Other Roguelikes > AliensRL
Why isn't there an AliensRL topic yet?
Anyway, I really like many aspects of AliensRL as it is right now. Weapon balance seems about right and you must really hunt for ammo until you find a good store of weapons of different sorts. As a 7DRL it has lots of polish.
But the thing I love to death about it is the interface. It's smooth, and even though I love a "remember where you've been" function in roguelikes, having the blueprints of the building visible outside your LOS really adds to that "I'm in known territory but I don't know what the hell else is in here with me" feeling.
--- Quote ---having the blueprints of the building visible outside your LOS really adds to that "I'm in known territory but I don't know what the hell else is in here with me" feeling.
--- End quote ---
Yes, except that its absolutely painful to navigate all these corridors without "run" function.
Interface and whole design is definitely something to like, but i have my doubts about the gameplay.
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Maaaan, it was done in 7 Days, where do you think I could have dropped in playtesting? :P
Not touching the playtesting yet, i'm talking about the longevity and the...novelty, of the whole idea.
It is amazing how much is in there considering the short time frame. I was surprised (and very pleased) to hear the sounds when I started playing. The sounds make a huge difference.
But that also means that you have yet another game to improve and maintain. :)
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