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Author Topic: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?  (Read 18316 times)

Omega Tyrant

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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2018, 12:20 »

Barons destroying the berserk packs are the biggest issue for me, which is why I aim to pursue and kill them outside the center building, instead of trying to camp there for them. I avoid the Arena Master blowing them up by using the strategy I mentioned to deal with him.

To pick up the Chainsaw with a full inventory, if your hands are empty, you can hit the use button over it and that will pick it up. You can also do that to pick up any weapon, armor, and boots from the ground and equip them instantly without them going into your inventory, as long as the corresponding equip slot for them is empty.

By camping in the central area waiting for the Arena Master as I described, you'll be able to avoid Formers getting in there when you need to get to a Berserk, while also limiting the amount of distance you need to go to run away from him (which reduces damage and decreases the chance of him blowing up the Berserk as you get to it).
« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 12:22 by Omega Tyrant »
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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2018, 20:48 »

If not for the wiki, schematic drops would be the only way to ever discover the majority of assemblies.  Brute force testing would take years.  So please bear in mind the intention behind the mechanic before berating the creator of the mechanic.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2018, 20:58 »

If not for the wiki, schematic drops would be the only way to ever discover the majority of assemblies.  Brute force testing would take years.  So please bear in mind the intention behind the mechanic before berating the creator of the mechanic.

Agreed - it's a serious design issue for a (game) system to rely on externally managed information. A new game with no player base (or wiki) would be screwed without a paper and pen. Although I never really considered the schematic system a problem, maybe assembly information should just be provided up front, in-game.
Hell Knight 1st Lt. (.997)

Omega Tyrant

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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2018, 08:40 »

Schematic drops are annoying after the first few times when you have access to the wiki, but I do appreciate that they count as "finding" assemblies towards the Technician badges (thus saving me the trouble of having to make some of the useless or heavily luck-based assemblies), and I'm in agreement that a game shouldn't essentially require players to look up external information to figure out things that are essential to the game. Schematics also aren't even the worst drop you can get in Hell's Armory/Deimos Lab; firestorm mods are counterproductive, if not useless, most of the time, and Cybernetic Armor is just a "fuck you" unless you're playing a Technician and are lucky enough to get a nano and/or an onyx mod, and unlike Schematics, you can't ever stop them from spawning.
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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2018, 19:01 »

Agreed - it's a serious design issue for a (game) system to rely on externally managed information. A new game with no player base (or wiki) would be screwed without a paper and pen. Although I never really considered the schematic system a problem, maybe assembly information should just be provided up front, in-game.

Hmm, this isn't actually what I meant at all. My point was that the game isn't meant to rely on, as you put it, externally managed information. Those schematics ARE the way players are supposed to discover the assemblies. They are a well designed component of the game. I was admonishing muxecoid about his comments deriding the schematic reward system as "idiotic" - I think he is missing the point. I don't believe there is any design issue here.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2018, 19:20 »

Hmm, this isn't actually what I meant at all. My point was that the game isn't meant to rely on, as you put it, externally managed information. Those schematics ARE the way players are supposed to discover the assemblies. They are a well designed component of the game. I was admonishing muxecoid about his comments deriding the schematic reward system as "idiotic" - I think he is missing the point. I don't believe there is any design issue here.

I meant that suggestion of just offloading knowledge to the wiki was the serious design issue. Like I said, I never considered the schematic system a problem either.
Hell Knight 1st Lt. (.997)


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Re: Progressing on UV Arch Ao Lt. How do I improve?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2018, 06:32 »

Ah,  then I simply misunderstood your point.  It appears we are on the same page after all ;)
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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