I totally love the game already and trust your experience!
I totally will back and share the news.
Bad thing is that I don't like some things about the video.
Maybe I'm just annoying. Especially, 6 hours before launch.
But, having participated a little in launching Kickstarter campaigns, I would say...
* For a good Kickstarter, video indeed is the most important thing.
* First 6 seconds spent for just the logo? Seriously? There must be an attention grabber in the first! You're losing an too big percent of the audience here.
* The same - about the name at 0:13-0:19. Leave it to the very end.
* It looks like "permadeath" is the only good thing to say about the game. Really? If it's anywhere near DoomRL or AliensRL, there are so many more things to say. Spam with usual "321 uniques, 9.5 classes, 987 character development paths, rich story (whether it's there or not)", show more combat, show inventory screens, show BOSSES.
* Really, show some action in the first 7 seconds. Maybe just a hint, half a second, but clearly visible.
* Really, show a boss. Big is impressive. Maybe even from DoomRL, I know.
* The 3 earlier posters are awesome. Hope they will appear in the campaign.
* I'l try to back in the first hour, but... er... 1:00 AM? No promises.
Sorry for the late comment.