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Author Topic: Working on a roguelike...  (Read 79512 times)


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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2019, 10:59 »

Oooh~ I am definitely giving it a whirl!
Edit: it seems the game starts to lag a small bit - not too seriously but noticeable - assume lighting is the culprit.
And i died due to having no weapons beyond starting and allll the tomb serpents in a row, with me missing one for like 7 times while he hit me every time.
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at least i can confirm that i indeed get something more useful than countless ingredients for nonexistant spellbookS:d
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 11:57 by mihey1993 »
Cyberdemon Br.General
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2019, 12:47 »

Lighting is actually less expensive than before, so I suspect it must be something else... I wonder if the slowdown is due to the new temporary effect checks. Do you mind posting your hardware specs?

Glad to hear the loot rework is having some effect - I suspect that death was just the wrath of the RNG, but let me know if it continues to be an issue.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 12:55 by Sereg »
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #77 on: March 14, 2019, 14:11 »

Well i felt that few met enemies spawned more than before but it may be rng's spite for me finding a decanter of the sanity juice:D
As for specs - i have i5 6500 with 3.2 GHz. Unless it is my processor being too weak, i literally have no other clue:D
and well, it dips a small bit, like a lag of rendering actually lighting as i press key, or getting quickly lagging if i move too quick with keys.
using win 10 btw.
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2019, 15:13 »

Hmm... if you're having performance issues on that, I probably just wrote some really inefficient code somewhere. If it only started recently, I have an idea where to start looking, but I should probably make a complete optimization pass on all the algorithms at some point.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #79 on: March 15, 2019, 08:21 »

As i am playing new version being happy with much more loot than before, i cant help but have a couple questions:
1) will at any point there be a way to break doors down instead of lockpicking them, or way for monsters to do so? or the broken doors are just for flavor?
2) does anything in game improve the magic spells damage?
Edit: i met six or seven fonts in this game:D and a troll locked room with broken chests only inside.
a small bug appeared - when i tried to pick up a thing, my oil gone out which didnt let me pick it up - with no message but your oil is gone out given.
another thought i had was that moderately wounded is much larger category than slightly wounded - or severely to that matter
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Magic missile (silver missile:P) for the win!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 09:12 by mihey1993 »
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #80 on: March 15, 2019, 09:44 »

1) Yes, technically doors can be broken via other methods - their transform tables allow modification from other sources than alteration. However, I've only implemented modification from alteration, so presently nothing else can actually do this. Broken doors are a flavor for now, then, but in theory, eventually monsters will exist who will be able to break down obstacles between themselves and the player, and the player should have new ways of affecting their environment.

2) Currently the only way to improve your damage is by evaluating enemy damage type strengths and weaknesses and selecting spells which are more effective against your particular target. Casting speed can be boosted, which is useful to some extent, but probably better would be raw damage increases or chances of saving reagents - It should certainly be possible to implement damage boosts with the current system, but reagent modification will be more difficult to do.

Hmm, 6 or 7 fonts in 13 floors might be a bit more common than I intended. I'll probably revise that rarity upward, but not as far as it was before. However, it could just be a very lucky RNG - certainly, a treasure room with only broken chests is extremely rare. Loot containers, when generated, have a small chance of reverting to a different type, and for everything in the room to manage that is rather incredible.

Light going out is an interruption, so it will stop an interruptible action like picking up an item. Currently, any interruption other than of studying a grimoire will only display the interrupt message, but nothing specific to the item or action. In the development version, I've just added new messages to make it more clear to the player that their interrupted action was not completed, so this should be fixed for the next release.

And yes, the masks are a bit poorly spaced on health - I'll look into rebalancing those as well, like I did for Sanity.

Congratulations on winning - I notice you have a couple of Grimoires which you could read well enough to cast some spells from, and quite alot of reagents... were you able to make use of any of them? I see you finished the game with the starting Grimoire, and I'm hoping that's only because of the overabundance of mercury you found on the run.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #81 on: March 15, 2019, 11:30 »

