I love Sharpshooters. It's definitely my favourite master trait. Although the difficulty spike I found particularly in the pistol build notching up into N! was pretty huge. Corpse disposal was naturally the biggest part of this - early floors were definitely tricky. Also, this following turned longer and more detailed than I thought it would at first, so I've put it in a spoiler.
Phobos 2 I spawned in a decent location, a smaller room with not too many immediate monsters, the corpses of which I could clear out with a fuel barrel I maneuvered into position. The RNG gods favoured me with a computer map (fuggyeah technicians) in the room, so I had the advantage of seeing the entire level. Of particular note were the two vaults that spawned, chockfull of cacodemons, a combat shotgun, two power mods, and misc armor. - which really worked to my advantage, especially in the EXP sense I found, since I descended at level 3 (SoG3 by this point of course), and easily hit level 4 while still in Hell's Arena. That combat+P was a huge find that early in the game, and once I get even one level of EE those pistol shots become much more reliable. There were also a number of small medpacks that I managed to loot from the formers/sergeants that picked them up. I would make sure I waited patiently for every one to move into my visual range before I would shoot, trying to ensure as many clean double-tap kills before they could burn off the medpack. If I managed to hit with the first shot, I would always use an aimed shot as my second. If I missed the first I would wait until they moved again before firing, even if I had to back up to avoid being shot at. It's terribly frustrating to miss out on those medpacks/phase devices because you missed, or accidentally thought to lure him back to a door or something instead. Most of the corpses here I managed to dispose of using small patches of water tiles, or by kiting/baiting to doorways. Most enemies I would kill once, then wait for a respawn, damage it to near death and lure it to the door. Hell's Arena was pretty straightforward and easy enough: waiting or blind-firing with a shotgun, then pistol brapping at the right rhythm to stack up some corpses.
Phobos 3 was awful; I spawned in between 2 hell knights and like 10 imps, in a big open room. Sacrificed a few small meds to keep my HP and running stamina going, got lucky with fuel barrel explosions which scattered the mobs, and managed to flee to a cluster of doorways, which I cleared with the combat shotgun, and it really came in handy with knockback stacking of corpses to follow. Plus at this point I had the rocket launcher for really troublesome corpses I would spare a rocket for.
Phobos 4 and 5 went much better, comparatively. Chained Court I descended into already 'zerking, so I just snatched the chainsaw, sacrificed an envirosuit that I found previously, charged out to the right and down and killed two barons pretty quickly and rocketed their corpses. Killed a few formers, and with the added power up length in N! I was able to run back up and kill a third baron similarly. By this point I had to kill the fourth baron by corner shooting from the outside top right of the entry room. Once they were dead, I medpack baited every last former etc. The Arena Master was the exact last enemy on the level, and as soon as I saw him I ran back into the room and grabbed one of the two remaining berserk packs and ran back and chainsawed his face off. I hit level 6 on this floor. I went through floor 6 and 7 in pretty much the same fashion, with the biggest danger being revenants I find, but as soon as I hit Sharpshooter and had reliable knockback with a high power pistol, things went much better. Exp level 8 when I hit the Anomaly, and invincible: I picked up what I needed, set my nuke off that I found in a vault in the previous level, and strode across the blasted wasteland.
Deimos was progressively easier, I found. Once I'm into Reloader, and maybe have a decent surplus of ammo chains, I can pistol snipe my way to a slow, methodical floor clear unless I get unlucky and wind up in some inescapable situation. Hell's armory was pretty easy, and here's where I found my firestorm mod, although nothing else of note, which I tossed onto the pistol I had prepped for it floors ago as soon as I hit Whizkid2 mid-way through clearing out The Wall. And boy oh boy did that really make things easier. My common tactic would be to chain knockback enemies and blow them into lava/acid/water, or into walls and corpse stack, or just demo-blast the wall. Around this stage in the game, it was more now a question of whether could I successfully kill everything without making some game-costing mistake or not. The City of Skulls I ground through with my tactical shotgun and a shell box I picked up and held onto for just this purpose, the agony elemental I spam blasted with a pistol, switching between equip as necessary. Halls of Carnage I only worried about specifically killing the lost souls and cacodemons, and let the lava worry about everything else. Cyberdemon I tanked through with fireproof red armor and envirosuit, and we simply exchanged fire until one of us died.
I found the blaster on Hell 1, and it always gives me a warm and excited feeling when I see a purple/green pistol has spawned. Although I never did find any more bulk mods to finish it with like I wanted. The Mortuary was the closest I came to dying since Phobos 3 (2% health at one point), and it was an awful slog to get through. I immediately moved to the top right to go for the nuclear BFG, and used all three skulls I picked up from the agony elemental in progressive succession as I moved (two hatred, one fire); once I got that, I would slog the other way, spam blasting bullets until corpses built up and/or my BFG was charged, upon which I would immediately blast into a group and gib as many corpses as possible. It was still really tough to output enough firepower to keep from taking damage though. A combat pistol would've helped so much here - could've triple power modded it likely. Definitely my game to lose by this point, since I had effectively infinite ammo between my blaster/nuclear BFG if I went slowly, and I had enough consumables to get through Carmack, who I basically shot at mostly with my blaster, dodging in between charging. That last level up I took Dodgemaster expressly for helping with those rockets.