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Author Topic: [0.9.0b|E|AoCo|Sc|YAVP] Okay, it was on Easy...  (Read 3455 times)


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[0.9.0b|E|AoCo|Sc|YAVP] Okay, it was on Easy...
« on: May 01, 2020, 07:09 »

...but I had a valid excuse!  I just wanted to unlock AoMr!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I started on this to unlock AoMr, and died on Io Lv1 the first time I made good headway.  I blamed it on waiting a tad too long on my laptop which had low frame rates, causing an unintentional death.  This run was started on a much older machine that was still running Windows 7, but had a much beefier GTX 1080 (a bit overkill, I know).

I was killing almost everything in Europa, starting with the autorifle before quickly switching over to the 7.62mm assault rifle.  An early power mod was immediately applied to it, and I stocked up on some rockets for my rocket launcher as part of plan B, which I nearly had to enact.  I found an early blue armour, and hung on to it for dear life until I found my first red armour, which I power-modded as well.

After reaching Io, I just started to stair dove as much as I could.  I only had 2 stacks of 7.62mm ammo at the beginning of Io, and by the time I reached the Gateway, I was down to less than one stack.  On hindsight, next time I will load up on 3 stacks of ammo instead -- this is something to think about for the future when I have the guts to try out AoLT.

My traits progression were centred around getting decent bang-for-the-buck for each firing cycle, and then prioritising survivability.  Ironically, my progression meant that I could take the ASSASSINATE master trait, but since I wasn't doing melee, I ended up going master-less.

Reaching the Summoner was harrowing.  As I said earlier, at the last level of Beyond before facing the Summoner, I found that I had zero 7.62mm rounds.  A lucky kill of some mobs before hitting the portal replenished my ammo up to almost a stack.  My P-modded red armour was down to like 20+% durability.  I made the switch to the blue armour at the starting island at the Gateway.

I started by walking carefully towards the Summoner, aim, and fire a couple of times at the Summoner ignoring everything else before the latter teleported off.  At that point, I would fire off a phase device, and somehow end up on the island where the Summoner was supposed to be.  Rinse and repeat.

That the phase device put me on the correct island of the Summoner is also a pleasant surprise -- was this an intended mechanic, or just something for Easy difficulty, or that I'm just plain lucky?  I'm just curious -- am definitely not going to question it!

Getting both the Icarus Ribbon and Untouchable Ribbon was a pleasant surprise.  That was definitely not what I had in mind.

I'm no Tormuse, and given the lack of time I have these days, I'll just take any win as a... win.  Even on wimpy-ass Easy.

On another note, now that I'm playing like a filthy casual, I think the modifiers like "Speedloader 1", "Point Blank 1" etc should have some way of referencing their properties in-game, probably as a discoverable thing.  Maybe not right now because these things are still in flux, but having a list of them with their in-game text like some kind of in-game encyclopaedia might be good to have.  I'm seeing this as a way of helping the casual player come back to it and remembering the glorious past.

While we are on that, will we ever have mortems auto-archived in-game on the high-score list so that past glories can be revisited?
I computed, therefore I was.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: [0.9.0b|E|AoCo|Sc|YAVP] Okay, it was on Easy...
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2020, 14:23 »

You were lucky with the CRI phase device :P. A "encyclopedia" is planned, but someone would need to write all those entries. Unlockable entries by those found actually sounds kinda nice.

Mortem archivisation as well as better score tables are planned!
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: [0.9.0b|E|AoCo|Sc|YAVP] Okay, it was on Easy...
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2020, 21:29 »

You were lucky with the CRI phase device :P.

Hahahaha I'll take it then!  =D

A "encyclopedia" is planned, but someone would need to write all those entries. Unlockable entries by those found actually sounds kinda nice.
Depends on your general plan, maybe the community can contribute to the flavour text if you want -- I can help with the final copywriting like before.  Glad to hear that the unlockable entries idea resonates with you.

Mortem archivisation as well as better score tables are planned!
Looking forward to it!

Just another sub-point -- the configuration.lua file for my gaming PC was for an older version, and soft-locked the game (couldn't go into settings to change things) -- I fixed the problem by removing the old configuration.lua file.  Maybe some ability to ignore + overwrite old configuration.lua files that cannot parse correctly is needed.
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Re: [0.9.0b|E|AoCo|Sc|YAVP] Okay, it was on Easy...
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2020, 23:08 »

Error handling is always a problem. I'd say the best approach will be making the game check every parameter in the configuration file at loading time, then if any parameter is missing/undefined, define it right there with default value and, if any such definitions happened, rewrite the configuration file. Sanity checks may be done at the same time. This will kill both hares with one stone (or pigeons?) - old configuration customizations will be preserved, and newly added parameters will not cause the game to misbehave.
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