I indeed dabbled in using two of three grimours i had on me - atlantean i had barely unlocked second spell on next to last floor , and lemurian grimour i found only a floor before it, so mostly i played with harrapan one.
Magic dart seems fine,even though it costs a lot of reagents to fire - reagents that i normally used to make phlogiston before oil became a bit more abundant.
as for grimour, i didnt have necessary reagents for spell i needed from it, and the rest of what was opened to me didnt feel like using - while having a lot of fonts, i didnt have too many sanity things - and seeing viridian auras sure is a hit enough to get me on first time from lucid to strained.
Atlantean spell i assume helps with this but i didnt see the effect as i was lucid at the time. Sadly spell i wanted to try i never found reagent for - was going to see what exactly poisoned weapon do :3
edit: almost forgot! i swapped grimours frequently both to test the speed of this action(i assume haste does not affect those timings, does it?:P) and used them to keep my sanity on somewhat resistant. while talking of this also reminded me that no armors in game i wore so far gave me enough of the resistances to change the resistances on the list. only amulets/grimours. even if armors clearly work - the better they are the more often i shrug off weak enemies.
Double edit: I also must admit that added spell for starting alchemy book is massively speeding up dealing with undead. Also - i have tested that you may want less bright but still far reaching fuels more than bright ones so to use the "i dont see what is that thing so i do not fear" approach when throwing magic at them.
By the way, may i suggest not just skipping to "you died" screen? i d like to see what kills me and how sometimes:D
Also when you go downstairs and spooky monster is in the view you immediately suffer sanity damage - so being without reagents when phantasms start to appear may leave you usntable enough that travelling downstairs will just straight up kill you - especially if there are many enemies, like on last floor:D
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 11:37 by mihey1993 »
Cyberdemon Br.General
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #82 on: March 15, 2019, 12:02 »

Action speed does indeed affect equip and remove times - I believe those are based on attack speed, which implies the use of your hands, not move speed which affects use of legs or cast speed which affects speed of mind/speech.

Armors do not directly affect resistance stats - they behave differently than other gear slots, and their resistances are applied directly to the process of absorbing damage, while in general resistances are applied up front before the damage is dealt. It might seem a bit confusing, but think of the resistances you get from amulets and grimoires as sort of magical enhancements, while resistances on armor reflect the actual properties of that piece of armor.

Radius of a light source is actually directly related to its brightness, so there is currently no way in my lighting system to create a large light radius with a low brightness(although I could certainly override this, and it might be interesting to do for some lights...). However, burning things down from a distance, before you can directly see them, is definitely a valid strategy for managing sanity.

As far as going to the death screen immediately, I might be able to find a way to add an intermediate step that freezes the screen and displays a message, but the death screen does tell you what killed you, so I'm not entirely sure what the confusion is... still, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to capture the screen at death and write it to the mortem. I'll look into that for the next release.

As far as the danger of entering a new floor, that's certainly an intended part of the sanity mechanic - imagining already being in a mentally unstable state from the horrors you've seen, then descending a new level and being immediately faced with several more horrific enemies - the shock very easily could kill you, or leave you completely mad.

If you're frequently finding that such situations are occurring, I may need to slightly rebalance the sanity restoration rates, but at first glance I'd chalk that up to an unfortunate RNG. Bear in mind that some mitigation comes through repeated play - knowledge of languages persist between games, so the next time around you may find you have access to more spells for dealing with Insanity in the books you find.

Edit: By the way, I've got a spell power modification system implemented for the next release, so you should be able to optimize your equipment to create a stronger caster playstyle from now on.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 12:15 by Sereg »
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #83 on: March 15, 2019, 12:39 »

Thanks for all clarifications!
I didn't get in too bad of a shape in this build - mostly due to me having access to a lot more magic than before in form of the trusty alchemy book , so i didn't have to melee phantasms, and only met one in the game - but ye, rng currently plays a big role in what happens to my char:3
may confirm though, new system gives me a lot more chances to have weapons and armor not taken off the undead like happened once or twice before.
Edit: as for what kills me - if you die from sanity damage, you don't know WHAT affected you there in the end:D
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that is why you do not test spells that say they sacrifice x3
« Last Edit: March 16, 2019, 03:01 by mihey1993 »
Cyberdemon Br.General
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #84 on: March 16, 2019, 06:40 »

Haha that's awesome... I thought to myself while writing that spell... should I make something bad happen if the player stands in the area of effect? As you have discovered,  the answer to that question was: "Yes. Yes I should."

It looks like you had quite the run going, too... that's a lot of loot so early in the game o.O
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #85 on: March 16, 2019, 13:59 »

That is indeed!I must say, having amulet of haste is invaluable with slow weapons - and i lucked out on chests with red tinge a lot!
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #86 on: March 16, 2019, 14:11 »

Also, u kiiinda gave me an idea on how it is supposed to work now ;P
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #87 on: March 17, 2019, 15:06 »

A new thing happened - "you failed to learn anything new from it"
also first time seeing :"you are affected by smth"
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of note - created amulet, tested hammer out, tried out various spells and clothing:3
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 12:52 by mihey1993 »
Cyberdemon Br.General
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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #88 on: March 19, 2019, 08:19 »

It is possible not to learn anything new about a language from a grimoire - but annoying. I might remove that total failure chance.

Temporary effects are new, and inflicted by very few monsters and a couple spells, so it's a fairly rare message.

I am aware of a bug report that's generated by a non-fatal crash while trying to read lore for books whose language you haven't mastered - this has been corrected in the development version.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Working on a roguelike...
« Reply #89 on: March 19, 2019, 10:36 »

When can i expect to try the newest one?:3
Cyberdemon Br.General
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