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Author Topic: DoomRL trainer  (Read 30750 times)


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2008, 14:20 »

And what is wrong about removing Challenges? Sometimes, I want it. Sometimes, I don't.

First, I'm a skilled gamer. Not a pro, but skilled, naturally, without needing to train all day. But I have flaw, I fail to beat people that trains enough and I have specific kinds of game where I have more success than others (as is the case with most people I assume).

DoomRL is one of those I don't. Honestly I like the challenge here and there sometimes. Other time however, this is not what I want. I am also the kind of person to be rapidly frustrated with gaming. I know this and I stop playing when it gets on my nerve, which generally happens when I really "can't" do something. In a FPS, I would try again and would succeed at some point. But no matter how hard I tried here, I never succeeded.

Which brings me to the reason I cheat. If I just don't want to bother with the challenge, if I just want to have fun and be 100% sure the game will not frustrate me, I cheat. I have fun, yes sometimes less than actually completing a tough challenge, but I still have fun. And thats all I care about.

All games should have cheat, even for multiplayer LAN games (but of course not for multiplayer/recorded match, scoring, online leaderboards, anything like that). And thats why I think this game should have them as well. There is no reason to not give out more options like this or if there is, let me know.


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2008, 08:18 »

This conversation was so titillating that I felt the need to create a user name here to add to it.  I think that cheaters should be allowed to play games.  I realize that the only way that some people get enjoyment out of video games is if they feel like they are all-powerful within the game.  Ultimately, though, it is up to the maker of the game to decide whether or not to allow legitimate cheats in the game (like a working IDDQD or IDKFA).  In DoomRL I would say allow these cheats and, to make spading more difficult, make it so that the moment these cheats are entered all unique items vanish from the game.  Allowing these cheats may also deter cheaters who make ridiculous scores on the proposed internet scoreboard because you could simply not include cheaters in the top scores...or you could give them their own scoreboard =D.  Then if they can simply type IDDQD to become invulnerable they may not go through all the trouble of making their own trainers.

Those are my two cents.



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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2008, 08:28 »

Uh, please, if there is any disadvantage to using cheat (removing unique items, for example), thats pointless, I'll just go and get a trainer then. That ruins the point.

Of course I wouldn't want my score to be registered then. But no disadvantage of that kind, thats ruining the point...


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2008, 09:14 »

My two cent:

The way I see it, jake250’s argument (1) could be made for infinite reloading of save files too. After all it is an option and it would be up to the player do decide to use it or not. But being a weak willed person that I am I know for a fact that I will just never ever again be able to play the game in its full glory :(. I think the same applies to cheats mode that is easily activated.

Bottom-line, for me, is I’m glad DooMRL is cheat-free :)

(1) Cheating is an option: if you don’t want it, don’t use it (as I understand).
I want my games for entertainment and escapism, not ethics education, thank you very much.


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2008, 11:30 »

Uh, please, if there is any disadvantage to using cheat (removing unique items, for example), thats pointless, I'll just go and get a trainer then. That ruins the point.

Of course I wouldn't want my score to be registered then. But no disadvantage of that kind, thats ruining the point...

So...the point is to effortlessly discover every hidden detail of the game?  I mean, if you're invulnerable why does it matter if you use a unique weapon?  And if that's all you're interested in, why don't you just dig up some sort of spoiler or a list of weapons?  You could satisfy yourself by reading walkthroughs rather than playing games.  Perhaps reading a book would better suit you...or would an antagonist/protagonist conflict be too much for you?

Ooh, I have a great idea.  How about cheaters get a special weapon that kills all monsters in a level with one push of a button.  That'd remove all the hassle of actually playing the game.


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2008, 13:01 »

Bother reading my post before. You don't get it, I won't write another resume just for you. As tisiphone said, cheating should be an option, and I honestly do not care if you can't understand the reasons I want cheats, but I already wrote all that in my previous post. While it would be a good thing for me and those who like to cheat, I don't see any bad side effect for those who don't want to cheat.


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2008, 13:38 »

Some words about my trainer: it is not a generic one, it has to be adapted for every new released DoomRL version.
If Kornel starts a ladder system, league or whatever, the trainer will go private.


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Re: DoomRL trainer
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2008, 21:24 »

jake - I'm glad you don't care whether or not I understand your need to cheat; you shouldn't care about what some jerk on the internet thinks of you.  I was just trying to prove a point.  You said that you want to cheat because you want to play the game but not have a challenge, and I am saying that you can still do that with no unique items, so what does it matter to you whether or not you get them?  I think that removing them from games in which the player is cheating would give said player an incentive to play the game the way Kornel meant for it to be played.  He probably feels the same way about cheating in his game as Da Vinci would have felt if someone had gazed upon his Mona Lisa wearing 3-D glasses.

I do have to say though that I feel your pain.  I'm horrible at DoomRL and I can't beat the game for the life of me.  But I guess where we differ is that I don't need to complete the game to enjoy my time playing it...which is why I will now digress.  You're right; I don't understand why anyone would want to cheat at the game but I do still think that cheating should incur certain consequences.
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