I'm posting this design discussion in General, as I need as much feedback on this as possible. As you may now, we're trying to make Jupiter Hell as accessible as possible, but at the same time we're trying not to lose tactical depth and the choices involved. Usually I manage to find a reasonable compromise for that with the mechanics, but now I hit a problem.
I have a plan for a fairly complex damage calculation system, but I'm afraid it will not be very easily understandable to the casual players. We already decided that weapons in JH will have constant damage (for simplicity and tactics vs randomness sake), however we also want different weapons to interact differently with different enemies (resistances/armor). Apart from different weapons there will be also different ammo (think armor-piercing or hollow point) usable with the same weapon type that will have different characteristics.
The current (Alpha 0.0.3) system works as follows:
We have damage types (impact, slash, piercing - more to come like plasma, fire etc), beings have health and armor. Armor is a single number with a set of resistances. In general, impact is default (no modifiers) so just take the damage, substract the armor, and that is the amount of HP damage. Slash damage (used by shotguns, maybe we'll change it to shred instead) and piercing works the same, but doubles or halves the armor value respectively, so a 9 damage slash shot against a armor 2 enemy deals 9-2*2 = 5 damage. This is simple, although more complex than say XCOM, but it works.
However, this does not give me the design space I'd like, so I wanted to go forward with the "Damage 2.0" system:
- both armor and health has resistances
- by default, armor is *2 against slash, * 0.5 against piercing
- by default, hp for humans is *2 damage from slash, * 0.5 from piercing
- in contrast, hp for mechanical enemies is *0.5 damage from slash, *1 from piercing/impact
- a skeletal enemy could have hp at 0.25 from piercing/slash and *2 from impact
However, I have problems with - is it easily understandable? Is there a way to easily communicate the system to the player? This is not something that could land in a tutorial (it's too deep mechanics) and without tooltips it would be hard to convey this to the player - any idea how to list that information on the player screens? Finally, it might be confusing for casual RPG players, that by default from the get go you have different resistances for piercing/slash as the player.
I know that this system is pretty simple as far as deeper RPG's go, but I do see major benefits from having clear-cut mechanics like XCOM does...
Your feedback is needed!