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Author Topic: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions  (Read 32415 times)


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First off, this game is mega-fun. I can't keep my hands off it! I finished it twice now onHNTR, and NEARLY finished it on HMP but.. more on that later. I'd like to ask questions, and critique the game though, so take it as you will.

1: First off, I read the newbie guide here awhile ago and one of its earlier points is damage avoidance...I understand dodging, the I'm not too sure on the cover mechanics because the pictures on the guide aren't showing for me despite looking at it on 3 seperate computers and browser. Sometimes I would assume I'm behind cover cuz I'll be behind a door and the dude I'm shooting at is approximately a 45 degree angle from the door at a distance. However they still hit me about half the time.. I know about acorner shooting, and how they wont even try to shoot me then, but...well, sometimes that's just not an option, unless I gift drop maybe, but tbh I don't intend to attempt that level of play just yet. I'm still in just have fun mode rather than try to clear on nightmare without taking a single hit mode =P. HOWEVER I watched a youtube video of this one dude who was just standing in the open with like 8 dudes shooting at him and he was not getting hit? wtf? Is this just just OBSCENELY lucky? or are the cover mechanics totally unintuitive and working for him here?

The "wtf" portion is at 0:40-0:50.

Seriously, I feel if I was playing on even the easiest mode, I'd be dead before entering the damn base....this dude looks like a straight up hacker from my experience, but I'm guessing I'm missing some mechanic or something?

Anyway, moving on to my critiques about the game (it's amazing, I'm just a critic, so don't think I'm bashing it), please consider this as just player feedback for future improvements or whatever (and if anyone thinks this is based of noob ignorance, lemmie know, I'm open).

1: The player customization/specs seem kinda...well they seem less about picking a playstyle/strategy, and more about gambling on what weapons you are hoping to obtain. I mean every master spec seems to cater around a particular gun family, and the problem with that is you really can't control what guns you get or not. Even basic mods can screw you (my first clear I didn't find a single bulk mod until the vault.. yes, the vault... on my 2nd playthru, I didn't get a single power mod until late deimos... and on my 3rd playthru, let's not even go there). I know randomness and roguelikes is like peanut butter and jelly, but talents/perks/skills are clearly very weapon-familiy oriented in this game (advanced ones anyway). I hope the skills in Jupiter hell will be less "pick what guns you think you'll actually find good drops for!" specs, and more playstyle specs...

2: I plan on playing the 100 floor challenge next game so no comment there. But for the "normal" game, it seems to me that loot is pretty much non-existant aside from the optional floors. I can't think of a single time I got a unique or artifact from a random-generated floor, they're ALWAYS from the special floors. Am I just unlucky or?

3: I was lucky and this happened when I was doing a burst build (and hence could simply outgun him), but when you're in the tower of babel...the cyber demon can spawn RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.... Pretty sure you can't even make it to the nearest possible cover if you need to otherwise... I just stood there and burst-fired him to death (he still got a couple shots off but he died first because I had those few free turns you get when you first enter a new floor, which I suspect aren't enough to dash for cover unless you're some kinda speed demon build with phaseshift boots and armor and and and and....

4: Spider overlord seems pretty easy for a final boss. Maybe add motor fire to the floor? Maybe it's just cuz I've only faced him on HNTR though, not sure.

5: having a modable tag on items would be nice. I really have no way of knowing if an item is modable or not without simply trying to mod it.

6: Question: Is the game itself modable? not sure if I want to even try any at this point, but it would be cool to at least have a level editor and for players to make their own campaigns.

7: question: If anyone can show me any great guides other than the newbie guide thingie stickied on these boards let me know, I'd love to look at them!


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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2014, 23:52 »

Hey there! Welcome to DoomRL and the Chaosforge Forum! Unfortunately I don't have the time to write you an elaborate story - which your post deserves - and by the time I do, at least half a dozen other will have beat me to it. A couple of things I can point out:

1) Yes, luck does play an important factor. It's definitely not the be-all and end-all, but it's impact is not to be underestimated. I had a look at the bit of movie you referred to, and that smells lucky to me (and I should know, you'd say. Or at least I do). Having the Cyberdemon spawn next to you may sound unlucky, but if you're playing a melee game of course... And good items are definitely not restricted to special levels, although some of the levels give you certain guarantees that normal levels definitely don't.

