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Author Topic: [U|100%|AoMr|YAAM] Marksman Platinum + Heroic Gold (Actual video this time)  (Read 3240 times)


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Finally finished Marksman Platinum, after way too many attempts. I was screwing around playing a Marine, and... Bullet Dance is actually pretty damn powerful. The RNG was kind, giving me the GCB before Babel, and early on in hell a Combat Pistol, which I was later able to mod into an Energy Combat Pistol, so by the end of the game I was dual wielding two of the most powerful handguns in the game and putting out scary amounts of both Plasma and Bullet damage.

With this build, I actually went for SoG3 before starting SoB, even though it meant slowing down my mastery, because of lessons learned from ZicherCZ and confirmed via play experience afterwards. I also ended up maxing it by the end of the game, so between those two godlike pistols, SoG5, SoB2, and the extra shots per trigger pull from MBD, the Mastermind was never able to stop flinching. I had equipped a gothic armor I found to keep me safe from its attacks, but it never had a chance to make any. I had to cover to reload once, but was able to step back out and finish the fight safely, earning both the Mastermind's Brain, and finally the Grammaton Cleric Cross, my 24th unique medal, which also meant I finished up Heroic Gold.

This run was also streamed and appears to have been successfully recorded(still don't know what's going on with my Elite Platinum video), so as soon as it's processed, I'll make links available. I had to switch locations mid-run, as I was playing outside(really nice weather for this time of year here) but the glare from the sun was making it very difficult to see certain things(especially enemies tracked by the Tracking Map but not directly visible), so it'll be in two parts. Part 1 includes a few earlier attempts, and this run up to the Anomaly, and Part 2 is Deimos and Hell.

Edit: Looks like YouTube merged them, so it's all available in a single video here. Commentary, advice, or feedback of any kind on the run is welcome either here or in the video comments section.

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« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 15:08 by Sereg »
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Congatulations on the win! Some time earlier you said that you hate pistols - I hope you found some love for them :).

Good to see that you had no ammo trouble - two such powerful weapons combined with SoG5 can cause knockback more often than not, and this can easily lead the extra bullets from MBD to miss and go to waste.

One question though: How exactly did you expect Gothic Armor to help against Spidey? 6 protection is a fair enough reason, and with 300% durability it would last a while, but Spidey fires plasma, which cuts protection in half, and Gothic Armor has no resistance to plasma. Or perhaps you were not lucky with good armor finds (energy-shielded vest, for example)?
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Hmm, I had thought the Mastermind used a chaingun or something? That, at least, is what the sound and animation suggests, so I had always assumed it was bullet damage, but maybe she uses something closer to the shambler bolt?

In any case, that's still probably the most effective armor I had left, though in the future maybe I'll save a blue or something.

As far as pistols go - still not the biggest fan, but like anything else, they become very powerful(and fun!) with the right traits and mods/assemblies/uniques. I just don't think I'll ever go into a non-AoMr game with a pistol build in mind - I'd rather go with melee, shotguns, or rapidfire.

Ammo was a concern, but I always managed to find enough that it never graduated to the level of actual problem. Ammochains and Batteries helped, and later in the run I was carrying around a minigun I found to hold extra 10mm ammo, so I was able to keep enough on hand not to have a problem. I also didn't make the Energy Combat Pistol assembly until very late in the game, so I was using mostly 10mm and no cells for the vast majority of the run. If knockback was causing bullets to miss, I didn't notice, because things got to the edge of my sight radius, then got kicked back out of it either dead, or at least halfway there so they died on their next appearance. I believe someone once used the words "'delete everything' powerful" in a pistol mortem, and although they were using a MSs build, the words ring very true.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 16:39 by Sereg »
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Well, I think it's safe to say that Bullet Dance is pretty much everyone's least favourite pistol mastery, so it's pretty cool that you made it work for this run.  I look forward to checking out your video!  :)

Unfortunately, that will have to wait for a bit because I've been having computer troubles for the last few days and I can't even get it to turn on at the moment.  :|  I'll share my comments on the video when I can, though.

As for the Mastermind's weapon, I'm guessing that the Devteam gave it a plasma weapon to make it more challenging?  Personally, I think it would make more sense for it to have a weapon more like a shotgun, (maybe like the Jackhammer or even a rapid-fire double shotgun?)  That would be more like the weapon that the Mastermind uses in actual Doom.  (And I think if it made a shotgun sound, it would make it a lot more menacing, like a final boss should be)  but even if they don't change that, I think they should at least change the in-game description, because right now, it explicitly says that it doesn't use a plasma weapon and instead has a "super chaingun."
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