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Author Topic: Descriptions of monsters straight from the Doom 2 manual  (Read 4115 times)


  • Sergeant Major
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this is for fun, and for kornel to see, incase he thinks he needs to change monster descriptions.
also, at the end of doom 2 is a sequence, with all the enemies, showing names, attack, walk, and death sequences, and even your own! ;) anyway, the former human names there differ from those in the manual.

Former Human: Just a few days ago, you were probably swapping war stories with these guys. Now it's time to swap some lead upside their head.

Former Human Sergeant: (end sequence calls him the Shotgun Guy) Same as the Former Humans, but much meaner, and tougher. These walking shotguns provide you with a few extra holes if you're not careful!

Former Commando: (chaingun, end calls Heavy Weapon Dude ;) ) Geeze, weren't shotgun zombies bad enough?  At least when you fade these jerks you get a cool chaingun.

Imp: You thought an imp was a cute little dude in a red suit with a pitchfork. Where did these brown bastards come from?  They heave balls o' fire down your throat and take several bullets to die. It's time to find a weapon better than that pistol if you're going to face more than one of these S.O.B.s.

Demon: Sorta like a shaved gorilla, except with horns, a big head, lots of teeth, and harder to kill. Don't get too close or they'll rip your fraggin' head off.

Spectre: Great. Just what you needed. An invisible (nearly) monster.

Lost Soul: Dumb. Tough. Flies. On fire. 'Nuff said.

Cacodemon: They float in the air, belch ball-lightning, and boast one Hell of a big mouth. You're toast if you get too close to these monstrosities.

Hell Knight: Tough as a dump truck and nearly as big, these goliaths are the worst things on two legs since Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Baron of Hell: The Hell Knight was bad news, but this is Big Daddy. These bruisers are a lot like Hell Knights, but look a little different and are twice as tough to kill.

Arachnotron: Maybe cybernetics wasn't such a great idea after all. Look what the demons have done with it. It seems unfair somehow you're not the only guy in Hell with a plasma gun.

Pain Elemental: What a name. And what a guy. Killing him is almost as bad as letting him live.

Revenant: (not in DoomRL yet) Apparently when a demon dies, they pick him up, dust him off, wire him some combat gear, and send him back into battle. No rest for the wicked, eh? You wish your missiles did what his can do.

Mancubus: (not in DoomRL yet) The only good thing about fatso is that he's a nice wide target. Good thing, because it takes a lot of hits to puncture him. He pumps out fireballs like there was no tomorrow.

Arch-Vile: One of the worst of a bad lot. You can't think of enough rotten things to say about him. He's fast, hard to kill, casts spells, and resurrects dead monsters!  At least these suckers are rare.

The Spider Mastermind: (not in DoomRL yet) You guess the Arachnotrons had to come from somewhere. Hi, Mom. She doesn't have a plasma gun, so thank heaven for small favors. Instead, she has a super-chaingun. Crap.

The Cyberdemon: A missile-launching skyscraper with goat legs. 'Nuff said.

hey here's the weapon descriptions!

Your iron-clad knuckles are a little better than nothing.

The Pistol is the only weapon you start out with. But you'll use anything in a pinch, no matter how pathetic it may feel.

Shotguns can deliver a heavy punch at close range and a generous pelting from a distance.

Combat Shotguns are double-barrelled, sawed-off killing sticks. These gats are the ultimate in pellet warfare. Beware, two barrels not only deliver more fire power, but take more time to reload. 

Chainguns direct heavy firepower into your opponent, making him do the chaingun cha-cha.

Rocket Launchers deliver an explosive rocket that can turn several baddies inside-out.

Plasma Rifles shoot multiple rounds of plasma energy--frying some demon butt!

BFG 9000s are the prize of the military's arsenal. Great for clearing the room of those unwelcome guests. Shoot it and see for yourself.

hehe omg i love some of those descriptions!


  • Sergeant Major
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Re: Descriptions of monsters straight from the Doom 2 manual
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 23:13 »

i guess no one will comment... time to make em do the chaingun-cha-cha! [pulls out two belted chainguns, one in each hand... The Spider Mastermind suddenly starts doubting her own firepower...]
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