Other Roguelikes > AliensRL
First Victory- anywhere!
First off, I'd like to say that I've been playing RL games for quite a while, and have been lurking around here since I first found out about DoomRL. I've become a fan of Mr. Kisielewicz's games, especially Doom, Berzerk!, and now Aliens.
That being said, AliensRL is the first game of this sort I have completed, ever!
--- Code: ----- AliensRL (DAY 7++) Post Mortem ------------------------------------
Name : Drox
Class : Scout
Rank : Veteran
Result : Killed the alien Queen and escaped
Total Experience : 12980
Experience left : 360
Game length : 206162 truns
Armor : Gyro-stabilizer [0]
Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (12/12)
Primary : M41-A pulse rifle (60/60)
Heavy : M56 smartgun (50/50)
Medpacks: 0
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
########## ###########
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : expert
Light weapons : advanced
Heavy weapons : basic
Technical : basic
Medical : advanced
Fitness : advanced
Perception : basic
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 132/400
.44 ammo : 84/150
M309 ammo : 110/500
M250 ammo : 30/500
60mm gren. : 40/40
12g. shells : 200/200
frag grenade : 5/5
inc grenade : 0/5
krak grenade : 3/5
-- Kills (836) -------------------------------------------------------
306 juveniles
22 workers
179 warriors
236 hunters
92 elites
1 queen
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
activate... You close the door.
You enter the corridor. Entering
Engineering Tower, level 1... The
warrior shreds you!
You enter the corridor. Entering
Main Tower, level 1...
Choose direction to open/close or
activate... You close the door.
You enter the corridor. Entering
Civilian Tower, level 1...
--- End code ---
Let's see... I started out with no real strategy, used the M43A and combat shotty with Advanced Sidearms for about the first half of the ascent, until I ran out of 9mm and luckily found a Colt. The run was rather uneventful, I almost starved out of ammo on level 5, however. I couldn't find that darn elevator up!
The RNG seemed to tease me on this playthrough. Tons of .44 ammo, until I started using a Colt, then no more. I found about 5 smartguns (the earliest of which was on Storage or Military 4) before I saw the matching outfit on level 7, just before the top. All of my early xp went into getting Expert Sidearms, then Basic Medical and Light Weapons after that. I got Heavy just before fighting the Queen, and most of the rest were almost randomly chosen on the way down.
Speaking of which, I notice that the aliens seemed to spawn a lot more frequently, and near my position, on the descent. Which is fine, but unlike usual, there wasn't a message alerting me to this occurrance. Bug or feature? Not noticing being hit by Elites and Hunters suddenly getting 1-3 free shots is the reason why I escaped with 0 medkits. There was a scary moment where one such Hunter left me with 0hp on level 2! That is when I used my last medkit, only a minute or perhaps two before I won.
Speaking of speaking of which, there was a rather startling scene I was greeted with when leaving from Engineering to Main on level 4. On the way down and frantically searching for an elevator, I moved into the new corridor and saw enough aliens to completely block off the way ahead for a good five or six spaces. Like the buggers were waiting for me! I turned back. :)
To cap it off, thanks to Kornel for making such entertaining/addictive games, even one that I can win!
Kornel Kisielewicz:
The descent uses separate spawning mechanism.
Good job and congratulations!
Thank you :).
Ah, I forgot that I had another question: what exactly is that graphic in the mortem labeled Graveyard supposed to be?
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Ummmm :PPP
Prompt AND informative!
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