I'd like to give a quick introduction to the basic ideas behind AliensRL and how some things work.
Kornel already hinted at some of the features that might come in future versions:
-- more interesting tower structure
-- many tower features, like terminals and special rooms
-- security and military tower with rogue security bots
-- taking over cameras and security bots
-- hacking the terminals to manage energy flow or locking corridors
-- corridors between towers
-- a general Master AI (Queen) that fights the player
-- several objectives and many ways to finish the game
-- tower structure requiring tactical planning
-- a more sinister and scary mood
The gameplay is supposed to be horror survival like, with an Aliens theme.
In addition, gameplay should be object driven. What does this mean?
It means, that you don't go around killing things for level ups, items, and gold. Instead, you are working towards an objective.
Think DeusEx or System Shock 2. Those games don't reward you for killing things, instead XP/CM come from exploration and finishing objectives. The same basic idea was applied to AliensRL.
Right now, you still get some XP for killing enemies, simply because there are no objectives or side quests. But the goal is to reduce those to a minimum and, eventually, completely remove them.
Another thing that all of you probably noticed is the inventory system, or the lack of it.
The idea is to make gameplay tactical and a bit realistic. You don't have an infinite inventory that let's you carry 4 red armors, 3 bfgs, a rocket launcher, etc.
You have your sidearm holster, the ability to carry another weapon slung across your shoulder and the option for a third (heavy), if you have the needed armor. That's it.
This leads to some tactical decisions throughout the game. Picking up a weapon you just found isn't always the best course of action. If you run out of ammo for your new toy you'll have to go and find a different one.
The inventory/weapon system also has two special features:
It takes little time to switch to your sidearm. So switching to it to finish off an enemy is always a valid option, if you want to save some ammo for your primary.
Tossing a grenade does not incur any weapon switching penalties and also takes little time. So feel free to toss them in between pulse rifle bursts.
Armor and ammo are categorized into
Juveniles are light, Workers are heavy, the rest is my secret ;D
The ammo categories can be seen in the character screen.
Using ammo against a stronger type of armor (e.g. shooting a pistol at a Worker) is not the best course of action.
One last morsel of info: There isn't enough ammo in the game to kill all the enemies!
So you gotta break your AdoM/Nethack/Diablo habits and stop clearing every room on every floor in every tower ;D