DoomRL > Releases

Doom : Repercussions of modding

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--- Quote from: Tormuse on September 16, 2014, 04:34 ---Hmm...  I don't have, nor have I ever had, anything in my E drive.  Is that something you programmed into it?

--- End quote ---
Nope. And neither do I. I'm afraid this issue is beyond my comprehension.

it's really weird, all I have OnLoaded is that

--- Code: ---function Repercussions.OnLoaded()
local choice = ui.msg_choice("Do you want to become a Lost @<S@>oul or a Former @<H@>uman?","SH")
if choice == "S" then player.eq.weapon = "SPTXlostsoul"
elseif choice == "H" then player.eq.weapon = "SPTXformerhuman"
-- a bunch of comments
--- End code ---

Kornel Kisielewicz:
No source access at the moment, but the crash is happening in the lua OnLoaded function, you're referencing something that doesn't exist (the other messages are just errors that happen due to the first one).

My wild guess would be that the player structure doesn't exist when calling OnLoaded, but it's a long time since I did any DoomRL modding.


--- Quote from: Kornel Kisielewicz on September 16, 2014, 06:06 ---My wild guess would be that the player structure doesn't exist when calling OnLoaded, but it's a long time since I did any DoomRL modding.

--- End quote ---
I'd harly believe that. I just tried on a fresh 0997 on an other OS than my usual and the issue wasn't reproduced. If that was so, it would happen systematically happen, right?
But would it be that anyway: Tormuse please, try to replace main.lua with this one.

Okay, it works now.  :)  I have to go to work shortly, but I'll give it a good try when I get back.  :)

Then Kornel was certainly right. I'm at a loss, why does it "work for me"? Code is supposed to be executed in order.


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