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Author Topic: Which mode do you prefer to Play DoomRL? Tiles, NotEye3D or Console Text?  (Read 14432 times)

Arron Syaoran

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When I booted up DoomRL Today, I started to Play UV with AoMC to practice not getting hit. I decided to try Console Mode one more time, and when I got to level 4, I figured, I like Both Tiles and Console Text, I wonder what everybody else likes since I can't seem to decide.

One one hand, Console mode has easier viewing of the whole map, so you can pinpoint faraway discovered items easier without using the mouse.
On the other, Tiles mode makes each individual tile/monster/item easier to identify, and I don't have to hit escape twice when cancelling out of something.

Although what I said above is mostly opinional, I want everyone to know what most people prefer in terms of graphics. Don't forget to post a comment on any opinions or whether you want to know your personal preference for graphics modes.
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If it weren't for Tiles-mode, I wouldn't even be here. Couldn't be bothered to pick it up when I saw a review about console mode, but I was immediately sold by the artwork of the tiles version. And only then did I discover what a freaking awesome game it is, too.

So yeah, Tiles all the way down, baby.
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Console.  Why is this even a question?
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I started playing back in like where there was only console, and DoomRL is probably one of the lightest ASCII game experiences you'll have - since all the glyphs are sensible, appropriately colored and there are almost no duplicates.

Now go compare this to something like DCSS and you'll see what I mean.


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<3 console.

The tile version is neat and all but the ASCII is far more comfortable for me, having played and become familiar with it over the last 6/7 years.
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Tiles, obviously. I can't stand those ASCII glyphs.

I played 2 roguelikes: DCSS, DoomRL. I've never played console version of either games.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 08:42 by papilio »
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Console forever!  :D

I've been playing since version and I've always used the console version.  I tried the tiles version for a bit to test it when it first came out, but switched back to console for a variety of reasons:

Firstly, it made my computer stutter from time to time; the animation wasn't smooth and it made the game frustrating to play.  Of course, that was on an earlier version on a crappier computer, (I've upgraded my system since then) so that might no longer be the case; I admit I haven't tried tiles in a while.

Secondly, I like being able to see the whole screen at once; having to scroll around is off-putting.

Thirdly, I find the contrast of having a black screen easier on my eyes and makes it easier to spot important things.  (Like dangerous enemies that popped into view)

Fourthly, well, it just doesn't feel like a Roguelike any more if I play with tiles; I like the old school kind of look.  :)

The biggest drawback to using the console version is being unable to use the mouse because the mouse makes corner-shooting SOOO much easier.  If you want to corner-shoot at the same spot repeatedly with the mouse, you can just point at the square and click on it as many times as you want.  To do the same with console, you have to hammer the arrow keys a half dozen times for every single shot.  (It would help if the console version just remembered the last square you shot at and then targeted that square again, but I digress)  Other than that, there's nothing I really miss about the tiles version.
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It would help if the console version just remembered the last square you shot at and then targeted that square again, but I digress
It does, to a degree. All you have to do is aim within your vision radius.
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It does, to a degree. All you have to do is aim within your vision radius.

True, but a vast majority of the time, I want to target squares out of my vision radius, so that doesn't help me.
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True, but a vast majority of the time, I want to target squares out of my vision radius, so that doesn't help me.
Ah, fair enough. I'm a casual shotgunner, so precision aiming isn't a priority. ;)
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Arron Syaoran

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Most of the time I play without the mouse at all, even in tiles mode. whenever I aim I use the arrow keys to move the cursor(sometimes everytime I shoot in cases where the enemy is outside the screen). When I first started out, before I figured out how to access config.lua, I would mostly move in cardinal directions and only use the mouse to move diagonally during cave levels. Now that I realize it, I've come a long way in just 200-300 runs. Back when I first started, HNTR was a little rough, but doable, and ITYTD was still easier than expected.

Comparing Dungeons of Dredmor Difficulties to DoomRL, I'd say it goes like this:
Nightmare > Ultra Violets > Hurt Me Plenty > Going Rogue(DoD) > Hey Not Too Rough > Dwarvish Moderation(DoD) > I'm Too Young To Die > Elves Just want to have Fun(DoD)
Tip: If you're playing Dredmor, don't ever bother with Elves Just want to have fun(Elvishly Easy). Start on Dwarvish Moderation instead. Elvishly Easy is a disgrace to Roguelikes, especially if go without permadeath, and will flood your inventory painfully due to items not needing to be used.
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So NotEye is just a novelty, I suppose? Is it even possible to corner shoot in that UI? Has anyone here tried it at all? I have not.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 00:59 by MaiZure »
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I've never heard of NotEye.  I just Googled it and I'm still not quite clear on how it differs from other interfaces.  Can anyone enlighten me?
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I enjoy console mode because its classic, you can see the whole map, no annoying mouse, and it allows you to use your imagination a bit more (I feel) than do tiles. I find its easier to play in console and faster, because there are the "default" characters, # is wall, . is floor, monsters are letters, weapons/packs are never letters, and so forth.

I do play the tile version once in a while, and even NotEye every now and then. But all in all, I enjoy the classic roguelike fee of the console version.
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Console all the way. I like the atmospheric colour scheme and I don't like not being able to see the entire level. I usually prefer the tiles version of a roguelike given the choice, but not this one.

Arron Syaoran

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@Tormuse: Noteye is an interface thing that allows 2D/3D Graphics in most roguelikes(usually tiles, isometric, and also in 3D). If you check Game Hunter's YouTube Channel, he has a video where he plays DoomRL with Noteye 3D. Most of the corner shooting appears blind(looks like staring at a wall), but there's an alternate window that helps you see corner shooting better. To be honest, I think the Noteye 3D Version is mostly just for show(Gives a Wolfenstein 3D Look to DoomRL), and can get old after a while, but would make a neat, but annoying forum challenge option.(Try Noteye 3D DoomRL on UV)

I'm probably going to go with Console from now on. Whenever I quit the app(console mode), I get a "Reset: can't initialize terminal type network(error -1)" error that ask me for the terminal type(Mac OSX). Also, I end up having to press esc key twice in order for it to register while cancelling out of aiming/menus. Works perfectly fine otherwise. The main problem I have with tiles mode is sometimes the mouse cursor scrolls away from my character when I click on the window to bring DoomRL into active status, having to move the mouse away from the window and hit a movement key to fix. Also, Whenever I hold down a movement key in tiles mode, there's some lag that causes movement actions to be made when I let go.

If anyone can tell me how to avoid the double esc key pressing requirement of console mode, let me know.
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Console feels more responsive to me, though that's because I don't have to wait for the Doomguy and the monsters to slide into place.
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