2) Go to YouTube and find videos by Game Hunter (I believe his YT channel is UberHunter or TheUberHunter). It's in console mode - I don't think graphics mode was even released back then - but his spoken commentary is a big help, and he has a nicely soothing voice.

3) Stick around these forums. Ask anything and everything. You'll get more help than you'll know what to do with.

Go get em, tiger!
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2014, 00:22 »

The "wtf" portion is at 0:40-0:50.
and so what? You are standing at edge of visible range (accuracy fall with distance!). Formers do not gain accuracy bonus from equipped pistols (? not sure but seems so). It is Easy difficulty. You are lucky! :)

1: The player customization/specs seem kinda...well they seem less about picking a playstyle/strategy, and more about gambling on what weapons you are hoping to obtain
do not understand. You play the game. You have a favorite tactics. For example you DO NOT love pistols. But loves shotguns. You choose a shotgun build and just drop away all junk like blaster-combat pistol-Trigun etc :) And go with your lovely shotgun. If you find a Jackhammer - good. But you can win having only shotgun, why not? No, do not change tactics if you find something. No, do not hope to obtain special weapon - you can not obtain it if you are not lucky. Even guaranteed specials like missile launcher, chainsaw or BFG not guaranteed at all! Situations becomes hot, and you do not go to special level for that weapon. So, you choose what you will do - and DO! namely picking playstyle and do not worry about special/uniques that you may find.

I can't think of a single time I got a unique or artifact from a random-generated floor, they're ALWAYS from the special floors. Am I just unlucky or?
artifacts always on special floors. Uniques are rare and you can find 1 in 20 runs. Or 2 in one. Luck, random and nothing more. But some of special floors have a good chance for uniques generation.

PS sorry for my english :)
Once advanced DoomRL player
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Say "Best thing ever found!" and start jumping around...
But he can't get the sword from the ground


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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2014, 00:41 »

First off, welcome to the forums and welcome to DoomRL!  :D  I agree that it's a pretty awesome and addictive game; I can't keep my hands off it myself.  :)

1: First off, I read the newbie guide here awhile ago and one of its earlier points is damage avoidance...I understand dodging, the I'm not too sure on the cover mechanics because the pictures on the guide aren't showing for me despite looking at it on 3 seperate computers and browser. Sometimes I would assume I'm behind cover cuz I'll be behind a door and the dude I'm shooting at is approximately a 45 degree angle from the door at a distance. However they still hit me about half the time.. I know about acorner shooting, and how they wont even try to shoot me then, but...well, sometimes that's just not an option, unless I gift drop maybe, but tbh I don't intend to attempt that level of play just yet. I'm still in just have fun mode rather than try to clear on nightmare without taking a single hit mode =P. HOWEVER I watched a youtube video of this one dude who was just standing in the open with like 8 dudes shooting at him and he was not getting hit? wtf? Is this just just OBSCENELY lucky? or are the cover mechanics totally unintuitive and working for him here?

The "wtf" portion is at 0:40-0:50.

Seriously, I feel if I was playing on even the easiest mode, I'd be dead before entering the damn base....this dude looks like a straight up hacker from my experience, but I'm guessing I'm missing some mechanic or something?

Naw, your instincts are correct; I don't know who this guy is, but he's clearly not doing anything to seek cover at all.  I'd say it's just lucky that all those former humans kept missing him.  (To be honest, I felt like yelling at the screen several times during that video)  :P

As for the newbie guide, do you mean this one?  If so, it's not a problem with your browser; I'm getting a 404 error when I try to view the images, meaning they don't exist or have been moved or something.  Someone should probably update that.

a 45 degree angle from the door does nothing to protect you; corner-shooting looks more like this...  (excuse my ASCII art)

Code: [Select]

...where "@" is you and "B" is a Baron, for example.  From this position, you can shoot at him without him seeing you.  Trouble is you can't see him either from here, so sometimes, it's preferable to get into this position...

Code: [Select]

...because now, you can see him (which makes your rapid weapons more accurate) and shoot him without him shooting you, but it's a little riskier because he'll start shooting you when he gets two or three squares away, whereas in the first image, he won't attack until he's at point-blank range.  You kind of have to gauge your surroundings and figure out what works best in any given situation.

As for all the other stuff...

