Still, it's a good thought for Jupiter Hell to eventually support Android compatibility. All the cool kids do stuff like that these days. There's a vague chance you could Dosbox a very old version of DoomRL (0.8 might have been the most recent Dos compatible version). It'll be a bugger to find though and won't have half the features we've come to know and love. It might also be rather annoying to play, even with Hackers Keyboard or another customizable software keyboard. Not undoable, just annoying. Possible/probable sound issues as well (assuming 0.8.x had sound. I started in 0.9.1). If you get it to work, let us know. I belligerently try stuff like this, just because I like to know if I can. Actually, if you find any old Dos versions of DoomRL, tell me and I'll get something working.
errrm, the closest I can find on a quick search. The dl links don't work though.