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Author Topic: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?  (Read 7179 times)


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Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« on: March 01, 2014, 23:49 »

Unless my memory played tricks on me, I had picked up the DS a long time ago on another run. Two runs at least, both runs on Ao666... I think. Now, here I am with a finally melee build on my technician, and I find it early (27th floor... not exactly the best floor to find it on a 666 run, considering the length.)

So I pick it up. And then I realized that I couldn't. I have no idea, as I can no longer remember how to. Eeep.


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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 00:17 »

You were able to pick it up - in the current version - and then forgot?!

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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 00:49 »

My shame runs deep. Oh so very deep. Granted, it was around half a year ago when I managed to pick it up. And I've made multiple attempts before - one of which involved trying to die while standing on top of the damn thing.

Now, I think I vaguely remember how to do it, but now I gotta go find it again. Easy enough on Ao666, but time consuming as hell since I'm gonna use a melee build.


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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2014, 00:42 »

Rumour has it that the requirements did change slightly in this version.  I've never known the conditions in any version, but good luck to you for figuring it out again.  :)
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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2014, 07:12 »

Okay, so I managed to pick it up again. Was doing an angel of max carnage, and I just got out of the vaults when I found it. I'm still not quite sure, but it's either one thing I did or another thing. In any case, I managed to pick it up... much to my horror when I realized that I won't be able to use the nuclear BFG to nuke the spider mastermind. Didn't find a nuke on the remaining floors either. Ah well.

Still, if I can ask a question... does picking up the sword require a certain skill. No need to elaborate.


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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2014, 00:35 »

Okay, so I managed to pick it up again. Was doing an angel of max carnage, and I just got out of the vaults when I found it. I'm still not quite sure, but it's either one thing I did or another thing. In any case, I managed to pick it up... much to my horror when I realized that I won't be able to use the nuclear BFG to nuke the spider mastermind. Didn't find a nuke on the remaining floors either. Ah well.

Still, if I can ask a question... does picking up the sword require a certain skill. No need to elaborate.

Nuff said.  Nice that you got it once more thou...
« Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 00:37 by Shinji_Ikari_9th »
Over and Out!


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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2014, 10:08 »

In any case, I'm now mostly sure on what to do if I find it again - just need to do that one thing or the other thing... or both which is easy enough. All I need to do now is find it on Ao666 once more. 80 floors in and it's a no-show so far. Still, just a matter of time, and for now I'm on a somewhat lucky run. So far, found a super shotgun, a chainsaw modded into a ripper, and a railgun. All I need now is the malek's armor to go with the nyarlathotep's boots. Using the necroarmor since so far all the red armors get eaten away too fast. It surprisingly works nice with vampyre, though it backfires quickly if the armor goes below 50 percent.


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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2014, 01:16 »

Aw, yeah. I got the damn thing, finally! The berserker armor too, but I recall someone posting in a thread long ago that I shouldn't be used until the last floor, so I'll hold off on using it. Plus since I don't have any points in hellrunner, the move speed of the armor is not very good either. Gonna stick to my cerberus phaseshift armor and antigrav phaseshift boots for now.


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Re: Did the requirement for the dragonslayer change?
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2014, 07:52 »

Man, now I kinda wish that I found the DS much later. Still 300 floors to go, and it's a long way ahead to kill everything until the last floor. A few things I found:

-Things can get hairy if my player wasn't berserk all the time. Without hellrunner, a lot of enemies get a ton of hits on me, especially if I'm not wearing the antigrav boots. If I'm surrounded by a crowd, it gets extra tedious since nearly everyone would be pushed farther away by all the splash damage. Thankfully, having two points in badass doesn't push me away when I have to move forward.
-On the other hand, that was mostly a problem before getting hold of the dragonslayer. Berserk, plus three points in tough as nails, and a cerberus armor makes damage next to none. Almost any single shot hits me for one percent... out of two hundred percent. Maxed made of iron and badass and having vampyre ensures that I stay safe all the time. Aside from nightmare arachnotron caves, I end every floor at max health even without using any health powerups. Vampyre recovers more health than the damage I get most of the time.
-Adding to that, I went with a cerberus armor mod using an onyx armor. Since I no longer need an onyx pack to fix the durability issue, I used a power mod pack to further add more defense to me. On one hand, I get damaged by lava and acid floors again. On the other hand, that's also a no issue since it only takes a single point of damage per step. I've noticed that sometimes I won't get damaged at all.
-Before dragonslayer pick up, shambler-only floors are surprisingly dangerous. They have a tendency for all of them to teleport on one room, and being backed into a corner almost done my player in.
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