DoomRL > Bug Reports

PSA: You can move diagonally

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Another PSA.  Despite how the tiles and ASCII art looks, DoomGuy can actually move diagonally and squeeze through those itty-bitty corner spaces of walls.  I mean that is possible to go from ##.
to ##@
using diagonal movements.  Best part is that you don't even need to drop any of DoomGuy's gear to do so, unlike say NetHack.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Acronym   Definition
PSA   Public Service Announcement
PSA   Prostate-Specific Antigen (test)
PSA   Photographic Society of America
PSA   Professional Services Automation
PSA   Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
PSA   Public Service Association (New Zealand)
PSA   Psoriatic Arthritis
PSA   Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
PSA   Pacific Southwest Airlines
PSA   Professional Squash Association
PSA   Plesk Server Administrator (SWsoft)
PSA   Production Sharing Agreement
PSA   Public Service Agreement (UK government)
PSA   Professional Skaters Association (Rochester, MN, USA)
PSA   Poetry Society of America
PSA   Particle-Size Analysis (Comparative grain size of soil, stone, and other building materials)
PSA   Political Studies Association
PSA   Police Service Area (Washington, DC)
PSA   Police Service Area
PSA   Petroleum Safety Authority (Norway)
PSA   Philosophy of Science Association
PSA   Pastel Society of America
PSA   Probabilistic Safety Assessment
PSA   Poultry Science Association
PSA   Problem Statement Analyzer
PSA   Plataforma Solar de Almeria (Spain)
PSA   Port of Singapore Authority
PSA   Purchase and Sale Agreement
PSA   Public Securities Association
PSA   Polysialic Acid
PSA   Professional Services Agreement
PSA   Passenger Shipping Association (UK shipping)
PSA   Planning and Service Area
PSA   Pakistani Students Association
PSA   Personal Service Agentur (Deutsche Telekom inhouse employment agency)
PSA   Pago por Servicios Ambientales (Spanish: Payment for Environmental Services; compensation program)
PSA   Probabilistic Safety Analysis
PSA   Pacific Science Association
PSA   Production-Sharing Contract
PSA   Pooling and Servicing Agreement
PSA   Protection Suisse des Animaux
PSA   Public Service Advertisement
PSA   Philmont Staff Association
PSA   Post Shakedown Availability (US Navy)
PSA   Pretrial Services Agency
PSA   Property Settlement Agreement
PSA   Pressure Swing Absorption
PSA   Public Services Association
PSA   Progressive Student Alliance
PSA   Phycological Society of America
PSA   Pseudoaneurysm
PSA   Principal Staff Assistant (OSD)
PSA   Protective Services for Adults
PSA   Professional Staff Association (Maricopa County, AZ community college system)
PSA   Property Services Agency
PSA   Partido Socialista de Andalucía (Socialist Party of Andalucia, Spain)
PSA   Protein Sequence Analysis
PSA   Personal Satellite Assistant
PSA   Physician Scarcity Area
PSA   Public Speaking Anxiety
PSA   Public Sector Agreement
PSA   Please See Attached (email threads)
PSA   Protective Security Advisor
PSA   Power Supply Adapter
PSA   Professional Service Association
PSA   Protein Specific Antigen
PSA   Pacing System Analyzer
PSA   Preliminary Site Assessment (environmental consulting)
PSA   Power System Analysis
PSA   Peugeot Société Anonyme (French company/manufacturer of Peugeot and Citroen vehicles)
PSA   Personnel Support Activity
PSA   Persistent Staging Area (SAP Business Intelligence)
PSA   Penguin Secret Agency (gaming clan)
PSA   Product Sharing Agreement
PSA   Partido Socialista Auténtico (Authentic Socialist Party, Argentina)
PSA   Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
PSA   Power Supply Agreement
PSA   Precision Strike Association
PSA   Potentiometric Stripping Analysis
PSA   Psychology Students' Association
PSA   Protezione Svizzera degli Animali
PSA   Purchased Service(s) Agreement
PSA   Port Support Activity
PSA   Pleasant Sunday Afternoon (UK rugby club)
PSA   Principal Scientific Advisor
PSA   Parcel Shippers Association
PSA   Protection Sports Association
PSA   Phoenix Shooters Association (UK, target shooting)
PSA   Pressure Swing Adsorber
PSA   Pooled Separate Account (IRS Form 5500)
PSA   Programme on Space Applications (UN)
PSA   Pilot Symbol Assisted
PSA   Project Support Agreement
PSA   PolySubstance Abuse
PSA   Plastic Surgery Addiction
PSA   Philippine Statistical Association
PSA   Presbyterian Student Association
PSA   Prepayment Standard Assumption
PSA   Pisa, Italy - G Galilei (Airport Code)
PSA   Per Store Average
PSA   Personal Service Assistant
PSA   Programmable Services Architecture (Nortel)
PSA   Product-Specific Attribute
PSA   Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists
PSA   Potter Slash Archive (fanfiction)
PSA   Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists
