And what is wrong about removing Challenges? Sometimes, I want it. Sometimes, I don't.
First, I'm a skilled gamer. Not a pro, but skilled, naturally, without needing to train all day. But I have flaw, I fail to beat people that trains enough and I have specific kinds of game where I have more success than others (as is the case with most people I assume).
DoomRL is one of those I don't. Honestly I like the challenge here and there sometimes. Other time however, this is not what I want. I am also the kind of person to be rapidly frustrated with gaming. I know this and I stop playing when it gets on my nerve, which generally happens when I really "can't" do something. In a FPS, I would try again and would succeed at some point. But no matter how hard I tried here, I never succeeded.
Which brings me to the reason I cheat. If I just don't want to bother with the challenge, if I just want to have fun and be 100% sure the game will not frustrate me, I cheat. I have fun, yes sometimes less than actually completing a tough challenge, but I still have fun. And thats all I care about.
All games should have cheat, even for multiplayer LAN games (but of course not for multiplayer/recorded match, scoring, online leaderboards, anything like that). And thats why I think this game should have them as well. There is no reason to not give out more options like this or if there is, let me know.