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Author Topic: [U|Ao100|99%|YAVP] I can see you!  (Read 7049 times)


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[U|Ao100|99%|YAVP] I can see you!
« on: August 22, 2018, 04:56 »

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One word: Exhausted.

Three words: My "F" button hurts!

Many words: Well, not too big of a story, but still there is some.
First, playing AoMC inclined me to run with a Cateye build, but with pistols instead of rapid fire, well, unless I'd find me a worthy gun. It ended up pistols be more fun and more capable of protecting my humble body than any rapidfire could possibly be. 0.1s (0.09s?) per shot, up to 26 damage, and not even three MV packs on my head are enough to kill me, two can't even touch me as they get either pushed outwards, or killed in place. The bad thing though, is that I had to flee out of 2 levels that had nightmare 'trons, as these are known doomguy killers, and there are tons of them for a single weapon, no matter how great, to hold them at bay. Maybe a P-modded nanomanufacture combat pistol would be able to make me stand ground, but no nano packs in all hundred levels. Sadface.

The most spectacular moment was on level 100, which had 2 Cyberdemons staring down my barrel right off the start. I slammed a homie (I had 2, and a nuke, should there be an invulnerability), judged the layout and decided to stand ground. Should have reconsidered probably, as the level was teleporting stuff at my side every soo often. One of the teleported monsters blasted me from off my sight, ruining any cover, then cybies waltzed in, one got put down with my pistol, the other got a baron at his back, was hit by him and didn't expect that by all of what's his heart is made of. Ha ha.
Code: [Select]
Boom! You dodge! The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon dies.The most strange thing is that while I have an OP armor on my shoulders, I still have no onyx packs recorded in the statistics. The armor is frikking OP indeed, even if it's slow, it took heat off my head for sooo much, I might still qualify for an Iron Skull, should it be awardable in Ao100.

The most glorious battle was at level 99 (or 98), with a cave full of agony elementals. The only time nuclear BFG shined more than my pistol, as there was too many souls and elementals to be able to dwindle their numbers with pistol(s) alone. Good thing the BFG recharges 1 ammo per action, as this enables pistol builds to regenerate it the fastest.

The best decision was to build a demolition ammo conbat pistol. The firestorm pack was a singleton across all Hell, and small corpse removal utility was the very thing I needed to fight BBVV packs. The worst decision was to carry plasma rifles and ammo across half of Hell instead of plain relying on 10mm ammo up front. I was preparing to build a nanomanufacture laser rifle just in case, but otherwise everything non-pistol went obsolete after I've completed demolition ammo. It blows holes and they stay tiny, and barrels around don't care.

And probably I should not have taken any levels in Iro... but just in case.
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Re: [U|Ao100|99%|YAVP] I can see you!
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2018, 17:55 »

nice run - if you're using tiles, you can right mouse button to fire instead of F. its a lot easier and quicker and definitely helps if you're trying to speedrun


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Re: [U|Ao100|99%|YAVP] I can see you!
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2018, 22:07 »

No tiles, console only. (Well maybe I'll try tiles, but I really like the feeling when you move a turn at a time, and something might just jump on you if you don't control everything.)
Logged Cacodemon 2nd Lieutenant, wins 3|5|3|2|0, badges [22|17|7|1|0] badges [21|17|17|10|1|wow,1], quest: UV each challenge (9/16)


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Re: [U|Ao100|99%|YAVP] I can see you!
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2018, 23:55 »

Whoa! Nice run, congrats... I've never managed Ao100 - much respect for anyone who can make it through the grind!
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