As intended the telepathic contact helps to both focus Lord Markelhay and bring you to his attention. The Warden wince for a second out of surprise but collects himself before anyone can notice and speaks.
People! People, calm down! In the heat of our debate we have overlooked newcomers in our midst! They look as a formidable lot and since they're new they might bring us further perspective to our problem...Townsfolk quit bickering for a moment, turning their attention to you. A murmur rises through the gathering:
- Who are they?
- Why would anyone bother traveling here in this godforsaken winter?
- Didn't I see them somewhere recently?
- Maybe they come from somewhere that this cold didn't reach. Please, have you seen any warm lands on your way here?
- Bah, with our luck they're somehow responsible for all this.
- One of them wears the mark of the Sun God, the dwarven priest was right!
Lord Warden seems to start to speak up, probably wanting to ask you some questions but before he can begin he is interrupted by a sudden thunderclap, as a lightning bolt drops from the sky and fries random person in the crowd. Before the anguished cry of a dying man ends everyone looks up to notice a peculiar sight - a longboat sailing through the sky as if it was water. As if to confirm your suspicions on the origin of the attack another lightning bolt comes streaking from the figurehead at the prow of the longboat, followed by several warriors jumping down from it, landing among the crowd.
People scatter. Guards react and start to place themselves between townsfolk and the invaders, and more importantly around Markelhay. The boat makes a hard dive and crashes in the ice-covered river with more soldiers coming out of it as soon as it stabilizes. You shake off your confusion and react.
As you spring into action you smell the familiar stench and notice the rotting flesh on the assailants - those of them that have any flesh at all that is. Your observations are reinforced when two quickest reacting enemies both move on to tear a good, solid bite of the nearest civilians, forgoing the clubs they were wielding. Undead. Great. Must be a theme week.
Encounter 1: Sky Raiders - Initiative, Movement and General CommentaryThis is it boys and gurls, roll for initiative... oh wait, I did that for you already
26 - Flesh-Crazed Zombies
25 - Marek
15 - Zombie Shamblers
12 - Gosok Skyborn
11 - Isirius Thray
10 - Berak
9 - Decrepit Skeletons
8 - Skeletons
5 - Quill
0+ - Guards and Lord Warden (who will make it like a tree and leave)
0 - Meat... I mean civilians
- Flesh-Crazed Zombie 1 moves to M12 and kills the civilian on L13.
- Flesh-Crazed Zombie 2 moves to Q22 and kills the civilian on P23.
Map Notes
- River is probably quite cold
- Ice is difficult terrain. It also looks tad slippery and thin.
- Campfires are burning bright.
- Boats are difficult terrain and provide cover.
- Tents provide cover but aren't much durable.
- Totem poles could be climbed if you wish to do so.
Important Note
As a reminder you'll have to draw your weapons/implements to be of any use. That's a minor action (see other notes below) unless you have something that overrides this. I'm going to houserule that Isirius can both draw his implement and summon his magical flail with one minor action. And Marek has the unique benefit of his holy symbol being usable without the need of any preparation so long as it is equipped which it is.
(I am sure we'll all swiftly forget about drawing weaponry, but for now let's keep the pretense up :P)
Other Notes
As a reminder for everyone who slept on Combat 101 you get ONE Standard Action, ONE Movement Action, and ONE Minor Action each of your turns. Action Points (AP) can be spent to gain ONE extra action of any kind but they don't recover after battle (we'll cover how they DO recover once we get to a right moment). Only one can be spent AP per battle per person. Map token legend as well as status icon legend got added to first post in combat. The three tokens that did not get covered should be pretty explanatory - civilians, guards and Lord Markelhay who will make it like a tree and leave. Green bars above your tokens are HP, orange ones are healing surges.