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Commissioning Art

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Would anyone here by chance know anything about commissioning professional art?

I am nearing completion of my roleplaying game, that I plan on running a Kickstarter for, and am in need of talented artists. Any ideas?

Try Newgrounds. It's a platform for artists and programmers of all kinds. It focuses on mainly on games and video, but unless you want pencil-drawn stuff, I think you should be able to find some people.

Also, hit me up when you do register. And for pete's sakes TELL ME ABOUT YOUR GAME :)

Thanks! I'll be sure to check them out. I've got some other leads, too, so I think I can make it work. ;) As for telling you, well, I haven't been telling people much, 'cause I don't want them to get sick of waiting since it'll probably be several months before we launch. But on the other hand, I can't turn down that kind of enthusiasm!

Check this out, if you like:

It's a rough first start on the sight (part of why I need art!) but it gives you a little bit of an idea.

Good stuff! There's not that much to read, but it sounds pretty appealing. Unfortunately, if you call your effort a role playing game and then try to explain it in these words, I shall see myself forced to look you straight in the eye and say: "Wait - what?"

Enticing as your text may be (it's like I'm reading the bottom of the box already, and I'm a sucker for bottoms), I entirely fail to see the connection with RPGs. I should point out, as I probably have before, that my approach to RPG borders on the snobbish, believing that these games aren't about dice and races and classes and skills and mega-über-quandriple-flawless-victory-combos, but about compelling characters and absorbing stories instead. And of that I see nothing.

Be a doll and tell us a little more. Will there be stories? What will they be about? Against what background will they be set? If you are bold enough to brandish the RPG stamp, surely you'll have thought about this... :)

But of course!  Actually, the lack of story-related content is no accident (though, as you point out, the particular execution could use work). My group has always been very big on story, interactive worlds, characters with legacies, culture, all that good stuff. But every time I see an RPG that has a strong emphasis on a particular exotic setting, I think, "man, that would be aweful in any other setting. You'd have to change so much. Guess I'm forced to stick with this one." Which, I think, is a big part of why D&D was able to get big. It's got a setting, but is loose enough to allow DM's to translate it into almost any setting, especially fantasy ones. That's what we're going for here. Not an RPG setting, but a whole new RPG system, regardless of setting. Hope that clarifies!


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