1)  Yes, the master traits are based around a particular weapon type and yes, the RNG can really screw you over by giving you the wrong equipment for the character you are trying to build sometimes; sometimes you just have to adapt your strategy as you go and hope for the best.  The play balance for the randomness has been adjusted many times with each version of the game over the years;  I agree it can be frustrating when you get an unlucky game, but I guess you just kind of have to remind yourself about the PB+J and not let it bother you too much and hope you get a better one next time.  (Incidentally, I recommend trying the optional levels; they can be pretty tough, but also very rewarding!  They're a major source of mod packs if that's what you're looking for)

2)  There's a reason that there's a medal for getting three uniques in one game; it doesn't happen very often.  It makes it all the more valuable when you do get them.  (I've had the occasional lucky game when I got 6 uniques!  Just luck of the draw)  Also, I'm pretty sure that if you get a weapon that perfectly suits your build, like say, a Grammaton Cleric Berreta on a Gun Kata build, you are legally required to emit an evil laugh.  :P  As for the other occasions, well...  Someone made a comic on that subject.  :)

3)  That's a freakin' unlucky starting point...  :|  unless you're playing a melee build, in which case that's a freakin' lucky starting point!  ;)  (Seriously, I've had games when I wished for that kind of setup)  There's your PB+J again.  :)

4)  The Spider Mastermind is a relatively new addition to the game and I know that her AI has been tweaked a few times; it could be that she needs some more tweaking.

5)  I agree that would be nice.  In the meantime, you can find info on the DoomRL wiki.

6)  Absolutely!  We have a whole sub forum dedicated to everything related to modding.  I dabbled a bit with it myself, but never created anything as ambitious as a campaign.  If you create anything like that, I'd be curious to see it.

7)  I'm not sure, to be honest; someone else will have to post that.  I honed my DoomRL skills by just playing lots.  :)
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)


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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2014, 11:25 »

1: You're probably doing corner shooting correctly. Enemies don't shoot back when you are corner shooting correctly.
Dodge mechanics are a seperate thing, and actually work quite intuitively - enemies can miss you anytime, but you only dodge when you are moving (and if you don't dodge in the right direction, you'll get hit anyway) - effectively, there are 3 things that can happen to a shot - it can hit the target, it can miss the target (pass right over her), or it can hit the square upon which she was standing last turn.
The third possibility is extremely common. In running mode, slow projectiles (like imp or baron bullets) only roll 'hit' something like 1/5 attacks.

Oh, and that video was very good luck. Something like 1/200 good luck!
(That said, it's not impossible for even experienced players to utilise the 'stand in the open and get lucky' strategy to avoid death - I got some flak for 1:45 - 2:26 in this video!:)

Second1: Player customisation isn't as bad as it may seem! Lots of the best builds are actually *not* master builds (in fact master builds are ideal for maybe 1/3 games at a high level of play). Even without master builds, though, things tend to get pretty specialised, as you noticed. The trick is balancing skills that you need now, vs those which you will need in future. Example; pistols make for a very weak early game, but Son of a Gun level 5 is probably the most powerful skill in the game when you're above level 12! A lot of character build planning is about what you can get away with given the weapon drops, and primarily concerns how long you can sit on 'neutral' traits like hellrunner and finesse (and especially 'juggler') before you specialise. A similar dilemna surrounds many modpacks - Can you hold on to those bulk packs, in the hopes of finding a nano in the armoury, when you''d really like to be able to use them to build a gatling gun right now?
I'd like to mention it's *possible* to play end-game high-difficulty jack-of-all-trades characters (I have a great pistol/melee/shotgun build), but it's a tricky path to tread!

2: You get some great loot on normal floors! Special levels, though, as you noticed, are probably more instrumental in your fancy arsenal!

3: Even if you appear far from the cyberdemon, it's worth noting that getting behind cover doesn't mean much against him... His weapon has a large blast radius, don't think he doesn't know how to use it strategically!

4: The spider overmind can be a little easy for many characters, yes. She's mainly soft, brainy tissue though, she can't be that tough! ;)

5: Good point about mods - it's confusing to inexperienced players. Weapons and armour should probably have 'empty slots' to demonstrate how they can be modded.

6: The game is slightly moddabale

7: I wrote a guide a long time ago (years ago), which was well received, especially (wierdly) on forums outside chaosforge!
I've been hugely expanding it, meaning to comprehensively update it, and it's currently close to ready - only a few of the special levels (the ones after the wall), and the parts after 'assemblies' concerning traits, builds, and monsters) are still out of date.

I've hosted the 'half update' version here, as an exclusive special scoop just for you!

