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Hunter's Moon RPG - Work in progress

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Hi again,

It's time for a trial run by means of PBF. I've been brooding on some mechanics ideas over the past month, and I think the best way to explore them is by seeing this in action. I want to do a short and casual story, so a lack of solid availability shouldn't be too much of a problem. Any volunteers for players - Thiebs? Malek? Mr. Zicher, I'd be honored to have you on board on this one as well...

Gimme a shout if you're interested, whoever you are.



I'm happy to try it out, so long as availability and such isn't strict. Your blog has been dead for a month or more, I'm glad to see you weren't completely idle with it! ;)


--- Quote from: Thiebs on March 06, 2016, 04:30 ---Your blog has been dead for a month or more, I'm glad to see you weren't completely idle with it! ;)

--- End quote ---

Hell no, but time is a rare commodity lately, plus I've been doing research into the background and mucking about with statistics. To be continued shortly, possibly as the PBF gets going.

Glad to have you on board.

Guess I have to jump on your blog to see what I am to expect. But sure, count me in, I should be available for most of the time now.



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