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GearHead problems again
Once again, the GearHead website (which is run on a Chaosforge host) is having troubles.
It's very slow. Particularly the main blog page, which may not come up at all. The forum is readable, but will not allow logins (it says "You should fill in a username", but I did.).
I think the SEO spammers broke in again, but this time they literally broke the site rather than quietly infecting it.
...or it could be the recent server migration.
* thelaptop pages for Kornel or Rimmon
--- Quote from: thelaptop on December 17, 2014, 20:13 ---...or it could be the recent server migration.
* thelaptop pages for Kornel or Rimmon
--- End quote ---
That could be aggravating it, however one attempt to reach the page did succeed, and there were prescription-drug links (to urls in * They were hidden inside a DIV absolutely positioned beyond the left end of the screen. Also, I've heard more wordpress vulnerabilities were discovered recently.
After more than a month of nothing happening, the site has partially recovered. It's now responding quickly, although the home page is 403. (Which is quite excusable given that wordpress is basically broken these days....)
While the forum can now be read easily, the log-in still fails. I wonder if someone intervened just enough to fix the forum, but didn't try to log in, and so didn't realize their fix was incomplete.
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