Well, since i already finished HMP with 3 of the 4 main builds (still havent done melee), I've been trying to play in ultra violence. Thing is, its really damn violent. It might be my fixation on doing the arena and the chained court, but i havent been able to survive past floor 5 or go beyond 5th level. I have been radar-shooting like a madman, but while it helps it doesnt do magic. I think ive only finished the court twice, and one of those was thanks to an early plasma shotgun. I quickly died on the next floor due to mistakingly activating the damn Arena Masters staff instead of a medkit (I dont remember anytime where that staff has served me outside the vaults), but that fact doesnt alleviate my propensity to being against the ropes way too frecuently. Im currently using a scout with a burst build. Since im using shotguns so much on the early game i go SoB SoB EE TH Int CE, instead of going SoB EE SoB, to incease the damage of the shotgun early on. Anyway, any and all advice is welcome on all fronts. Im willing of course to try different builds of all kinds, whatever works for you, and the more detail you give the more ill be able to learn.