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DoomRL display error help
I've played DoomRL for a while but my computer went out months ago. I recently got a laptop running windows 7, and when I run DoomRL in Tilemode, there are some display problems. There is no background to the menu and, the cursor become a scrambled mess of squares. Upon starting the game my character was in the bottom left corner of a very... distorted Entryway. My character was a gray armor nothing else. It also generally just ran very slow. If anyone has a solution please let me know. Thank you.
Very dumb question: update video drivers?
Also, you might want to post the error log here so we can see what's going on.
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Also - system spec.
The problem was my graphics card. Thank you for your help. Im so happy i can play this awesome game again. Also, Mr. Kornel, your awesome.
* thelaptop twitches and reacts on habit
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