It's all pretty easy. A google search for "doomrl dos" gets you the DRL version, unzipping stuff into a folder isn't exactly rocket science, and MagicDosbox is about $4 and is pretty easy to use (as well as being one of the few playstore purchases that is definitely worth it. All the dos stuff that was annoying to play before is playable now). $4 for potentially 100's of hours of playtime is pretty good, since stuff like MoM, Civ, MoO, SC2000 all become playable with it (being able to rght-click or long-click are vital in these games).
I'm pretty sure all you need to do is "import" the file doomrl.mgc in MagicDosbox by clicking a plus button, and maybe change the directory to point to where you extracted DRL to. MagicDosbox has context sensitive pointy-clicky help for pretty much anything anyway.
Whatever. I know a few people have asked for DRL on mobile for a long time, so having to jump through a few hoops to get it going after all these years is to be expected. Someone would have to make a touchscreen interface even if they ported it from the source code anyway, so this might give people some ideas that it CAN be done in the screen size limitations of a phone. Even if this is the old version of DRL (no weapon switch button needed, but no up/down selectable equipment menus to save extra buttons either).
I'm just happy that I'm probably the only person in the world that can play DRL right now on their mobile in a pretty functional way. I might do up an overlay for Pyro II next, Dungeon Keeper, Stars!, or a proper one for Civ. Maybe the Eye of the Beholder series would be good to do as well.
Can anyone think of some other Dos era games that sorely need a keyboard shortcut or mouse click overlay to play properly? Even win 3.11 or 95 is possible, but usually just adding right-click is enough for most of them. I'm not going to bother to explain the extra hoops needed to jump through for that (even if it's still just unzipping stuff).
((attaching the Dos version of DRL here. Happy enough if a mod removes it. It's tiny (no sound version), but I'm not sure if it's allowed considering the current status of DRL))
((Huh. Chaosforge doesn't like the file :(. Maybe Kornel doesn't like hosting files for free :p. Just google search it.))