 (Hope you feel really special! x)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 08:55 by Sylph »
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2014, 23:11 »

Holy smokes, thanks a ton for that guide! It was a great read, and while some if it was somewhat common sense, there were some amazing bits of info that I didn't know about that will make the game play SOOO much different.

First off, I didn't know abut the "auto-walk" feature, and even if I read about it somewhere else, I'm sure I wouldn't have assumed you can "auto-wait"...Not only will this obviously save me from taking damage way more often since I currently just wander around and often take stray hits from enemies shooting at me as I move towards them in visible range, but it will make gift dropping an option that I will no longer feel too tedious to worry about at my current level of play. This alone I'm pretty sure will more than improve my game by an entire difficulty setting at LEAST.

That, and while I personally have been telling myself to use running mode more often, this guide will certainly help. Before I've had the bad habit of using running mode only for situations where I'm in an enemy's shooting range, and have no cover nearby, which was not nearly as often as I get opportunities to refresh tired status from health orbs and such. I knew that it helped dodging alot, but I guess I forgot how much it helps you avoid attacks by enemies simply "missing". Also you said it reduces damage too, did you mean simply because they miss more often? or do the hits you take deal less damage as well somehow? I can't find that info on the wiki, do you know how much it is reduced by?

I also had no idea -4 meant their 50% chance to hit becomes 9%, I'm seriously dumbfounded.

I also already put rocket launchers to adjust my surroundings to my favor a few times, however I never thought about doing it for chained court + to deal with dem hell knights. I don't know if I EVER would have thought of that... Likewise, blowing up those teleporters for spider nest.

Not only that, but by knowing how to auto-wait, I'll feel far more comfortable running around in tactical armor (I always made tactical boots). The speed boost will be great.

It's hard to imagine the guide isn't finished... I hope you understand how excited I am to put what I learned into practice!


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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2014, 01:18 »

One warning about autowait: A wait action _always_ takes 1.0s, no matter what your movement speed is. Thus, a faster enemy may (and fairly often will) move into you line of sight and get a shot at you before you can react. Neither tac armor nor boots are any help in this.
Autowait is still a very safe and sound tactics if you use it in conjuction with safe positioning. If you happen to find a sweet spot like this:
Code: [Select]

nothing can come to you without you seeing it first, so you can autowait and cornershoot all the monsters on the floor without seeing much more than this section of it.
DoomRL 0.997: Cyberdemon Brigadier General - Games: 217, Wins: 2/5/3/6/0, Medals: 18, Specials: 64, Asm: 39, Badges: 19/17/16/5/1/Are you kidding?
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2014, 03:00 »

Holy smokes, thanks a ton for that guide! It was a great read, and while some if it was somewhat common sense, there were some amazing bits of info that I didn't know about that will make the game play SOOO much different.

First off, I didn't know abut the "auto-walk" feature, and even if I read about it somewhere else, I'm sure I wouldn't have assumed you can "auto-wait"...Not only will this obviously save me from taking damage way more often since I currently just wander around and often take stray hits from enemies shooting at me as I move towards them in visible range, but it will make gift dropping an option that I will no longer feel too tedious to worry about at my current level of play. This alone I'm pretty sure will more than improve my game by an entire difficulty setting at LEAST.
'Run-on-the-spot' is extremely important in playing doomrl. 'At least' indeed! You'd perhaps be under-estimating it's importance if you were only attributing it to a single skill level increase. ;)

That, and while I personally have been telling myself to use running mode more often, this guide will certainly help. Before I've had the bad habit of using running mode only for situations where I'm in an enemy's shooting range, and have no cover nearby,
Actually, that sounds about right. If there are no enemies in shooting range, or you're in cover, then there's no real reason to use running mode, since you can't be attacked. :)

I knew that it helped dodging alot, but I guess I forgot how much it helps you avoid attacks by enemies simply "missing". Also you said it reduces damage too, did you mean simply because they miss more often? or do the hits you take deal less damage as well somehow? I can't find that info on the wiki, do you know how much it is reduced by?
I also had no idea -4 meant their 50% chance to hit becomes 9%, I'm seriously dumbfounded.
Running mode doesn't reduce damage when an attack hits you, no. That's a point I need to clarify in the guide.
I see you've been doing research! Yes, going from 10 (former humans) to 6 accuracy reduces chance to hit from 50% to 9%! It's worth remembering, though, that while the effect of running is in the region of -40-50% to hit for most enemies, it usually isn't so dramatic a change, because an 80% chance to hit will go down to 35% or so - still less than half what it used to be, but not the 4/5ths reduction that you get against formers!

