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I think the devs should remove TotalBiscuit's name from the game

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I'm on the same page, Tavana. Holy fuck, this is still going on? The gamergate nonsense that lead to this is still going on? Wasn't that, like, a year ago? Shouldn't that be dead by now? It was never even remotely relevant to anything back when it was breaking news, much less now. Both sides are just talking to hear themselves talk - they have nothing of any import or worth to say to anyone but themselves.

Can't we all just play some DoomRL?


--- Quote from: Sereg on March 25, 2015, 19:58 ---Can't we all just play some DoomRL?

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Hmm... Lemme amplify that for you.

--- Quote from: Sereg on March 25, 2015, 19:58 ---Can't we all just play some DoomRL?

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--- Quote from: insightguy on March 20, 2015, 23:25 ---If I may ask specifically, gamergate is a hate group against WHAT exactly?
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Women? It's not hard to see that.

--- Quote from: insightguy on March 20, 2015, 23:25 ---The only reason Simon from yogscast wrote that article (the one you linked to)
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Simon from Yogscast? You sure that was who wrote it? I also like how the article talks about TB using his large audience to dismiss criticism, and then he does exactly that very early in the image you posted, followed up by more of the egoism the article also talks about.

--- Quote from: insightguy on March 20, 2015, 23:25 ---And goddammit, 8chan TRIES TO TAKES DOWN ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY THAT HAPPENS THERE
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I don't know where you got this either. Those raiding/doxing/liferuining threads seem pretty sketchy, to say the least. That 8chan child porn link was titled 'The Mods Are Always Asleep' for a reason. No, I will not directly link to 8chan discussion of sexualized young children.

--- Quote from: insightguy on March 20, 2015, 23:25 ---EDIT:
To blame 8chan and ALL the people there for any illegal stuff is like saying that all Germans even until today are nazis

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8channers continue to put up with it, and they weren't duped or scared into submission by a fascist regime to do it.

@Sylph: I respect that you're trying to talk to me in good faith here, so I'll try and return the favor.

I can also respect your desire to strengthen my argument. But here's the thing: I still consider wanting direct links to tweets and such to be shifting the goalposts, since I tried to link articles that provided context. I'd prefer not to spend hours trawling TB's twitter for problematic stuff, either, not when people have already done it for me.

You're talking about my arguments against GG being weak, when I consider evidence against them to be very strong and even somewhat self-evident - I don't think we should talk about it in a vacuum because this isn't a courtroom.

On that note, I remember you said that TB was a good voice from the 'pro GG side'. There isn't any sort of equity between 'pro' and 'anti' GG. There isn't any reason to be pro GG when they're explicitly out to get you in particular because they are literally just an extension of gamer misogyny. I hope they don't ever get you. So I don't think there's any question about them.

If TotalBiscuit supports GamerGate, that should be worth pause, right? And if he supports GG, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to be sexist without being very extreme, would it?

I didn't even intend to go on about this in the first place, and now I regret getting as sidetracked as much as I did by people who apparently didn't like that. Referencing TB is an issue, whether the devs realize it or not, and it's something they need to think about. I started this thread with the purpose of bringing it to their attention. I was unfortunately drawn into the discussion about the semantics of the validity of these things, which is the devs' decision to decide.

--- Quote from: Sereg on March 25, 2015, 19:58 ---Both sides are just talking to hear themselves talk - they have nothing of any import or worth to say to anyone but themselves.

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If nobody's going to listen to what I have to say, then I'll stop talking. I've made my point. I'll continue to enjoy DoomRL regardless of the outcome the devs decide on - it's too good not to - but it is still a concern that I really think they should consider. I hope you all have a good rest of the day.


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