too far away?


Another problem is that Isirius can't really communicate with us. Assuming that I will stay at A1, he would have to be at least as close as -E0 to communicate with me telepathically. Assuming that Isirius will pass that square when "bringing us the guests" with the "guests" in tow, would it be possible that the two following statements are simultaneously true:
a) Isirius notices me and gives me a message with his intentions, allowing me to slip away from the door and quickly transmit the message to the others.
b) Berak does not have to roll for stealth to stay unseen.


Quill's attacks do fire damage, but does the Flaming Weapon enchantment actually add the fire keyword to her attacks? I'm assuming that it does, enabling her to benefit from the Burning Gauntlets. (I'm assuming that we know what the gauntlets do.)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 15:33 by slave »

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #304 on: April 02, 2014, 19:32 »

Just a waitin' for the rest of us to get access to a map (since I assume the Positions discussed come from a PM map)
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #305 on: April 02, 2014, 20:01 »

Not in a PM, just easy to miss, because it's linked to in the OOC thread. (I don't think that combat has broken out just yet though)

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #306 on: April 02, 2014, 21:53 »

Adding a damage type adds the relevant keyword to the power, removing a damage type removes the relevant keyword.
Too far to listen on the convo in my opinion.

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #307 on: April 03, 2014, 10:45 »

If Isirius gets into some trouble that he can not escape from, I can use Living Missile to slide him 10 squares into the room the others are in. For that to work though, he would have to be close enough to the door and within my line of effect. It wouldn't deal any damage to him, but he would be either Immobilized (save ends) or Slowed (save ends). As a plus, as long as he is immobilized or slowed, I can slide him 10 squares on each of my turns as a minor action.

This assumes that I can slide Isirius without hurling him into someone's face. When I started this post, I assumed I could do that, but after rereading the power's description, I'm not so sure anymore. If I'm forced to slam him into somebody on the way, It would be best if there was a hostile creature nearby or between Isirius and the door. At worst, I could be forced to hit one of our own with Isirius.

Question to the DM: Can I use Living Missile Attack without selecting a secondary target?


I was messing around with the CB and noticed that the kalashtar racial ability triggers on an attack that targets Will.

Question to the DM: If an attack targets the Will defense, will you explicitly note that in your post?

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #308 on: April 03, 2014, 11:25 »

* Malek Deneith pries himself from studying laptops still far away from his grasp

Hwugh? Blergh. Sorry, let me try again, but first I must consult my Magic 8-Ball...

Reply hazy try again

...well that was unhelpful. The rules don't really help much seeing as Living Missile is one of the times where power rules get a bit awkward to get the job done, so I'm going to have rule on my gut feeling. And my gut feeling is that since a) the secondary power has a target and b) the intent of power is to slam primary target into something, then no you can't just slide Isirius for free amusing as it is. What you could do is to substitute wall for target (objects are allowable subsititue for creatures given GM's permission) but that'd mean Isirius will take half damage as per normal for the power.

As for the vs Will thing I've been pretty bad about it in past two encounters (though I don't think you got hit by any) but I have plans to remedy this in coming battles.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #309 on: April 03, 2014, 11:39 »

About this:

They look like they know the place, and what little hesitation there might be is probably result of the fact they most likely spent long time "on ice".

How much do we actually know about people being frozen here? Did we see anything to indicate this (I know I specifically checked :] )? Is it part of the legend?
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #310 on: April 03, 2014, 11:44 »

Fortunately, half of 2d6+4 is between 3 and 8, which is not that bad really. On a miss, Isirius would take no damage, but somehow I don't think that a wall has a particularly high reflex defense.

How much do we actually know about people being frozen here? Did we see anything to indicate this (I know I specifically checked :] )? Is it part of the legend?

This reminds me of something that I forgot. The Winter King slaughtered a Dwarven kingdom, or something along these lines. The area we are in is built by dwarves.

Did Berak get a good enough look at the Dwarves to learn something about them? For example, are they the dwarves who built this place or the dwarves whose kingdom got destroyed by the Winter King?
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 12:02 by slave »

Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #311 on: April 03, 2014, 11:50 »


Quote from: IC Reply #87
- "The halfling is correct." - dwarven priest from the meeting joins the discussion - "There aren't many records of him, but Winter King is the name given to a human warlord who united several barbarian tribes and toppled the Great Dwarven Empire. He is called that because his conquest all happened during single, unnaturally long winter. No one knows where he took the power to make said winter happen but it is said that his reign ended when Raven Queen took what he done as a slight to her domain, and twisted his ability so that he and everything he touched froze into solid ice. It is one of the few last if not the last known instance of gods directly changing our world."

Quote from: IC Reply #248
- "...I'm telling you I heard something" - while Isirius and Berak were telepathically arguing the "company" came to them instead. A thin human male, squeezing water out of his black robes and a trio of dwarves, their beards still sprinkled with crystals of ice went up halfway through the northern corridor/stairs before noticing Isirius and stopping.
- "Who are you?" - the human immediatly asks - "Were you frozen too?"

Emphasis mine. I know my fluff leaves much to be desired in terms of quality but paying attention to it is recommended regardless >_>
Really I thought the implications here were quite obvious...


You didn't have a clear enough view or enough time to figure that kind of thing out I'm afraid.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #312 on: April 03, 2014, 11:55 »

Yeah, I caught the last reference, it's the first one that slipped my mind, thanks.

So allegiances can still go either way :(

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #313 on: April 03, 2014, 11:57 »

Right. I'd want to applogize if my replies are tad on cranky side lately, the ^#%$ $#&@& 4#^%#@^ Daylights Saving Time is screwing with my sleep and that can make me well... cranky as mentioned above.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #314 on: April 03, 2014, 12:03 »

Hadn't noticed. Time to do a spectacular nosedive IC...
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