Okay, this one is not about any particular assemblies (top 10 and bottom 10 and all that), this is about assemblies in general. Or, to call it, "Inherent Problems With Assemblies".
Well, let's just do the math. For simplicity's sake, let it be just about weapons.
Let's assume we're combining just standart mods: PABT. Using a concept known as
"combinations with repetitions", we get the following number of potential assembly recipes, without listing:
2 mods - 5!/(2!*3!) =
3 mods - 6!/(3!*3!) =
4 mods - 7!/(4!*3!) =
And if we add back F, N and S mods, we get the following:
2 mods - 8!/(2!*6!) =
3 mods - 9!/(3!*6!) =
84 (!);
4 mods - 10!/(4!*6!) =
210 (!!).
How many recipes do we actually have, again? I'm not even filtering them by type, let's compare. Basic: 19 of 28 possibilities (good); advanced: 14 of 84 possibilities (
1/6th of them all); master: 7 for 210 possibilities (
1/30th of them all).
That's pretty painful and risky for an average player: to sacrifice two levels for Whizkid 2 (and two more if he's not Technician), and then
gamble if he's assumingly fair and doesn't know the schematics - which can, you see,
possibly appear in Armory/Deimos Lab. Oh, they didn't appear? Tough luck, try again.
Incorrect solution: adding 150 more schematics. Been there, seen that (hello to Diablo 2 mods).
But wait, we haven't even started! How hard is to aquire a master assembly?
Let's, again, assume, that average player finds 4 to 6 mods during the game. Numbers are obviously arbitrary, that's not the point here. Also, let's revert to the "base" PABT four.
Let's assume that player wants to make a Tartar Tommygun, which requires each of PABT. Possibility of a mod spawning is 1/4, so for
n mods we get 4
n outcomes. Will the player find necessary mods? It depends. This is the place where you have to trust me without
in-depth explanation, but it will be like this:
4 mods found - 4!/4
4 =
3/32 probability to create;
5 mods found - (4*5!/2!)/4
5 =
15/64 > 6/64 = 3/32;
6 mods found - (4*6!/3! + 6*6!/(2!*2!))/4
6 =
195/512 > 120/512 = 15/64, etc.
Let's assume now that player wants to make Hellish Heatray, which requires PPPP. In the same conditions, we get:
4 mods found - 1/4
4 =
1/256 probability to create;
5 mods found - (1 + 3*5!/4!)/4
5 =
6 mods found - (1 + 3*6!/5! + 4*6!/(4!*2!) + 6*6!/4!)/4
6 =
259/4096 > 240/4096 = 15/256, etc (note: 259/4096 ≈ 6.3%).
Those were extreme cases (the most and the least available combos), and the former is
24 to about 6 times more easier to assemble than the latter, and such unequality persists even one collects a dozen or more mods. Seriously, on what occasion would one make a Hellish Heatray instead of, like, an elephant gun and some enhanced armor, for example?
Incorrect solution: make mods spawn more often. Then you get 5 bulk mods in a row and still no Hellish Heatray.
So, what to do? Even though I'm not a roguelike programmer, I can pretend that I am and thus set the following "goals" for assemblies-as-they-should-be:
- no list bloating;
- basic -> advanced -> master ladder should be shallower and more accessible (easier to discover);
- slap everything on your gun!
There wouldn't be any sense going into such lengths without proposing some solution, so here it is:
mod padding.
For example, biggest fucking gun which is BBFF becomes FF
~~, where
~ is
absolutely any mod. Nano-shrapnel becomes NP
~. Of course, you lose their properties after the assembly -
but isn't that's how it works for all mods in the end anyway? There, of course, may be situations where a set of mods suffices several schematics at once (like, WYXZ fits both WX
~~ and YZ
~~), but since we already have prompts, so theoretically they can appear one after another in some order.
In conclusion, with "mod padding":
- there are just about 20 assemblies on each level (not like we have that much yet, but anyway);
- easier to stumble upon and less dependant on random, while still requiring two essential mods;
- way less "stray" mods in inventory / left on the floor.
Now about "what to do with nano-, onyx- and sniper- and firestorm packs". Well, for example, we can treat them as double ("two-slot") mods, so instead of NFPPT plasma you get "just" NFP. Then abovementioned examples become, respectively, "FF" and "NP", while staying on the same level; within 2-3-4 progression some "basic" things will have to move up though.
If going for "complete overhaul", one can give a normal player 2 slots on a weapon, 4 to a Whizkid 1 and 6 to a Whizkid 2 (
2-3-4 for armors, or leaving onyx "1 slot" for that purpose? No clues here). ...6 is still twice as less as 12, isn't it?
This has been a long rant, so hopefully it will be of some use.