It's really worth mentioning the *dodge* bonus here though. You can rely on that 9% miss chance when running against former humans, but against bigger monsters, dodging is much more reliable than relying on enemies missing. Bullets have 10% dodge chance, plasma has 20%, and the fire/acid/plasma balls that some enemies throw/spit at you have 50%. You also get in the region of 20% added on to that for every 5 squares away the enemy is, so standing 5 squares away from a hell knight actually already gives you a ~75% chance of dodging - he only lands 1 in 4 attacks!
Running mode increases this by a further 20%. That might not sound like much, but when you're running for cover, your expected turns to run before being hit just jumped from 4 squares, to 20 squares! When you add on hellrunner (+15%) or tactical armour (10%) dodging starts to become a lovely, reliable option to avoid taking damage!
Cover is much better than fighting while running (you know this, but...), always consider that an ideal cover situation should equate to 100% damage reduction, and wastes far less ammo than firing while in running mode, so seek cover! You don't need to be fighting while dodging, if you can dodge your way to good cover.
Any player that has taken the 'dodgemaster' trait already knows how good dodging all those shots are, but it takes a bit of experience before you realise that most characters are capable of achieving similar dodging frenzies with the right items or tactics!

I also already put rocket launchers to adjust my surroundings to my favor a few times, however I never thought about doing it for chained court + to deal with dem hell knights. I don't know if I EVER would have thought of that... Likewise, blowing up those teleporters for spider nest.
I'm not sure whether you still can blow up the spider's nest teleporters. I'm suspicious that it was removed.
The chained court+ strategy, though, took me a long time to come up with, with at least a couple of threads on these forums dedicated to throwing about ideas! I wouldn't be surprised if somebody hadn't found something even better, this is a strategic game and good players come up with some ingenious ideas that I had not thought of (like luring the demons out of their tunnels on phobos lab using rocket explosions), so soon enough you'll trump my ideas for tackling levels with your own. The chained court+ though, in particular, was a lovely one to finally 'crack'. :D

Not only that, but by knowing how to auto-wait, I'll feel far more comfortable running around in tactical armor (I always made tactical boots). The speed boost will be great.
+Speed items (tactical armour & boots, among others) only decrease the time it takes to move, not to stand still. If you want to stand still safely, either be in a position where no enemies will be able to shoot at you the turn after they first see you, use 'z' to switch weapons (0.8s per turn), fire a fast-firing weapon (SoaG can get a pistol down as low as 0.1s)(there's a lot these 2 tacticas going on in the first few levels of that youtube game I posted earlier) or, if you're *really* desperate to get that first turn, start to drop items on the floor (0.5s each). It's very rare, though, that such extreme measures as dropping items or wasting bullets are necessary, and they carry with them their own risks!
The main point of +speed items (and they're probably the most powerful items in the game) is being able to get to cover without taking any damage.
(Also refer to the hyperblaster section in the guide concerning speed)


It's hard to imagine the guide isn't finished... I hope you understand how excited I am to put what I learned into practice!
Awwww, that's a lovely first bit of feedback on it! It's not finished though, no (as seen with the confusion about running damage reduction, and spider's lair teleporters), and there's a *lot* of content to add about challenge modes, nightmare strategy, character builds/traits, and best build paths and mod choices per weapon!
The original version of that guide was written to be quite short and punky, but it's grown into a bit of a hybrid now, and has a lot of growing to do before it's comprehensive. Nice to see that it's still well-received though, after all these years! :D
Thankyou ever so much.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2014, 13:35 by Sylph »
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2014, 04:27 »

I started reading that guide today, and though I didn't get through much yet (I was on my lunch break) I found it to be very well written and helpful, too!
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2014, 02:48 »

Well I just finished my first Hurt me plenty game, finished 2 not too roughs before this thread. While part of me wants to try ultra violence, or a 100 floor challenge, part of me wants to try different classes/builds on difficulties I'm familiar with, just to see what I like first.

