Other Roguelikes > AliensRL
Sorry for my incredibly noobish question, but is there a way I can implement my own graphical tileset for AliensRL? I didn't know if there was ever going to be a graphical version released so I thought I could maybe try to add my own if possible. Thanks.
--- Quote from: AahRealMonsters on January 08, 2016, 13:27 ---Sorry for my incredibly noobish question, but is there a way I can implement my own graphical tileset for AliensRL? I didn't know if there was ever going to be a graphical version released so I thought I could maybe try to add my own if possible. Thanks.
--- End quote ---
The game is not tileset-ready.
The last version I played, which is AliensRL 0.8.4 BETA 1, had pseudoconsole - and fonts stored in a file. I guess those fonts could be changed manually, but there was no other "graphics" so far.
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