So I'm doing a 100 floor gunkata, at floor 37 now, everything going fine except for the fact that 9mm is not dropping again. Down to my last ammo box (learning I could 'U' them was a lifesaver). I made myself a tactical shotgun in case of emergency ammo issues but it's pretty weak now. I plan on making some energy pistols for when I run out of regular ammo but I still don't have wizkid yet, I don't even have finesse yet, it's what I'm getting on my next level up.
Anyway, for those interested, the math with pistols works like this:
5 ranks of sunnofa gun = 0.1s attackspeed, dual wield = 0.1 * 1.2 = 0.12 attackspeed - Scout class = 0.11 attackspeed.
Soo, Basically my semi-auto pistols fire faster than a gattling gun (do more damage per bullet too cuz 5 ranks of sunnofa gun, and 2d4 base instead of 1d8 =P. I made them both high power because ammo is an issue more than anything, and I did take keeneye pretty soon.
That said I quit for safety purposes... I've had this problem for awhile now but it's happening particularly frequently right now. So I saved and quit until I hopefully fix it...Basically my game (only doom, no other games or programs) simply goes ape-dung on the controls, it'll mash the keyboard on its own or something. caps lock, open inventory, show grid, un-equip armor, move around randomly (this is why I quit because it could move me to my death), and not slowly either...Very scary... Even if I alt-tab it'll alt-tab back to the game and continue to eff around. It's almost like a virus starts taking over my keyboard but like I said, it's doomrl only. What the dill.
I haven't looked at the tech support/whatever forums yet so I'll do so now but blah. As for Cthulhu, I haven't found a single exotic/unique pistol or mod yet so I'm still running around with dual high-powers. But with 5 ranks of SoG, they seem capable of killing everything before reloading except maybe revanants and bruiser brothers...Note I haven't bumped into any cyberdemons or agony elementals yet. with a 0.11s attackspeed too, I can pretty much just stand there in the open shooting at mancubus without fear of being shot at. Unfortunately they are nearly never alone, and almost always have Arch-villes with them, who maddeningly love hiding behind their meatshield that I don't want to simply blast thru to get at archie since hell is hell because it has no effing ammo (except rockets, lots and lots of effing rockets, argh). =P.