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Author Topic: Doom RL is adding English US Keyboard layout to non-english Windows 10  (Read 4668 times)


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I'm running Doom RL v0.9.9.7 for Windows.

My windows is:
Windows 10 Home v1551 (build 10586.494)

This windows was installed and configured to have Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR) as default language and keyboard layout.

BEFORE running DoomRL my Windows system has only Brazilian Portuguese keyboard layout on it.

Just AFTER STARTING DoomRL, the game adds the English US keyboard layout to my system.

I believe that perhaps the game does that in an attempt to ensure the user will play the game using the appropriate layout.

The point is that, this unwanted keyboard configuration is quite annoying.

After playing DoomRL I have to manually remove the layout from windows settings through Control Panel.

Please look more evidences on this document.

Thanks and best regards,


Kornel Kisielewicz

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I assume it's the graphical version? Can you see if the same happens with the console version? Does the same happen in AliensRL?
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Hi Kornel,

Thanks for your attention. Please find answers below.

I assume it's the graphical version?

Answer: Yes, the described issue happens on DoomRL v0.9.9.7 Graphic version for Windows.

Can you see if the same happens with the console version?

Answer: No, the described issue DOESN'T happen on DoomRL v0.9.9.7 console version for Windows.

Does the same happen in AliensRL?

Answer: Yes, the described issue happens on AliensRL v0.8.2 version for Windows.

I hope this information helps you somehow. Nevertheless both DoomRL and AliensRL are great games, I'm enjoying them a lot.

Best regards,

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