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Author Topic: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?  (Read 4669 times)


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Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« on: June 25, 2014, 21:19 »

I ran into these nasties in the phobos lab (Now im 100% sure i like the base better), and i was unable to kill a sinlge one. In my first encounter it was in the small cave, where i expected to melt norml pikies with my combat shotgun, but things went badly and i teleported. The next one i saw killed me. Knockback seemed to happen only rarely, and even when corner shooting one at max range (cateye max range) with a combat shotgun i didnt manage to get him beyond scratched until he was eating my face (not a native english speaker, so if thats a double-entendre please ignore). I could have used the rocket launcher (im pretty sure i will next time, IF i enter that damned place again), but is there a normal way to kill them? Specially if you run into them at close range (it was ignorance tho, expecting pikies, next time it shouldnt happen). Now, maybe it is the lack of a "pain" sound effect, but it seemed my chaingun was barely hurting the things. So... anyway, i had SoBx2 THx1 and an A-modded chaingun, and it seemed to fare poorly.

Also, this is the first nightmare something i meet in UV, the furthest i've reached was the halls of carnage, where the lava speed got me (another nasty surprise), so i must ask if i will be meeting another nightmare thingies and if they are as nasty as these. If so, and the answer is just "nuke them from orbit", i will take out the rocket launcher and do as told.


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Re: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2014, 00:13 »

Taking into account the following

Disclaimer: I've known these bastards were there since shortly after the launch of and thus have never even attempted Phobos Lab on UV

here's some tips:

Knockback seemed to happen only rarely, and even when corner shooting one at max range (cateye max range) with a combat shotgun i didnt manage to get him beyond scratched until he was eating my face

Knockback depends on how much damage you do. Damage from a combat shotgun at long range is so low you can't even call it damage without snigggering anymore. Armor against shrapnel counts double (nightmare demons have armor 3) and the drop-off is 5% per tile (applied before the armor reduction, I believe). Shotguns are not your friend here, generally speaking.

I could have used the rocket launcher

Not necessarily a good idea either. If you hit the wrong tile, you launch them towards you instead of away. Not amusing.

Now, maybe it is the lack of a "pain" sound effect

Nightmare creatures indeed make no sound, but the "pain" effect for other creatures plays every time they're hit, regardless of the amount of damage you do.

i must ask if i will be meeting another nightmare thingies and if they are as nasty as these.

* LuckyDee tries not to laugh too loud...

As for tactics:
1) If you can outrun them, dragging them through the acid might work
2) A rapidfire or pistol build with a high (HIGH) dps might do the trick

Again, since I haven't tried this for myself, I can't say for sure what will work and what won't. I'm betting Tormuse has tried and beaten this level on every imaginable build; my money for the best advice is on him right now. Although Sylph and maybe mr. Zicher may be able to offer some good contributions too...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2014, 00:14 by LuckyDee »
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Re: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2014, 01:08 »

Oh, i know the shotgun mechanics, its just that i wasnt sure what i was shooting at until it showed its face. Then again, the lack of sound should have tipped me off. Also, i hate shooting with non shotguns blindly, specially without EE, since i rarely hit. I should have just gotten out of the corner and start shooting it. If those are the only nightmare monsters im bound to face ill just avoid the lab like the plague. I checked those nasties HP and the have 80! Theres no way i can kill more than a couple even on a good game with my current tactics.

Anyway, after all those deaths i did learn some lessons. While i got killed in all my lucky games (the ones with rare weapons) im about to win now (i hope i didnt jinx it). I got an hyperblaster and a Bulk 1 BFG, a PO Red armor and the late commer to the party, the NPT minigun. I was just carrying it plus 2 ammo chains to save energy cells, but when i saw the Nano-mod i decided there was hardly a better weapon to put it in. i mean, sure, 3 free shots from the BFG every level sounds cool, but im full of energy cells anyway, and with the minigun to mow down the chaff and the hyperblaster to kill the rest im bound to have energy cells to spare if i ever need to abuse the BFG.


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Re: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2014, 07:24 »

The most readily available method for dealing with nightmare demons is the double shotgun.  If you don't have shottyman or reloader traits then you'll also need a shell box.  These items are usually found (more than 50%?  maybe?) by the time you reach the Phobos lab.  The double shotgun provides plenty of knockback, especially at close range, to keep the demons off you while you kill them.

Another tactic is to use an env suit and lure them out into the acid pool.  It can be difficult to get all of them to follow you at once, though.


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Re: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2014, 12:23 »

Smart guy!

Makes lots of sense, ill keep it in mind.


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Re: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2014, 11:02 »

The Nightmare Demons in Phobos Lab are annoying to deal with, partly because of how early in the game they are, and partly for the fact that they're around blind corners, so they're right on top of you as soon as you see them.  If you have a melee build, the Chainsaw may be a good choice for them.  Otherwise, I'd say speed is your friend here.  If you can walk/run fast enough, you don't need any envirosuits to lead them through an acid bath.  Just go around the edge of the acid pool and they'll cut across the acid to get to you and then you can repeatedly knock them back in with your shotgun.  Nightmare Demons are speedy, so to do this walking, you have to be *really* fast, but it's doable.  Otherwise, you'll probably eat through a few med packs, keeping your stamina up to keep running.

...i didnt manage to get him beyond scratched until he was eating my face (not a native english speaker, so if thats a double-entendre please ignore).

Sorry, it's too funny to ignore.  :D  "Eating face" is a euphemism for aggressively kissing, so now, I'm picturing Doomguy making out with the demon.  :P

As for the rocket launcher, I wouldn't recommend it, since Nightmare Demons tend to get really close really quickly, so you'll be lucky to even get one shot off before they're eating your face.  :)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2014, 20:11 by Tormuse »
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Re: Nightmare demons, how to deal with them?
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2014, 04:29 »

To add to this - you probably ARE knocking the nightmare demons back with your shotgun. Nightmare demons are *fast*, easily fast enough to often get a couple of turns in the time you get one shot, which would let them gain ground on you even after being knocked back.
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