PSA   Packet Switching ASIC (Cisco)
PSA   Princeton Soccer Association (Princeton, NJ)
PSA   Punjabi Students Association (Pakistan)
PSA   Procedures & Standards Administration (of ANSI)
PSA   Plant Systems Audit (USDA)
PSA   Phase Shift Analysis
PSA   Program Support Agreement
PSA   Portable Sanitation Association International
PSA   Province Senior Advisor (Vietnam)
PSA   Provisional Site Acceptance
PSA   President's Scout Award
PSA   Personal Shopping Advisor
PSA   Pre-Delivery Service Agent (network service payments)
PSA   Pharmacy Service Associate
PSA   Pot Smokers of America
PSA   Provisional System Acceptance
PSA   Proxy Signalling Agent
PSA   Power Supplied to the Antenna
PSA   Polarizer-Sample-Analyzer
PSA   Public Service Ambassador
PSA   Pakistan Scrabble Association
PSA   Pay Systems of America (payroll processing company)
PSA   Pulse Shaping Amplifier
PSA   Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists
PSA   Port of Singapore Association
PSA   Peel Summer Academy (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
PSA   Path Signature Analysis
PSA   Passenger Services Act of 1886
PSA   Pre-Sunrise Authorization (for AM radio stations)
PSA   Professional Speakers Association of Europe
PSA   Personal Sound Architecture
PSA   Pseudo Stuck-At (Fault)
PSA   Protocol Specific Annex (Winsock 2)
PSA   Power Section Assembly
PSA   Pension Security Act (of 2003)
PSA   Print Service Appliance
PSA   Private Security Account
PSA   Pleomorphic Salivary Gland Adenoma
PSA   Pelican Sailing Association
PSA   Public Safety Activity (VRE)
PSA   Product Service Agreement
PSA   Provisions Storage Assemblies
PSA   Patrol Services Area
PSA   Provision Stowage Assembly
PSA   Production Support Application (SAP)
PSA   Predictive Support Awareness
PSA   Premier School Agendas, Inc.
PSA   Pedestrian Safety Assessment
PSA   Pre-Solicitation Agreement
PSA   Presidential Support Aircraft
PSA   Portsmouth Soccer Association
PSA   Policyholder Surplus Accounts (insurance industry)
PSA   Personnel Status Accounting
PSA   Publishing Support Assistant
PSA   Premier School Agendas Ltd (Canada)
PSA   Project Support Agency
PSA   Personal Salon Assistant
PSA   Printer Subassembly
PSA   Perfect Slot Allocation
PSA   Pulse Stream Arithmetic
PSA   Packaging Safety Assessment
PSA   Planar Spaced Array
PSA   Pushdown Stack Automation
PSA   Performance Specification Acquisition
PSA   Procedural Status Attribute
PSA   Professional Sports Authenticators/Authentication
PSA   Prolate Spheroidal Antenna
PSA   PSYOPS Support Activity
PSA   Prohibit Signaling Address (Bellcore)
PSA   Protection Switch Activated (Alcatel)
PSA   Phytochemical Society of Asia
PSA   Proposición Subordinada Adjetiva (Spanish grammar)
PSA   Platform Services Agreement
PSA   Previous Service Agreement
PSA   Prabhu Dasi Sisters of Ajmeer
PSA   Planning Scheme Amendment (Australia)
PSA   Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (pathogen)
PSA   Perinatal Substance Abuse
PSA   Personal Savings Account
PSA   Plastic Surgery Associates (various locations)
PSA   Personal Search Agent (job search)
PSA   Public Service Alliance (various locations)
PSA   Partnership for a Secure America (bipartisan foreign policy initiative)
PSA   Parents Staff Association (various locations)
PSA   Point Source Audio (Novato, CA)
PSA   Public Sector Agency
PSA   Publication Services of America (lifestyle magazines; West Palm Beach, FL)
PSA   Proudly South African (marketing campaign)
PSA   Public Sector Accounting
PSA   Polar Surface AreaAnd well, Nethack isn't exactly the roguelike you should refer to when you want fun gameplay. (It's a funny game, but the gameplay isn't all that fun.)

So it is indeed a Good Thing that DoomRLGuy (who is much wussier than Doomguy unless we count OP items) can squeeze through walls.

(I'm sooo going to smack you for that arduous list of acronyms. >.< )

The reason for pointing out Nethack is in case people actually "play" that, or at least have heard of that.

For the record, I have played a fair bit of Nethack and am very familiar with the experience of throwing my bag through tiny cracks so I'll be small enough to squeeze through myself.  (I'd rather just use the pick-axe to make the hole wider, though)

Never really got into Nethack, and the only other Roguelikes I play are Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (which is trivial to complete if you're sufficiently determined), POWDER (which doesn't allow the player to move diagonally unless you do something odd like become a Grid Bug), and Spelunky (which is a sidescroller anyway)

Plus I play on a laptop without a numpad, and don't use diagonal movement unless I have to do so to get to the stairs, so I never rebind 'em either. This sort of PSA is always appreciated ^^


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