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Screw Netflix

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If I'm gonna waste time simply watching stuff, this is the new series for me.

I'm even tempted to pick up D&D. Forsooth!

Malek Deneith:
Only took a quick glance but this looks like it might be a fun series to watch. The intro was brilliant.

--- Quote from: LuckyDee on February 20, 2017, 12:09 ---I'm even tempted to pick up D&D. Forsooth!

--- End quote ---
Might be hard to find a DM that lives up to what Matthew Mercer shows there, he's pretty good from what I heard :P


--- Quote from: Malek Deneith on February 25, 2017, 04:31 ---Might be hard to find a DM that lives up to what Matthew Mercer shows there, he's pretty good from what I heard :P

--- End quote ---

Dude's awesome. Both the text and the delivery are excellent. But it's mainly the group chemistry I'm talking about, and the fact that D&D appears to lend itself for this kind of play.

Malek Deneith:
You know, I had a fridge logic moment today at work and came to conclusion that part of the reason for that might be that D&D has this, hmmm, reputation for lack of a better work of a "less roleplaying" system, as opposed to the RP-heavy ones like, for example, anything by White Wolf. What I mean is look at the video you linked - the party there does roleplay their characters, obviously, but to me at least they approach it in a more light-hearted way. They focus on having fun first, "getting into character" second so to say. Which might lead to a different chemistry than other way around.

But maybe it's just me...

Well, like I said before, the main problem I have with D&D is that if you look up just about any thread on just about any forum on it, it's always "MY CHARACTER DEALS MORE DAMAGE THAN YOURS". Screw that. That's not what RPG is about. If I want that stuff, I turn to a computer. You have forgotten the faces of your fathers.

These guys are a great example of playing a proper story on one hand, and indeed, putting having fun on the top of the list on the other. Kudos. That's the stuff that gets me excited.


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