Other Roguelikes > AliensRL
[0.8.2|Tech|1|YASD] - I am not good at this game
Moonshine Fox:
After having beaten DoomRL several times both normally, secret ending and Ao100 I figured I was well equipped to give AliensRL a go and see how hard that was.
Let's just say it plays differently. I knew enough to know that wasting ammo on killing workers is pointless. What I did not expect was how sturdy the first hunter pack I ran into were. Three Juveniles completely ripped me to shreds. I even forgot I had medpacks. So when I just barely survived with like 2 or 3 HP I was ill prepared when the last wayward juvenile came out of the dark and put me in the coffin. *whoops*
-- AliensRL 0.8.2 Post Mortem ----------------------------------------
Name : Ripley
Class : Technician
Rank : Private
Result : killed in action
Died on : Civilian Tower, level 1
Score : 3
Total experience : 2015
Experience left : 215
Game length : 2339 turns
Security keycards : 0
Military keys : 0
Sidearm : M4A4 tactical pistol (7/9)
Medpacks: 3
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : untrained
Light weapons : untrained
Heavy weapons : untrained
Technical : expert
Medicine : untrained
Fitness : untrained
Perception : untrained
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 82/400
5.56 ammo : 0/400
.44 ammo : 0/150
M309 ammo : 0/500
M250 ammo : 0/500
60mm gren. : 0/40
12g. shells : 0/200
napalm cartrid: 0/20
frag grenade : 2/3
inc grenade : 2/3
krak grenade : 2/3
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
3 * medpack
3 * multi-tool
-- Kills (3) ---------------------------------------------------------
2 juveniles
1 scavenger
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
juvenile slashes you.
You barely scratch the juvenile! The
juvenile slashes you.
Your weapon is empty!
Your weapon is empty!
You reload your weapon. The juvenile
slashes you.
You lightly hit the juvenile! The
juvenile slashes you.
You lightly hit the juvenile! The
juvenile dies.
Suicide? Too easy...
Suicide? Too easy...
The juvenile shreds you! You die.
Press < Enter >...
--- End code ---
Moonshine Fox:
Speaking of which: Can you close doors again? That would be infinitely helpful.
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Space :)
Moonshine Fox:
--- Quote from: Kornel Kisielewicz on January 09, 2017, 02:38 ---Space :)
--- End quote ---
Thanks! That's not mentioned in the manual though, is it? It says "action", I suppose that's something. I was trying the DoomRL variant of "C" :D
Nice to see this game getting some attention; I'd love to see some more development of it; I think it has a lot of potential.
And yeah, it's really important to heal in between battles in this game, since medpacks have much reduced effectiveness if you try to use them while an alien is slashing you. Maybe you could try playing as the medic next? I haven't played this in a long time, but I remember that character being the easiest.
...And now that I've said that, maybe I'll give this game another try myself. :)
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