did I mention that I can get prolific and drive people nuts ;)
vtextut.pas: if Sub = '' then Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,'@BArrows, PgUp, PgDown, Home, End, Escape')
vtextut.pas: else Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,Sub);
vtextut.pas: if Sub = '' then Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,'@BPress <Enter> or <Escape>...')
vtextut.pas: else Output.DrawString(3,25,LightGray,Sub);
I modded Valkyrie to work with 50 lines and grep told me that these lines should not use 25 but Output.ScreenSizeY instead ;)
He Who Sheds Light,
Edit : use "delphi" syntax highliting, I modded it so it looks fine on the forum