I was trying to recreate my Elite Platinum game (and video) in the graphics version, since people requested it, and at the end of Phobos Lab, I saved it going into Phobos Anomaly and the game crashed and didn't generate a saved game or a mortem. :( (In related news, I have a nice video of me getting up to Phobos Anomaly if anyone wants to see it) :P I don't know if it's related to the fact that I was playing the graphics version or the fact that I deleted the player.wad and similar files (I tried to turn it into the equivilant of a fresh install by deleting any files that were created after I unzipped the game, including info.xml log.txt mortem.txt player.wad score.wad) or something else entirely? All I know is that I'm reluctant to try again until I figure out what happened.
Here's the error message:
Timestamp : 25/09/2014 2:33:44
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004797B3 :
Egzfileerror : Could not open gzip compressed file H:\Games\DoomRL-Video\save.
$004201E3 TDOOM__WRITESAVEFILE, line 525 of src/doombase.pas
$0041F7FB TDOOM__RUN, line 408 of src/doombase.pas
$00401CC5 main, line 111 of src/doomrl.pas