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Hey y'all, it's been quiet.
Long time, no see.
How has everyone been doing?
When I first played doomRL, I was in my last year of high school. I'm now a college graduate, and doomRL's been a huge amount of fun I've consistently come back to. Wanted to say, thank you for the hundreds of hours of good fun. Helped me get through some rough times.
Hope everyone's doing well!
Hey! Nice to hear another live soul! I think most of us are just lurking about waiting for the Next Big Thing.
I mean, even the God Hand is busy at work on it and is rarely here. =)
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Oh, he's on here constantly. Just working instead of writing posts :).
I still lurk here a lot; I generally take a peek at this site once a day, even if I don't post anything. I haven't been playing much, though.
--- Quote from: Blahness on September 27, 2015, 16:59 ---When I first played doomRL, I was in my last year of high school. I'm now a college graduate, and doomRL's been a huge amount of fun I've consistently come back to. Wanted to say, thank you for the hundreds of hours of good fun. Helped me get through some rough times.
--- End quote ---
I can identify with the part about rough times; I've remarked, in the past, that DoomRL was sort of therapy for me. I don't know how constructive a coping mechanism it is, but nevertheless, my biggest DoomRL binges coincided with negative events in my life, like loss of job and loss of relationship. This doesn't mean I only play when I'm sad; it's fun during good times too, but there's definitely something comforting about the game during troubled times.
As for right now, I'm paying the bills by working at Wal-Mart. I don't really want to end up stuck working here, but I'm also finding myself afraid of change and I'm putting off looking for a job in my field. I'm trained as a massage therapist and we're coming up to the busy time of year for that profession, so I'm hoping I can get over this emotional block that's keeping me from seeking work soon.
That's probably more information than you were hoping for when you asked how we're doing. Sorry, I can get a bit wordy sometimes. :P
It has been kinda quiet lately. Truth be told, there hasn't been much chaos forge related news lately, but I guess that's no excuse for me staying in the shadows so long. I generally check in every couple days in the hopes that there is some new info on Jupiter hell (which I am very exited about), but I rarely feel the need to say anything.
also, I am doing very well ^.^
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