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New ranking service for text based games


I would like to announce my new free service for developers of text-based games that helps you get more visits to your site. You are invited to register at and create a account and add a 468x60 banner. This service is totally free, forever...

I'm trying to build up listings for all the text-based games, I can find. If you have any questions just ask, hope to see you there!


* thelaptop frowns
While on the one hand I can see the slight benefit of your listing, it still seems a little sleazy to me.  Your account is recently created, and this is your first post, and there's no indication that you're interested in any ChaosForge games.

More poignantly, your listing and signature claims "Text-based MMO games".  Strange isn't it?

Please give me a good reason why I shouldn't take you to be merely a spammer and remove this post.  You have 24 hours from when my post goes up to comply.  That time limit may be shortened substantially if the other Grand Inquisitor or the Godhand decides that your post is deemed worthy of removal.

If I sound churlish to you, I apologise.  It is hard work keeping spammers off the forums, and you are displaying too many signs of that.

I'm sorry it seems that way, I was only trying to help promote the games here. I didn't mean any harm and I don't get anything in return for what I was offering but I understand if you want to remove my post. Sorry to have bothered you...


--- Quote from: fstltna on July 08, 2015, 06:58 ---I'm sorry it seems that way, I was only trying to help promote the games here. I didn't mean any harm and I don't get anything in return for what I was offering but I understand if you want to remove my post. Sorry to have bothered you...

--- End quote ---
No problem.  At least you replied.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.  =)

Have you tried playing some of the ChaosForge games yourself?

Thank you. I'm trying doomrl on my Mac. Thanks again for understanding...


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