That said, am I unlucky orr.... In all 3 of my completed games, I never, not once, found a single rare mod, no sniper, no onyx, no firestorm, no nano. Furthermore, seems I'm good at attracting situational exotics. translocator, phase shifter (or whatever it's called that makes enemies "tired", whatever), dragonslayer (when I'm not even a melee character), some weird rapid fire bfg (was it bfg10k? I forget) that wiki says can blow yourself up with random secondary explosions even if you shoot really far away form yourself, so I dare not use it...

Every game I finish with just a basic assembly to a basic weapon. qq.

Also has anyone ever tried nuking JC? I'm kinda hitting myself, I had found a nuke on hell 2 or something so I nabbed it for Spider mastermind, then I found ANOTHER nuke on hell 5 or so, which I ignored since my inventory was limited. Then I did the lava pools for you know what... But...there was an invulnerability orb right next the stairs down to dis, so I never even needed to use my lava elemental in dis when I nuked it. I could have nuked jc safely too if only I took the 2nd nuke I found. *cries*.


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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2014, 04:33 »

That said, am I unlucky orr.... In all 3 of my completed games, I never, not once, found a single rare mod, no sniper, no onyx, no firestorm, no nano. Furthermore, seems I'm good at attracting situational exotics. translocator, phase shifter (or whatever it's called that makes enemies "tired", whatever), dragonslayer (when I'm not even a melee character), some weird rapid fire bfg (was it bfg10k? I forget) that wiki says can blow yourself up with random secondary explosions even if you shoot really far away form yourself, so I dare not use it...

Every game I finish with just a basic assembly to a basic weapon. qq.

In my experience, outside of Ao100, you aren't likely to find either a rare mod or a exotic that fits your build. Exotics DO seem a lot more common, and sometimes I've been able to find a fitting one (more often with rapid-fire builds if I recall correctly), but I don't think I've ever gotten the appropriate rare mod for the specific assembly I was hoping to make. Makes you really appreciate them, I guess!
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2014, 05:10 »

That said, am I unlucky orr.... In all 3 of my completed games, I never, not once, found a single rare mod, no sniper, no onyx, no firestorm, no nano. Furthermore, seems I'm good at attracting situational exotics. translocator, phase shifter (or whatever it's called that makes enemies "tired", whatever), dragonslayer (when I'm not even a melee character), some weird rapid fire bfg (was it bfg10k? I forget) that wiki says can blow yourself up with random secondary explosions even if you shoot really far away form yourself, so I dare not use it...

Every game I finish with just a basic assembly to a basic weapon. qq.
You didn't mention the Armory / Deimos Lab. Do you visit and complete those? A high-level mod (might be replaced Cybernetic Armor) is guaranteed upon completing the level. Plus, you don't even need the higher mods to create some of the advanced or master assemblies. Otherwise, it's simply bad luck for you (and the same goes for finding exotic or unique items unsuitable for your build and/or challenge).

And being able to win with only basic assemblies and basic weapons is a display of some commendable skill, and a sign of a good player :).
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2014, 05:34 »

Zicher is exactly right. Do the lab/armoury and you have a good chance of getting a good mod. I think you also get a schematic, but once you have discovered all assemblies, you get a mod instead of the schematic as well!

Regarding your unique finding - it's pretty rare to find 3 uniques in a single run, and I've not seen a BFG10k in years! I regard it as one of the best finds in the game, and it's a brute-force weapon, not what I'd call a situational exotic! :)
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2014, 08:23 »

I had forgotten about the Armory. Probably because I usually get myself killed by Shamblers. ;) Though it does remind me that I have found schematics for assemblies I already discovered before. So don't rely on those. (Maybe that isn't supposed to happen and should be fixed? Don't know.) And you don't get a specific mod, so don't rely on that, either. But there's nothing wrong with standard fare! :P
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Re: Only played this for a weekish now, some praises/questions
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2014, 10:12 »

Though it does remind me that I have found schematics for assemblies I already discovered before. So don't rely on those. (Maybe that isn't supposed to happen and should be fixed? Don't know.)
Are you sure? According to the Wiki, you can only receive schematics you don't already know. This would have been a bug then, probably.
I vaguely recall someone's post about how he arrived to the Armory, cleared it, picked up the mods and assembled a previously unkown assembly. And then he picked up the schematics, only to find that the schematics were precisely for the freshly assembled item. The conclusion was that the Armory rewards are generated upon arriving the to level, and as such, not a bug.

Oh, and to return to the rewards: Deimos Lab cache contains one more rare mod over Armory. Then again, it also contains one more Shambler over Armory ...
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