I've updated Evilpotatoe's excellent manual keybindings to allow quick swaps of all weapons in
Original thread:
http://forum.chaosforge.org/index.php/topic,6115.msg52888.html#msg52888I made a few tweaks to his/her layout to group things in a way that makes sense to me and to include the new uniques which were added in release
You can drop the following into your keybindings.lua file (found in your DoomRL base directory). You'll want to wipe out any old bindings that might conflict with these.
The concept is simple, you just use CTRL-ALT along with the appropriate letter/symbol on the keyboard to quick swap any weapon the same way the standard 1-0 keys allow swapping of standard/assembled weapons.
-- 1 : MELEE (Knives/Blades)
["CTRL+ALT+Q"]= function() command.quick_weapon('usubtle' ) end, -- Subtle Knife
["CTRL+ALT+A"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ubutcher' ) end, -- Butcher's Cleaver
-- 2(&3) : PISTOLS
["CTRL+ALT+W"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ucpistol' ) end, -- combat pistol
["CTRL+ALT+S"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uberetta' ) end, -- Grammaton Cleric Beretta
["CTRL+ALT+X"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ujackal' ) end, -- Anti-Freak Jackal
["CTRL+ALT+D"]= function() command.quick_weapon('utrigun' ) end, -- Trigun
["CTRL+ALT+C"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ublaster' ) end, -- blaster
-- (3,)4&5 : SHOTGUNS
["CTRL+ALT+E"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ufshotgun' ) end, -- frag shotgun
["CTRL+ALT+R"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uashotgun' ) end, -- assault shotgun
["CTRL+ALT+F"]= function() command.quick_weapon('upshotgun' ) end, -- plasma shotgun
["CTRL+ALT+T"]= function() command.quick_weapon('udshotgun' ) end, -- super shotgun
["CTRL+ALT+G"]= function() command.quick_weapon('usjack' ) end, -- Jackhammer
["CTRL+ALT+Y"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uminigun' ) end, -- minigun
["CTRL+ALT+H"]= function() command.quick_weapon('umega' ) end, -- Mega Buster
-- 7 : ROCKETS
["CTRL+ALT+U"]= function() command.quick_weapon('umbazooka' ) end, -- missile launcher
["CTRL+ALT+J"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unapalm' ) end, -- napalm launcher
["CTRL+ALT+M"]= function() command.quick_weapon('urbazooka' ) end, -- Revenant's Launcher
-- 8 : PLASMA
["CTRL+ALT+I"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unplasma' ) end, -- nuclear plasma rifle
["CTRL+ALT+K"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ulaser' ) end, -- laser rifle
-- 9 : BFGs
["CTRL+ALT+O"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unbfg9000' ) end, -- nuclear BFG 9000
["CTRL+ALT+L"]= function() command.quick_weapon('ubfg10k' ) end, -- BFG 10K
-- 0 : MELEE (Chainsaw, Scythe, Spear)
["CTRL+ALT+P"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uscythe' ) end, -- Azrael's Scythe
["CTRL+ALT+SCOLON"]= function() command.quick_weapon('spear' ) end, -- Longinus Spear
-- Bottom of keyboard : MISC
["CTRL+ALT+V"]= function() command.quick_weapon('utristar' ) end, -- tristar blaster
["CTRL+ALT+B"]= function() command.quick_weapon('uacid' ) end, -- Acid Spitter
["CTRL+ALT+N"]= function() command.quick_weapon('urailgun' ) end, -- Railgun
["CTRL+ALT+PERIOD"]= function() command.quick_weapon('unullpointer') end, -- Charch's Null Pointer
["CTRL+ALT+SLASH"]= function() command.quick_weapon('utrans' ) end, -- combat translocator
I've provided both a graphic and excel spreadsheet showing my layout for reference while playing. I tried to group things similar to the paradigm EP set up, keeping like weapons vertically arranged in groups.
I tested them all and they work for me. Let me know if you have any feedback.
Thanks guys!