Thanks a LOT for your thorough answers (I factorize for 3 threads :p)
About the tracker, just wanted to spread the idea (& show a working example).
Posting here is fine for me then.
I could post (more) pages of feedbacks and open troll-prone debates with the community... but think waiting&see may be a better approach. (think of points like the addition of powerups)
I answer back to most points, but am perfectly aware all this takes time, and am not in a hurry (waiting years doesn't bother me, really).
Oh, Shift-G ? Great !
Too bad it's not in the "Keyboard" infos. Please think of a simple readme file with undocumented features like this, the ctrl-mousewheel zoom in/out, or command line switches (only discovered --gl atm, but had to ask for it).
All those are extremely useful.... providing one is aware they exist.
About the action log, I meant a "messages" view, like we have with p (or is it ctrl-p) ? in DoomRL (and Angband, and probably ToME, etc.). On screen, I'd like only the last message in the upper left (which could be an option, in a .ini file if you don't want to burden the GUI)
Keeping the key pressed : just tried it again, but it doesn"t do what I need : I have to wait for the repeat to take effect, and even then, it is slower than repeatidly pressing the key. I wish I could just instantly reach the destination, skipping any animation.
Targeting beeing look mode sounds ok (maybe call it selection mode then ?). Adding the "view item/enemy/[ground] description" would definitely be a great addition. I agree we quickly "get familiar with" most things, but beeing noob-friendlier and allow quick checking of some details would be a big step for ergonomy.
Note we currently can't "target" when bare-handed.
Also, I wonder if there's a way of knowing the colour of an advanced armor atm, since I think they all look cyan.
About "more drops", I'll just insist that they are what creates the level's uniqueness and helps having it feel "filled"... but can understand it's one of a zillion priorities.
Glad to know the graphic aspects won't interfere here.
I'll stay tuned, of course. Both to your answers and new versions.
Keep up the good work. I paid for your passion, not for the delivery :)