Just now, activating lever (outside of Int/special levels) not worth, because risk is greater than award. How possible to change them?
1) In original Doom, there was levers, which was activated by attack. How to implement them in DoomRL? Simple: if somebody, probably a monster, destroys dangerous lever, that lever activated. Like, mancubus shoot, destroys a lever, and 3 more mancubi summoned.
2) Another idea: instead how levers work now, make them impassable objects, which activated by trying to move in/attack, like doors. So, any enemy can activate them by accident. Anyway, at original levers usually were on walls, not in the middle in room.
3) Vaults. Is it possible to replace their doors by levers? (see 2) And, if that levers activated/destroyed, then entire wall fades. Seems doomish?
4) One of lever functions in original was to get rares, like Megasphere. In DoomRL, probably it is possible to make a lever, which get a random item somewhere in the room? With, probably, small chance of mod, so lever-gambling becomes more interesting.
5) Is it possible to add function 4 to monster levers? So, adding monsters can be balanced by that feature.
Any comments?